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Always in a sweat.

rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I've been reading a lot of early 20th century female fiction writers. There are some amazing things out there. For instance, Gabrielle Tergit, whose weimar novel is like Dorothy Parker crossed with Louise Brooks. Excellent!

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I really don't get the Biden peeps. They bitch that Biden is getting negative coverage while Trump walks. To me, this is a sign that Biden, an incumbant, is running a suck campaign. But they don't really seem to see this, which makes the theme of apocalyptic Trump seem non-serious.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Sorry. You are right.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I think you ought to convey your message to the Biden people. Perhaps producing the worst candidate possible against Trump helps him more than lefties like me. Who knows.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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No surprise. Macron has practically laid down a red carpet for the extreme right. He's a Valeurs actuels guy. Those who don't want to see will remain blind to the end.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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The unspoken part of the speculation of what Trump would really do vis a vis Gaza is what the Saudis want him to do. MBS would surely love to see Gaza peeps go to the gas chambers, but he knows that 99 % of Sauds are against Israel. Tricky, tricky.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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A fine day for Biden to use his absolute immunity to order New York police to enforce stringent gun control laws. And to order Texas courts not to arrest anyone for having an abortion. And throw in the National Guard if Texans protest.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Actually, you don't read much. I told you why you have a fascist character type but why read me? So, don't reply to that. Pretend you are pounding on a desk like the stern D.A. If you just want to talk to yourself, this is pointless. Well, you be you, Nate O. This thread is at an end.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I don't believe that for a second. You have a very fascist character type. The cherrypicking, the gaslighting, the play prosecutor thing. In ten years, I'm thinking you'll be a big Nick Farage person. But I am not a believer in fate. You can change.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Too funn! I don't really know what a chat log is. But - oh yeah, you should investigate mine at SECRETTOPSECRETCHAT LOGS. I'm sure it is full of admiring references to Admiral Horthy.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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She is bankrupt due to stupid choices, and her anti-trans thing is nutty, but to run with court transcripts that are yellowed by a rather bizarre virtue warrior who makes an exception to pro-ableism to attack alcoholics is not good. Don't punch down, Atrios. Especially not for this lot.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Oh yeah, I'm a big man on the chat logs. Anyway, to continue this outside the narrow framework of craziness. I don't really care if you and your merry band of cultists call Nina a Nazi. I do care that Atrios, who usuall doesn't punch down, chose sides against Nina, who is bankrupt.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Turner, who rants against ableism and then haterolls a recovering alcoholic. It is all very ridiculous.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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So, you cherrypick what you want from the case. You do you. But I find this a pretty Lasrouchian setup. So why was Luke Turner's countersuit also dismissed, Nate, since we are asking questions.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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This is far from whataboutism, since I am not frie3nds with a Nazi. But thanks for the gaslighting. I friends with Nina, who is not a Nazi. As Luke Turner acknowledged, the allegation that Nina was involved writing an article supporting Hitlerian Disability policy (sic) was false. Period.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Since Trump has had this style since the Apprentice days, perhaps the Dems could have paid attention to it and advised their candidate accordingly. Or they could nominate Granpa Simpson and hope things turn out for the best.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Wait a minute, I forgot one: I would call a friend of a Nazi a member of the British ruling class, or a member of the family of the British monarch! Always forgetting how many members of the British leisure class loved Ribbentropp.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Who wrote stupid jokes to her stupid friend. I am not saying Nina hasn't gone to the right, and that she has been TERF-ish - but that she is a Nazi is just stupid overegging. TERF-ish, that is justified criticism. It is wrong. But I think that is wrong of the Labour Party. I don't think L is Nazi.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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A CIA agent, or maybe a rocket scientist. Or a peaceful citizen of Huntsville, Alabama. Of course, I'm talking about real Nazis here, not confections of some social media fantasy.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Mark Sweet's Operation Chaos has a fascinating chapter of what happened to these LaRouchites from the 1970s until now. Fringe political cults often contain the seeds of the politics of the future. Obviously we are living in a seedtime of these groups.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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And of course they come streaking in to attack me as a Nazi, or Nazi adjacent. Attack me means - expending the energy to type and post things on Bluesky. Its an old cult tactic, perfected before the internet by Lyndon LaRouche's followers. Old story:

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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That's a good one. I like this string of abuse. It is so, well, anti-Nazi! Why, you all are just fighting them on the, uh, streets. I think you should call Nazis pigs, too. That will make them all hide. What we need at the end of neoliberalism and the rise of fascism is such clevaer thinkers!

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I know and am friends with Nina Power, and I find it insane to put this turn on reading Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf is a text of huge historical importance and is of huge scholarly interest. This is like accusing Don Delillo of being a Nazi b.c of the character in White Noise.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Your argument is, Kamala Harris as president will be assassinated, and the Republicans will take over? That is really the argument?

