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Climate, science, democracy, gadgets & tech, YIMBY. Slava Ukraine. Destroy Hamas.

Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Should we support pro terrorist movements calling for a dictatorship in the name of free speech? Will there be much free speech in their caliphate? Can one speak much once beheaded?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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If you don’t like progressive know-nothings, arrest them for vandalism.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Strangely you don’t mention that Palestenian Islamic Jihad was operating from within that hospital. Israel has killed 170 Hamas terrorists in Al Shifa hospital the last 2 weeks. Strangely the western media ignores that. Should terrorists operate in hospitals with impunity?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I understand the hostages’ families doing everything they can to release them. Last time Israel released 1000 terrorists for a single hostage (Gilad Shalit) and it got 10/7 for that. It’s time to eliminate Hamas. Hunt them down, one by one. And it takes as long as it takes.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Can both of them be vile simultaneously?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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There is no genocide and the lying claim of one is nothing more than a modern blood libel. Israel is defending its citizens against a murderous Islmofasicst organization, but no less so against western useful idiots who have lost their moral compass.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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The terrorist supporters spreading baseless lies about a genocide, can go fuck themselves. At the same time, If they elect the orange traitor, I’m sure they’ll enjoy what he and his friend Bibi do together.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Academic institutions have become a center for antisemitism. As a parent of 3 jewish college kids I’m fucking tired of the pretense, bigotry and hypocrisy. The antisemitism on the left is just as bad as it is on the right and just as disgusting.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Not surprising given that schools seem to give extracurriculars much more weight in the admissions process than they do to academics. Applicants with outstanding GPA and SAT scores but few extracarriculars receive little consideration. You get exactly what you select for.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Yeah… so name a civilian on that list. Go ahead. I’ll wait. You’re claiming those individuals are innocent civilians, but have no evidence or knowledge. You’re just a no nothing sitting at home and saying shit.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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As demonstrated 170 times this week, to put a bullet in the heads of the fucking terrorists using al Shifa as a base of operations. Every last one of them will come out in a body bag or in handcuffs. Ideally the first.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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There’s literally 170 Hamas terrorists that have been killed and another 200 that have been captured in a fucking hospital and yet you defend them. Don’t you care about the civilians suffering because those terrorists are using the hospital as a base of operations? You’re so disgusting 🤮

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Their actions are the definition of war crimes. I think you’re a likely ISIS recruit. Perhaps the FBI should look at you seriously. Reporting you as a terrorist supporter. Enjoy being on the watchlist.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Ah… I see. There are good terrorists that murder families and bad terrorists that murder families. So ISIS you don’t like but Hamas you do. It’s literally the same islamofascism. Useful idiots supporting terrorists are everywhere these days.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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That is the dumbest of dumb takes ever dumbtaken. I mean Nobel prize grade.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Spot on.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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You are citing nothing but opinions. If it were up to you we’d still all be lining up to pay double for yellow cabs that smell bad, often have no seat belts and you have to wait to flag in the rain. People look at progress and wish back on a time where we were all nobly digging for food in the dirt

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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No, no. Just actual Hamas. You know, the terrorists with guns in the actual fucking hospital.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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So you say. Prove it, dumbass. I thought you were a “skeptic” not a gullible moron.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Dude, you antisemitism is showing. Quit while you’re far behind. Hamas literally murdered 1200 people to start this war… that’s who you’re supporting. That’s whose claims you believe. It’s like you are taking Al Qaeda at their word… 🤦‍♂️

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Saying bullshit doesn’t make it so. Israel holds democratic elections. Does Hamas? Israel didn’t start the war. Hamas started it by murdering 1200 Israelis. It’s a terrorist organization according to the US, EU etc. hamas is literal islomofascism. You support actual terrorists. 🤣

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Israel published names and pictures. Prove them wrong.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Multiple outlets printing the same Hamas bullshit is not confirmation.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Antisemitic lies, but whatever you say, adolf.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Hamas murderers are Jews in a ghetto now? Progressives can be real morons. Such a fucking antisemite. When Muhammad Def and Ihieh Sinwar receive the missile or bullet they deserve, I will celebrate. Until then I’ll give a small cheer every time a Hamas terrorist is liquidated.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Skepticism? You take all Hamas claims at face value. No claim too stupid. No verification needed. I gave you one article. There’s a whole series, look for them yourself. Why should I waste my time digging more articles you’ll just ignore? You support Hamas. I get it. Islamofascists-R-Us.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Somehow you don’t get that in a war zone soldiers fight wars. They are protecting their lives. If you go into a war zone, you can get killed. If you are filming soldiers, flying drones etc you look like the enemy and will be shot. If you ever served, you’d actually understand.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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What multiple sources do all the Hamas claims have, pray tell? Israel provided plenty of verifiable information. With names and pictures available reporters should be able to disprove claims, no? Where are the rebuttals?? 🦗

