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The calls for Biden to withdraw came after the debate. The only consistent position for those doing so is that the debate revealed new information on how bad he is. So Stancil's position from 2020 is irrelevant - however bad 2020 Biden was it didn't prevent him winning, or governing after.

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If someone tells you the wedding venue sucks & you should change it at the time you're picking the venue, they're expressing an opinion. If they tell you that two weeks before the wedding they're sabotaging the wedding.

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Ah, the dementia probably explains her suddenly supporting Farage after being a lifelong Labour voter. Tragic.

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Of course none of that takes away Biden's contribution to the institutions failing to hold Trump accountable in the first place, from Merrick Garland's appointment to who knows what could have gone differently in Congress, and maybe that was your point to start with.

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Which I think might be factually true? Even if they did the court expansion & impeachments necessary to correct SCOTUS I'm not sure it would impact the fact all of Trump's trials now extend past November. Impeaching Cannon maybe?

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Not that I disagree with the larger point that "it's up to the voters" isn't enough - you're right there are institutions who are failing at their jobs when they rely on that. Not sure this was that tho - seems more like "the institutions have failed to hold Trump accountable, only the vote remains"

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Nobody's telling you to *just* vote. It's the bare minimum but if you want to do more you can. And should.

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"For once I'm going to actually try not to tweet much on vacation. Hope to see everyone in 8 days or so and maybe everyone will have figured it all out by then." (June 28th) LOL

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I don't think Yglesias is THAT contrarian but I'll look

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Maybe I really shouldn't quibble tho bc it's making me look like I'm arguing people are mercenary when I actually believe the opposite. I agree, there *is* a difference between believing in "the common good" and "my personal good", and I also agree the people you are talking about did the former.

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But doesn't it deserve your respect because it serves the common good, & isn't that another way of phrasing "the group's interest"? Maybe I'm quibbling. I guess what I mean is that it must be easier to believe in a common good the closer it happens to align with the good of narrower groups you're in

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And when I said "they had to pick between accepting & rejecting the institution & republicans today are the latter" I didn't mean everybody picked the latter - I mean that 2024 republican party specifically has coalesced into the party of those who did & their ideological descendants.

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I was suggesting that as a cause for the shift, not an indictment of the pre-shift motives.

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Okay, I don't think we disagree then actually! When I said those people respected the institutions because they served them I didn't mean it was a *false* respect. I mean, on some level isn't it the only reason to ever respect an institution, if you extend "you" to the group it's meant to serve?

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(Again, echoes of creationist "scientists" who talk, to the extent they can, like they're doing science, probably in many cases believe on some level that what they're doing is science, but they're not and can't be because their motives are fundamentally incompatible with scientific inquiry)

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But did they not think the judiciary was liberal because of the outcomes of Brown vs Board of Education, Roe vs Wade and such? I think it's more than being an insurgency, it's that their very conclusions-driven motives required different rules than the judiciary, whether they saw that or not.

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I also see parallels to science denial, where science coming to certain conclusions forces some to pick between core beliefs/interests & science itself, and some like creationists or lobbies try to inject themselves into the process of science itself & twist it. None with the wild success of FedSoc.

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Fair enough! Do you have more specific thoughts on that? Like, it was a shower thought but I think it tracks well with the Federalist Society's whole project and surely they've played a major role in the evolution of the judiciary and SCOTUS to what it is now.

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I so, so strongly reminded of something I read or heard recently - a Behind the Bastards episode maybe? about how a conservative judiciary played a huge role in the downfall of the Weimar Republic.

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One could theorize that they respected the institutions because they thought they served them, and as said institutions started liberalizing on race and gender they gradually had to pick between accepting that or rejecting the institutions - and 2024's republican party is defined by the latter.

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Yeah "I deeply respect our institutions" *could* mean "and that's why we can't let Roberts continue to set them on fire wholesale". It's probably not what it means because it never seems to be but tbh it SHOULD be what that means.

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Here it's true there won't be official external enforcement, although we don't know her social circle she might have some there, so it's likely internal motivation ("I'll be dishonored by my lights"). It's also signalling the norm for others - "if you do otherwise I label that 'dishonorable'".

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Honor is a common human concept that there is no reason to cede to the right-wing. Klingons have honor but so does Robin Hood. It means holding to higher principles than what's immediately expedient. These principles can be socially or internally enforced (usually both in combination)

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(Ensemble = Macron, when you said "both parties" I assumed you meant "Ensemble & NFP" although NFP is actually several parties & they announced separately, so maybe you actually meant something else)

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Yes, LFI is one of the members of the NFP that clearly pledged to desist when necessary to prevent RN winning - I don't remember it from last night but saw reference to Melenchon saying so. It's Ensemble that had some ambiguous "desist... Unless it benefits LFI, then depends" messages

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Where did you read that? I saw very clear & early messages from the parties in NFP and more ambiguous & varied messages from Ensemble that included "depends if LFI". That may have changed since last night but even if so it wasn't "immediately".

