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Stefan D.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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He was a slight improvement over Johnson and Truss but that isn't exactly praise . Tories are highly likely to get a whole lot worse now. Several of their biggest crazies lost their seats but others are still there and are very likely to take over the party from Sunak .

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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One of the last things they publish pre-election was this . They just hate everybody that isn't like them and they no longer even pretend its otherwise

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The Telegraph has gone completely mental in the last couple of years. Don't read it not even to make fun of it. It was once a respected conversative publication but now its completely insane.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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They can just show some fucking balls and ignore the reporting. Just not talk to the press thats trying to generate clicks.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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*shrug* Bravermann ? Would go crazy even faster.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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I remember when Ryan Grim desperately tried to hype up Williamson as some kind of heir to Bernie Sanders movement.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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"we need a president to care of the nation" . Jesus no . No you don't . Thats not how this should ever work. The head of a state/government is not your fucking dad/mom who personally takes care of everything. ( and i argue thats also bad for anything but smaller kids )

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Trump also famously fucked over people that debase themselves for him. If i'm an FBI agent i would not count actually getting pardoned. Maybe he throws a fit and thinks suddenly you are a loser and allows you to rot in jail ?

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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And Spains government has been very very critical of Israel including recognizing Palestine . Did not change how Israel acts at all just made them pissy.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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It's not like the british government can magically change anything of whats happening in Gaza. Even the absolutely best possible statements on his will not get Israel to change anything. Brits are not that powerful anymore. Slightly more important to Israel than Spains statements i guess

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The story of the election is the Tories imploding not "well akkkually Labours massive majority doesn't really count and Biden still sucks" but its the NYT so not sure what you expect. Other publications explain this way better.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Like i know americans make fun of the UK monarchy but it's useful to a post that handles all the stuff that doesn't require actual political decisions. Brits just really overpay for theirs.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Also for all those representetive things like handing out medals and stuff we have a president who doesn't have much power . Not sure why the VP doesn't do more of the representive functions the US president still does.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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I don't think we care that much tbh . The Merkel model of mostly flying under the radar stay he been pretty popular .

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Of course i might be wrong but i sure hope not because if i'm wrong it's going to build up the right-wing vote.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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I don't believe it will be as some believe . Certainly not great either but i do believe some of their positions in opposition and during the campaign were in an effort to win the election and win it decisively . I'm pretty sure Starmer too every position on all issues at once during the campaign

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Well also Labour under him not beeing a infighting dumpsterfire unlike the Tories.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Or spending money as Dem trying to improve your vote share in idk Alabama or Wyoming . You are not winning those states are Dem. You just don't

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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I know for example some people reacted angrily when Labour stopped puttin in effort into the seat Farage won but if you look at the result there was no world where putting in more money and effort would've helped them at all.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Exactly . Plenty of reporting about where Labour went out and spend time and effort to campaign and where they didn't put in effort . Labour under Corbyn IRC wanted to compete everywhere . It gained them a decent vote share but that doesn't help you win election in the UK system by ittself.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Not wrong when you take tactical voting into account. Voters know how to game the system too . The main objective of many was to minimize the Tories . The LibDem voting share is pretty bad but they won their most seats ever because voters knew where it made sense to vote for them and where not

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Exactly not to mention percentage wise more Al-Quada members died that day than Americans.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Without tactical voting i doubt it would be as bad but thats flat out baked into the electoral system.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Like LibDems got more than 70 seats despite a pretty shitty vote share off that too.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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To be fair i don't think there was a better election strategy this time around.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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It was mostly an Anti-Tory vote with ALOT of tactical voting . Labour was the primary beneficiary but not the only one LibDems did really well to in seats where they had realistic chance to eliminate a Tory . Vote share was kind of low but record LibDem seats

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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There's also a more urban upscale ones that went completely different with LibDems , Greens and Labour gaining but the super safe south Tory seats had Reform really ratfucking them.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Yeah taking a look at the Map and seeing so many safe Tory seats lost where a Reform guy took 15-20-ish % is going to lead them to the conclusion we needs to be even more right-wing more . Thats not even a question imho .

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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So do i . Not much point in pre-emptive doomerism . There's plenty of time for that when its actually happening.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Like the German government has the economically rightwing FDP as ballast in their coalition. Labour does not need to appease the right . Like at all.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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I think whats a bit different is with the UK system giving Labour such a gigantic majority is that , if he wants to , Starmer actually can change quite a bit . Will he ? No idea if thats in him but not trying to do it would would be a huge mistake

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The Right all over the world is going completely off the rails. Any politicia not doing that can absolutely not try to appease that. Does not work. Right-wingers more and more want to be represented by lunatic and you just can't appease that.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The left has not done a very good job in recent years presenting themselves as viable options. Some candidates here and there have but never as a movement. Labour needs to be centre-left to slighty centre-right. Completely ignore everything anything right of that. Trying to appease that as unhelpful

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The Voters share of LibDems and Greens combined is way bigger than Reforms. Labour needs to look at those voters not Reform shit. Those voters are never going to be part of your coalition unlike LibDem , Greens and Indies .

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Yes Labour trying to softly appease Reformers would end up a huge mistake ( especially because the Tories will already do that ) . They need to look at Greens , LibDems and any other centre to left party voter share . Those are broadly something Labour can gain. The Reform stuff ?Forget it don't try

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Tories imho are likely to go full on feral now maybe even merging with Reform. Labour can absolutely not try to appease any of that lunacy.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Labour absolutely can not try to make politics to satisfy Reform voters. That would end in desaster for everybody. LibDem and Greens did well enough that even , if they don't need them , they should be seen as an extension of what Labours politics should be.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Maybe Lee Andersons seat is possible because thats surrounded by some pretty safe Labour seats if Anderson ever goes away but the others are lunatic seats

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Like look at the seats the Reform guys won. It's by Tories completely imploding from like 60-70% to ~30% with Reform going to mid 30's to 40's . Labour not gaining much. These seats are not gainable by any centre-left party. Ever

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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LibDems and Greens doing pretty well probably will help that and Reform slightly underperforming the polls.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Labour needs to look at LidDems , Greens and the Independent voters not right-wing garbage. They're never winning those people. Tories will look at Reform there is no doubt about it.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Reform is not going to get alot of seats ( currently 4 ) but with how this all went and who is still in parliament for the Tories this could end up two ways and the way i fear it turns into is the Tories absorbing Farage and kicking out the more "normal" people under the Tories

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Like that Truss loss to Labour had a a Reform guy win almost 10k votes. That would've been more than enough since it's doubtful Reform voters would vote for anything centre and left of that

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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The bad part is alot of the Tory loss is on the back of Reform ratfacking them which lead to several LibDem , Labour , Green and a few other party victories.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Did they even make a serious attempt at getting Biden to change course ? I sincerely doubt that

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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And to be frank Biden is more in the old triology phase of Yoda than the prequel triology phase . Prequels was when he was VP and then he was in exile during the Trump years.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Well Yoda does outlive Jabba . I'd take that .

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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And just helping Trump win in their minds would help them publish even more ragefarm shit. I think they are wrong though. Gotta stop reposting the worst shit that gets published by them.

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Stefan D.'s avatar Stefan D.
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Clickbait just like the shit Bill Maher was allowed to write. Ragefarming has become incredibly common with major publications in the last couple of years.

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