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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BTW I didn’t get the numbers wrong. The article with the pics is older. The number of terrorists killed in a *FUCKING HOSPITAL* now exceeds 170. 200 additional captured. Estimated 50 still hiding / fighting. The terrorists must be sooo terrified right now. That makes me so happy. 🥹

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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There’s names and pictures. There’s videos. There’s weapons seized. There’s dollars seized. Disprove them if you can. But you can’t. So instead you say shit. Note how no media outlet is sharing this information but they immediately share every claim made by Hamas.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I guess I didn’t need to count to 3… What independent confirmation do you think is available in a war zone? What independent confirmation do you have for all those terrorist claims you quote? No point in talking to you. No fact will penetrate. It’s like talking to a Trump voter.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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You fly drones in a war zone, you’re a legitimate target. Why is that hard to understand?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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UN had “regular” positions and positions of convenience when the war in Gaza started. The same UN whose employees literally participated in the 10/7 massacre. The same UNRWA that the US withdrew funding for over their terrorist support. Not facts enough for you?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Here’s an article with mosaic picture of some of the terrorists corpsified in Al Shifa hospital published by the IDF. Use Google translate.

Will that satisfy you? Of course not. Next excuse for terrorism launching in 3… 2… 1…

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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150 terrorists carrying weapons and shooting at the IDF you mean… There’s pictures, videos, names, weapons seized, vast quantities of cash… How blind / dumb can you be?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Yes… they changed their tune now, when it doesn’t suit them anymore, but their press release from before the war was pretty darn clear, wasn’t it? Why do you feel thethe news defend the terrorists that started this war by murdering 1200 people? Don’t you want to see them dead?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Nope. The IDF specifically released the names, ranks and positions of the soldiers killed and explicitly stated they died in the Al Shifa fire fight. Why do you keep lying?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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No, no. You don’t get to make up shit. Israel released the names and pictures of those terrorists they killed IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL where they were fighting from. Will facts ever penetrate your skull?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Got it. So during war terrorists should be interviewed by CNN before you’re allowed to shoot their face off. Understood.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I mock useful idiots who take the word of a literal terrorist organization as gospel. I mock useful idiots who literally defend an organization that started this awful war by murdering 1200 Israelis. You are not only fools, you’re disgusting.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Al Jazeera as a source?? Al Qaeda daily didn’t have any articles? 🤣

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Actually, that’s exactly backwards. According to the UN in typical conflicts 90% of casualties are civilians. In Gaza less than 60% are civilians. What, don’t like facts?!

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I guess all those weapons and cash they seized and all those terrorists they liquidated are not evidence… 🤣 That’s ok. You can believe what you want while Israel liquidates your terrorist friends. …Who are hiding in a fucking hospital, BTW. An actual war crime. What, no complaints about that?

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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🤣 They released names and pictures of the terrorists. 200 other surrendered. 2 Israeli soldiers were killed, I’m guessing shot by doctors, would be your theory? No amount of evidence would convince terrorist apologists, I suppose.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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That’s awful and that’s what happens in war, especially when the terrorists intentionally fight from civilian neighborhoods. For example, have you been following what’s happening in Al Shifa hospital the last 3 days? Over 150 Hamas terrorists killed in the hospital itself and over 200 captured.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I should have known you supported all Islamic terrorists and dictators. For a second I thought you only supported Hamas. Thanks for clearing that up. Ukraine is going to eliminate your Russian terrorist friends too. Might take a little time but we’ll get there. 🇺🇦🇮🇱🇺🇸

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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Perhaps, but also an antisemite.

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Reposted by Ronen

MYeye's avatar MYeye
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“CLEAR” (privatized version of TSA Pre-Check) gets preferred treatment over TSA Pre-Check at airport security; airports are government entities - TSA pre-check is a paid government service, should have equal treatment - this is wrong #Clearme #Delta

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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You say shit without basis or knowledge. You can repeat the word genocide as many times as you’d like, but Israel will continue to wipe the floor with the corpses of your dead terrorists, while doing everything it can to protect the civilians your terrorist friends are hiding behind.

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Ronen's avatar Ronen
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I think they don’t like it when terrorists are killed. I wonder if that’s true for Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists too or just for terrorists who target Jews.

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