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They usually do, actually. Or at least, I'm not sure they *need* one but given how often they *have* them it looks like they often *think* they need it. They can manufacture one to be sure but how much work it is for them probably matters at the margin.

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You know I actually hadn't read the context of your tweet, I mostly reacted to the "that's where Dems not having billionnaire donors hurts us" bit which looked like a desire to get such donors. Sorry about that, huge mistake on this kind of platform :) having seen the context I totally agree

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It's probably true that in the country you have there is benefit to weighing on what progressive billionnaires there are but I think the actual issue is that "billionnaire" isn't a nonpartisan category. The problem is the inequality that allows ppl with money to buy a political party to begin with.

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(and if the issue is Biden's health it's true that "the individual" becomes Kamala Harris which we know less about but short of that and even accounting for that I'd argue a lot of the above still holds insofar as it's as much the result of Biden's hiring choices as the man himself)

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... that bad! Except on Gaza, there he absolutely is that bad & the only issue is Trump is worse. But on most other things he's been an above-replacement-Democrat-level individual for enacting progressive ideals. Maybe not *as* above-replacement as the occasion demands but still above-replacement.

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I mean, in this case it's really about the other person and the ideals we trust they absolutely will get around to implementing isn't it The sickening thing is, I just commented this on Macron - in 2022 I had no doubt he'd make things worse, but he was still better than Le Pen. Biden isn't even...

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Hell yeah, love it when people share references. I wonder if we're the same age or if electing dead guys is actually super-rare so that's the only instance to refer to (it probably is tbh but if you'd asked me at 16 I'd have said it sounded like y'all had the process down to a routine)

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My first US election I followed featured electing a guy who was literally dead. People were voting for his wife instead I think? It was all very inspiring. (the presidential side worked out less inspiring although even then I couldn't have guessed how bad and how far the consequences would echo)

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You're not fucked up, it obviously is. J6 was an abortive, halfhearted attempt at a coup. Like a mild cold your immune system evacuates. The supreme court declaring it's fine paves the way for a successful future coup, like getting full-blown AIDS. You're not dead yet but that cold now WILL get you.

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It's not facts tho. You have no idea whether your current vehicle can win or not, nor do you have any idea whether switching vehicles mid-race can result in a vehicle that can win (as opposed to the switching costs being so high as to nullify any advantage a different vehicle otherwise would have)

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I mean, idk who has rosebushes growing in their bedroom to begin with so that was a hint already (I guess tbf u could say a human artist could do that but as "mistakes" go it has AI vibe. Like it looks normal at first before it clicks; a human artist would know what they're drawing & commit to it)

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On est sur l'autoroute depuis longtemps, c'était évident pour moi que Macron nous passait sur la voie rapide mais ça valait quand même mieux que de prendre la sortie RN direct. Même là il m'a étonnée j'avoue; en 2022 j'aurais dit "c'est déjà 5ans de+ de grapillés avant le RN au pouvoir"... même pas!

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Apparently that guy can't either, based on that screenshot at least. Imagine saying that & then *not* immediately naming the best candidate in question. It's only 4 months out dude, it's good that we've got an obvious best candidate to replace Biden but there's no time to be coy re: their identity!

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But where are the placards

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The sadder the marsh the better the reading material tbh, I'd read every line.

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If you observe the "enforced limit" then adding an enforcement mechanism or changing the enforced limit shouldn't be an issue for you at all.

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Who *wouldn't* have moments like Biden, right???

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One side beats up gay people, the other beats up bus stops. You can't ask them to choose!

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Seems amazing, definitely checking that out if I ever live there again:

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Dunno if "Japan has festivals for everything all the time" is enough "more familiar with the national culture" to make sense of it

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Now see what the "centrists" do.

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Don't forget this conversation started with arguments around ushering fascism & how centrists were doing that. Nobody here is neutral; everyone is at least acting like they start from the position "right-wing fascism is bad", & nobody has argued a Trump win *isn't* closer to that than a Biden one.

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I think they actually show that in the movie no? Like, there is this one guy they keep asking "ok can the lunar module do this" & he keeps going "no! IDK! It's not designed for this!" then they do it anyway bc no choice & at the end he's like "the lunar module rocks I knew it the whole time"

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In French they're literally the same word, which made reading LOTR confusing for a little while.

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