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Not me. The point was made long ago by someone else. "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit"

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Reposted by rogergathmann

Thelonious08's avatar Thelonious08
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"Dem honchos" didn't choose Biden. Primary voters did.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I'm honestly astonished by this. I could as well say, Kim Il Jong was chosen by 99 percent of the voters in the election. In 2020, a year with a real primary, 298 thousand voted in the D. Primary. In 2024, 103,000. Even with no real opposition, Biden received 64 percent. Don't make voting a joke.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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He should use those powers immediately. By executive order, restore gun control in New York, declaring that, on his responsibility, anybody violating those rules can and must be arrested. This could be fun! Restoring abortion rights next.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I don't understand the logic behind believing that Trump will end democracy and believing that the best way to stop Trump is to nominate an 81 year old man who has long shown his age. I have to conclude that the Dem honchos don't believe that Trump will end democracy.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Man, yes! Everybody can, still, count - that is, until public education is totally dissolved by some supreme court ruling. Biden should not have been going into this at all. But DC is its own world.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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A reminder to all English speakers that is the best place to go for news about French politics. Edited by Edwy Plenel, who made a nice film The New Guard Dogs, about the incestuous relation btw. politicians and big media.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Unless, perhaps, you reached deep into your ultra right Catholic heart and thought, well, at least I'll destroy the Left, like I vowed to at 12.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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True everywhere. The advent of fascism in France is very scary to me as a dual citizen of France and the U.S. But I also know French history, and what the right was like under Giscard d'estaing, and think fascism has a long way to go to be as bad as that.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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It is so funny to see Centrist discover that Biden is 81. I can't wait until they discover that police mostly don't solve crimes, that the "intervention" in Libya was pointless and cruel, and that deregulating the markets makes the markets worse. Well, who am I kidding. Centrists just won't.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Why? Kamala is young enough to run circles around Trump. She is only a few points weaker than Biden in the polls. But the scenario should be, Biden resigns the presidency, Kamala H. becomes prez, balloons at the convention.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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The OAS is known as the group that tried to assassinate De Gaulle and that set off a number of bombs in Paris in the early 1960s - an exercise in "dissent" frowned upon when it is done by Islamcists. Yet the head of the RN, Marine Le Pen, has penned op eds for the NYT.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Victor Barthélémy, another founder, formed the LWF, a group of armed volunteers to help the Nazis on the Eastern Front. André Dufraisse, another founder, also fought with the Nazis. This is to say nothing of the OAS, a terrorist far right group.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Among the orignal founders of the Front National, currently going around under a ridiculous moniker, Rassemblement national, was Pierre Bousquet. In 1945, as a Rottenfuehrer for the French Waffen SS, he fought for the Nazis in Berlin.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I've been expecting the fascists to win. The left took 28 percent, after a press campaign against them for "antisemitism" (that the press never had one headline about the RN's roots in the SS Charlemagne criminals shows what the press is about). Macron's role: to ushe in the heirs of Le Pen.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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In my fantasyland, Biden would resign as president and Harris would run as incumbant. But I think Biden, who only apparently consults people even older than him on whether he is too old, is going to stick to the Dem party like old chewing gum under the seat of a second grader. So its a loss.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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Nobody outside NJ ever gave a shit about Chris Christie. But I hand it to him - unlike the fancypants gov. of Florida, he did not spent about a million bucks for ever vote he got in the primaries.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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How could Kamala Harris do worse? If the Ds are going to lose, lose in a good way, with materials to rebuild. Biden is, I think, going to weigh on races downticket. This is not good.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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The governing class for this century has been terrifyingly bad almost everywhere. War, depression, plague and fascism has followed at its heels. Yet it admires itself very much. And you can't scratch that admiration. A pity, really.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I've read about her popularity as Sec. of State and would like to know: what was popular? Libya? or, uh, Libya? Selling a lotta weapons to Saudi Arabia? I can name, alas, what Kissinger did. I wonder what a poll would show of how many Clinton "achievements" are remembered.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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The premise is Trump or Biden are going not going to deal with spillovers from the mass murder in Gaza seems a big assumption. If Saudi Arabia says jump about Israel, you think Trump won't jump? So far the dictators in the ME are riding this out. This could change.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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We know - both candidates are down with mass murder and hate Palestinians. So the Middle East is gonna have to make whoever the American president is consider the consequences of abetting Israel's policy of mass murder. There's no candidate against the mass murder, period.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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I'd like to see him resign and make Harris prez before the nomination. This I imagine won't happen, as the dems go down to defeat. So, second wish is that money flows to the house and senate candidates. We will need a Dem Congress against Trump and the ultra-right supreme court.

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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With a young, healthy candidate, the issue would be Trump's mental capability. But it isn't.How long to November?

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rogergathmann's avatar rogergathmann
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The decline was among Dems. Biden has astonishingly low marks among general voters about his mental fitness. That is about the worst issue to go into the general you can have. It can't be wished away.

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