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Well, we can judge their grasp of history by second amendment jurisprudence in Bruen et seq. ...

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"Bully pulpit" was coined by that *other* President Roosevelt, from a few decades previous. But otherwise... yeah. Sigh...

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Trial, shmial. Drafting Alito and Thomas into the military and confining them to barracks are both official acts.

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Yes. That's SCOTUS-ball.

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So will AOC.

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Especially since "black jobs" went viral on twitter in a way I'm not sure anything else from the debate itself did.

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Also, I've seen reports that the pardon for sodomy charges doesn't cover vaguer "immoral behavior" dismissals which were at least as common.

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His record on Build Back Better is... ambiguous at best. (He tanked the original bill; he eventually voted for a different bill with some of the same provisions, but not social programs which he personally opposed - so he personally killed childcare subsidies, etc., which Biden had staked a lot on.)

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Perhaps not, but I'm not sure Tom Nichols is one of those. (He describes his politics himself as "never-Trump conservative".)

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*Hillary Clinton* is seen by some as a radical leftist. She recently endorsed the moderate Dem challenger to progressive incumbent Jamaal Bowman, and the challenger won (with heavy financial support from Republicans(!)), but I don't think the people who were calling her a commie will care much.

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Also Romney's "gaffe" about Russia being a major geopolitical foe. Not enough to make me regret voting against him, but that remark in particular looks a whole lot better now than it did at the time.

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I got something like half a dozen debate poll texts today from at least two different sources. Either there's some fundraising scam going around, or things are at risk of getting weird.

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Haven't posted much on the debate, but someone's desperate for my opinion - I've gotten a half dozen push polls on it today in spam texts. Either there's some kind of really unusual fundraising scam going around, or a real chance things are about to get seriously weird

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People have been trying this kind of thing for years. The new trend: non-people.

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You'd certainly need new procedure to get the issues back before the court - direct requests from Congress to consider a case, or something crazier, like sua sponte reconsideration of cases by the court itself. Which would thoroughly trash stare decisis - if Roberts hadn't done that already.

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*Several* world class horrible package management solutions. It sometimes seems every techie who gets ticked off by the situation winds up writing another one from scratch, with a different set of bugs and misfeatures.

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FWIW, "illiberal democracy" is how Orban describes his own regime. And while, from the US, he sure doesn't look liberal, Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore did get a whole lot of people to think of him as a liberal autocrat. (I've had some very weird conversations with people wwho liked that regime.)

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Same dude who gave the cops a retroactive raise, paying them more for time already worked. I didn't know that was possible.

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The city'd comptroller, Brad Lander, thinks it isn't. He's already announced he'll sue; he's just waiting to see wjat the MTA board does this week before filing.

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So, ummm... if payment to government officials after the fact is now legal, has the Supreme Court just explicitly legalized kickbacks?

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9/10, the exception being the non-obvious snapshot from theater which had a weird, artificial air to it for different reasons.

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It's like any other interaction with an LLM - what you get is the model's best guess at what a plausible answer would look like, with no checks that it's actually true. More a smooshed average of human explanations for similar behavior than any real self knowledge.

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In part it depends on what camera -- some of them do a *lot* of reprocessing without telling the user, which can sometimes have really odd results. (iPhone cameras are getting particularly notorious for this, but straight-up digital devices may not be exempt.)

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I believe the thoroughly capitalist version of this is the Chromebook. It seems to work for a lot of people...

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GEICO is reported to be punting policies for the Cybertruck already. (No new ones; existing ones won't be renewed.)

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Not quite sure that "Taxman" and "Paperback Writer" fit.

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That didn't help Tesla much. (And SpaceX didn't take NASA money for Falcon 1, which was ultimately a viable smallsat launcher. They did take NASA money for Falcon 9v1, but its development costs were about $300 million, which Elon *might* have been able to scrounge from other sources if he had to.)

