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Definitely not in the same pile as the Confederate flag. Mostly we weren't known for going flag-crazy the way the US does, until a bunch of anti vax right wing nut jobs went all in putting them on their cars. If it's not on a car it's probably fine, if it is on a car best to avoid them

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Sounds like you should deal with social inequality if you want to deal with economic inequality

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"like you" meaning that you're at least reasonably attached to reality and also have some basic understanding of how US elections work

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SocDems And sure, made it that much easier for Stalin to convince them to take a hard line against the SPD How'd that work out for the KPD though? And how about the ones that managed to escape? How did aligning themselves with Stalin go?

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Perhaps you would care to explain "you seem to have confused the world with a batman film" then? Because it sure sounds like you're saying that the person you responded to is making unrealistic claims

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You made a comment on the "shallowness of the politics" but, despite being on shitty substack, it isn't that So no, not a non sequitur at all

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This is a better way to get your point across yes Just not the one I responded to

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The main issue was licensing fees. Sony helped develop DVDs so they didn't have to pay, but Microsoft and Nintendo did. Combined with Xbox already selling at a huge loss, and Nintendo just being weirdos

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I'm not sure this comparison works anymore given the success of MLS and the US Men's Team currently ranked at 11th (even if they did kinda suck in COPA...)

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You understand that that's what that account is, yes? Libertarians trying to "reclaim" the word liberal?

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Nice rainbow exactly one half hour later though..

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The first Which only comes up in the first place because so many of us aged unusually well With Gen X we made fun of their clothes by just telling them they were "stuck in the 90s" or something. Their age was usually more obvious

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That's what the "use the military to break up domestic protests" part is for They don't want to arrest us, they want to shoot us

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If you read it, it's actually pretty solid. It's very specifically directed at a small number of people with a larger platform than they deserve (wtf, Jacobin?) Terrible title though

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By "a bunch" do you mean "two random weirdos on bluesky"? Like, yeah sure, these people exist, but theres not exactly a large amount of them

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Nah this is an actual thing people believe Though these days most often by far right groups like the Boogaloos. Most (though not all..) leftists know how well it went when the German Communist Party tried it in the 30s

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"You think..?" Kimberly, I gotta tell you, you're coming across a bit unhinged thinking Bernie Bros have anything to do with anything here

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That whole *thing* was entirely manufactured by the right to begin with, so they did try But it didn't stick so they went back to their default position of hating him

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You think Bernie Bros write headlines for CNN..?

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And my point is that it would have been more effective if you had said that more directly in the first place Like, I'm not even arguing against what you're saying here - I usually mean to but forget to check in on Mother Jones, so I have no idea With no context, the link was kinda amusing is all

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Hur hur hur I don't know what to tell you man. Post better and you won't get as many people giving you shit

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I mean, I've never heard of "notable journalist wetasspword" Do you also specialize in politics, race, and justice like Adam? Also you just type like a dumbass.. I'm not even saying you're stupid here. But your delivery is fucking awful. Again, *effort*. It isn't that difficult

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He died before goatse But also it's absolutely something he might have done, so...

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You're also assuming that's his position... You could like...look him up? At least check his wikipedia page? If not some of his essays to get a better sense of his actual positions? This is literally what I'm talking about. Like, 5 extra seconds of effort before posting and you could avoid this

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I'm willing to bet our political positions aren't that far off But the way you argue it is just...not good Hence calling you a dumbass

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It's all connected Like, what country do you think you live in? That's how the sausage gets made It's a big fucking problem, but it's a *different* problem from what you're saying. And...not gonna address that you were like 90% wrong? Also, Adam Serwer is half black...

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I'm aware because I looked it up. Most people wouldn't even go that far. Not the best way to make your point. I'm also still not sure "allowed her reporters to do stories on the topic" is fully making your point either..

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The entire point of course was to introduce something that would make it through a filibuster. And considering how hard it was to pass, it's easy to see why.'s a godawful system, but better than before, and it's not like they had any hope of passing an actual proper healthcare system

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This guy does come across like a bit of a dumbass. But he is half remembering an actual thing. The "individual mandate" did originate with the Heritage Foundation, and they promoted the idea, right up until it was more politically convenient to oppose it. That was the only part from them though

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Like, don't misunderstand me here. I don't actually *care* I was just trying to point out that you're acting real fucking weird, and maybe you'll reflect on that a bit

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"he knew exactly what he was doing" "He must have at least partially agreed with me" Sure sounds like you think he's paying attention to you And yes I read that. It's pretty vague, and basically just "vibes". And also doesn't refute that there's a hell of a lot of racist and/or sexist voters..

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In whatever fairness The bar for "intellectual" is wayyyy lower on the right

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...are you making a joke about how she only has a single, co-written article in the list you linked to?

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I feel like you may have an incorrect sense of how much your opinion makes a difference to the NYT columnist with 136k followers And also that you misinterpreted that post For the rest, you said Harris couldn't get elected, he asked why, and you went off and never actually explained. It was weird

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How exactly does that lead to this type of behaviour?

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Jeff Mills for President? Yeah, I'm into it

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Currently, the only mechanism is impeachment Which has only happened to a SCOTUS justice once In 1803 And he was acquitted..

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It was a golden age for deeply neurodivergent musicians

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"star trek is make believe" is a true statement, but is not useful here and misses the actual point of the conversation entirely

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I'm sympathetic about the abuse; that's never fun I would disagree with your characterization of what he said though that aside.. Um...I'm not sure how to square you commenting on his post in a vague and poorly explained way and then his followers going after you with "he knew what he was doing"

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Yeah I'm not at all surprised at having teams here in Canada, I just didn't realize it had grown to be such a big thing in Vancouver over the past few years The city I grew up in still just has the single club that's been around since the 70s

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...but you're the one who found offence I just found it weird

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Funny how you never actually answered why, and then zeroed in on the "black" part but ignored the "woman" part...

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Like I'm not saying sanders didn't do those things, I'm saying that the problem is way fucking worse the further right you go, and just blaming "sandernistas" is frankly silly

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Jesus, are you mad I called out conservative liberals? You're getting excessive here Do you want me to do your homework and post 20 Atlantic articles about identity politics? Post ever single time Bernie was still ahead of the curve on social issues even after, yes, being overly quiet for years?

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I gotta say I'm more surprised by there being 4 separate Gaelic Football clubs in the Vancouver area than I am by the bears..

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Indulging in some light trolling? Because if not, and I'm sorry but there's no other way that say this: that is a deeply stupid statement

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A lot of them don't know about hrt and think we're just using falsies.... I wish I were joking

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Amusingly, they *didn't* say that 20 years ago They mocked us relentlessly of course, but they didn't pretend we hadn't existed before

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I have been online for a very long time I have seen so many things I wish I hadn't And that's still worse than anything I've ever seen

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