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FWIW, Charli XCX's new album debuted this week at #2 on the British albums chart, and #3 in the US. Not my thing, but she's clearly not done yet...

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[for the peanut gallery: NY Governor Hochul has been endlessly solicitous of the views of her constituents from New Jersey and Connecticut. I thought they couldn't vote for her. Who knew?]

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Oddly reminiscent of Vladimir Rezun's accounts of serving in the late Soviet army in its waning decades (published pseudonymously as "Viktor Suvorov"), particularly the emphasis on doing ugly stuff on the ground to generate good-looking paper reports. Not a pretty picture.

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Nor are slide rules. There are manners of *using* a slide rule that are forms of computation, but someone needs to actually *do* something about them; failing that, the slide rule just sits there. (And the cards were the *main memory* of the CPC, not just, as you seemed to believe, an I/O medium.)

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You may have just unwittingly made the case for an education more thoroughly grounded in the history of the field:

(IBM had shipped hundreds of these when the number of "real computers" on the planet was in the dozens at most.)

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Hmmm... when I search "Chomsky" right now on the most recent result is a story on the stroke from a week ago.

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"But we made a gay guy Secretary of Transportation! Now that's not *enough*? You also want him to have *relevant background*? To be doing something *useful* in the job? This is why you're impossible to deal with. Ungrateful wretches, begone!"

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From the W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University. One suspects Du Bois would have a word or two to say in response...

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Well, "our" vaccines were more expensive; they also showed up later on the market (because the Chinese did less extensive clinical trials), so for several months the Chinese had the only vaccine available, and "anti-vax" was anti-them by default. Still -- ours were coming, and this was DUMB.

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Hochul was Cuomo's "upstate balance" running mate until Cuomo imploded. If you remember the opera buffa bit from The Power Broker in which Vincent Impellitteri fell into the Mayoralty, it's the same story but in Albany. But Impy was a bit too shy and self-effacing for Hochulesque stunts.

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It doesn't help that local progressives can't seem to keep their eyes on the prize, or unite behind one candidate -- last time, the progressive vote was split several ways, including one fractious campaign whose own workers went on strike against it...

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Elizabeth Spiers on beliefs of "evangelical Christians", who reject everything in the gospels about tolerance and mercy. One thing she doesn't mention... the gospel warnings about "false prophets" who are "inwardly ... ravening wolves". True students of Christian eschatology might worry about that.

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Looks like the right wing crowd at The Federalist thinks Dolly Parton is "unchristian" for encouraging tolerance of behavior they regard as sexually sinful. Also unchristian: Jesus of Nazareth, notorious for saying in one such case, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

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I'm sure the one she writes to cater to the MAGA crowd will be catnip for them. That fortune may not be all that Donald himself makes it out to be, but it'll leave her enough to afford a pretty good ghostwriter.

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And in that connection, it's not just the Gaza war per se, it's Biden's *personal* attacks on demonstrators against it as anti-semites. Does that include the Jewish ones? (That crowd has its fringe. Some nitwit was waving a Hamas flag near the Brooklyn Museum yesterday. But that's not all of it.)

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And, as everyone seems to forget, the successor to that President had a round of pardons for the conspirators in one of those operations, killing further investigation which would have gone into his own rumored complicity. (At the very least, GHWB knew more than he ever acknowledged knowing.)

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FWIW, he means gratis use of an employer-provided car, one of many perks that Alan Weisselberg evaded taxes on. (Trump avoids Weisselberg's name, but mentions his age and plea deal.) He's lying - the car was the least of it - and assuming an audience obsessed with the case, but it's not gibberish.

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Well, McConnell's still lurching around, but with that pasty skin and generally predatory attitude towards ordinary people, Walking Dead might cover it...

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There won't be another Trump in the same way that Trump himself isn't, say, another Joe McCarthy, Nixon, or George Wallace. But if the republic survives, there will absolutely be another right-wing authoritarian; at least three Senators right now are prepping for the role (Vance, Cotton, Hawley...)

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