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Just an Aussie trying to navigate the challenges of life

Also @ScottsView89 on Twitter

Scott's avatar Scott
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I’m sorry! So according to Erdogan, there is no commentary on how much ending a contract TWELVE YEARS EARLY is going to cost taxpayers. What the actual fuck? Equally, how the hell are we going to house all the prisoners in Port Phillip and what’s the extra cost of the public facilities?

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Not consulted doesn’t sound all that surprising to be honest. Welcome to the world we’re all used to. Better to not be consulted than be consulted and forced to sign an NDA.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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I gotta laugh at Sally McManus' comments on this one because it seems she's late to the party. Setka has been doing this for a long time and frankly, something should've been done years ago but the ALP were too busy sucking up to the CFMEU.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Watched this game last night and geez, Romania were very impressive. I must admit it was an unorthodox game plan to cede possession to Ukraine quite often, but they preyed on Ukranian mistakes and on the counter...wowee. That Stanciu goal!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Looks like the perfect example of an MLM to be perfectly honest

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Well crap, that hurts. I suppose 32-33 was my mid-life crisis then which is never a good sign 😭

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Uhhh, that's not a good sign at all. Loss of jobs ✅ Struggle for funding ✅ I sense that this is a lot worse than they're letting on somehow and that's disappointing because Booktopia has been excellent for books for quite some time.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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I hate to say it but in this instance, Hollie Hughes MIGHT actually be right on this one Employers are going to be reluctant to hire women if things such as menopause leave are introduced That said, while she might be right, that doesn't mean we shouldn't introduce it. I think it's a great idea

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Wait! Hold on a moment. Haven't the media been saying for years that there was a link between social media and mental health issues among young people? What the hell is going on here?

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Scott's avatar Scott
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That is way too young. May he rest in peace

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Yeah I didn’t word that extra bit well at all 🤦‍♂️ I knew what I was trying to say but I butchered it badly Perfect example of why some people should engage their brain before making a fool of themselves 😂

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Scott's avatar Scott
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I think that’s a controversial phase for people to learn. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one…even if they expose themselves as ignorant

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Scott's avatar Scott
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No suprise Sydney and Melbourne are on there 😂😂🤦‍♂️

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Scott's avatar Scott
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What is wrong with the shareholders that they cannot see how excessive and wrong this is?

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Scott's avatar Scott
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The fact they haven’t employed the sandbagging strategy yet is nothing short of shameful. This is going to be a flogging of epic proportions.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Absolutely bizarre this one but would be interesting to see how Kompany goes with money behind him. Burnley to Bayern is only something that could occur in Football Manager

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Scott's avatar Scott
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But we never found out if he could do it on a wet and cold Tuesday night at Stoke City 😞

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Disgusting comment and the way this was dealt with, wasn’t any better. Instead of warning and calling on that politician to withdraw, it should’ve been Withdraw and booted! Not an acceptable comment to make at all

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Alternative Headline: Angus Taylor at odds with reality More at 9pm

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Bayer Leverkusen to win 2-1

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Oh FFS! This sort of crap is why more sexual assaults are NOT reported to police; well, that and the fact that getting a conviction is incredibly difficult not to mention how traumatic the process is. This is an abuse of power, plain and simple and should be dealt with severely. Shame 😡😡😡

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Scott's avatar Scott
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If only someone could find a way to trigger a motion to oust her from US Politics, that would be extremely helpful.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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At this point Cheeseman should resign from parliament, just like Will Fowles should’ve resigned from parliament. What sort of deterrent is being kicked out of the party room when you can still draw an MP’s salary despite shit behaviour? Not good enough 🤦‍♂️

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Yeah I’m not buying that for a second. Any chance of holding her accountable for this blatant lie

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Hang on! What difference would that make when there are lengthy waiting lists for psychologists? Of course subsidised sessions have plummeted…no one can get an appointment to use them. I think the call is right but we’re missing the most important element; having enough psychologists.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Sorry, what now?? The ABC has just morphed into the Vicky Pollard of Australia except instead of yeah but nah but yeah but nah, it's now sacked but not but sacked but not

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Albanese does need to do more. 2023 was an appalling year for the Cost of Living. The govt had a singular focus on The Voice as opposed to actually looking at the issues surrounding COL and this year, they really need to get this right lest they be booted in 2025 as a result

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Andrew should NEVER have been brought back into the fold to start with so quite frankly, this problem is Charles' own doing.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Right 2024, we need to have a little discussion about the s**tshow that you are perpetrating so far - Gaza being obliterated - Japan being hit by an earthquake, tsunami warning etc - Nth Korea firing missiles again - Ukraine war continues - Airstrikes on Yemen etc etc etc JUST STOP 2024!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Of course, they did! No wonder why X is struggling but that said, I'm still maintaining a presence there as that's where I find out most of my news

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Scott's avatar Scott
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It is astonishing that a software "glitch" has led to riots which have caused 18 to die so far. This is a huge failing of technology right there.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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This is ridiculous. On one hand, the right get offended when someone tries to cancel them for something. On the other hand, they are more than happy to call for boycotts or the like (cancelling) if someone does something they don't approve of Dutton, hypocrisy thy name is you!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Well it’s the beginning of 2024 and the hope that I had at the end of 2023 has been replaced instead with pain. I feel like the momentum I had, has just stopped as I confront the reality of another mistake. I trusted someone and now believe they scammed me. I am in despair at that reality again

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Scott's avatar Scott
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This is horrendous but right now seems to be the norm here in Australia. What I find amazing is that South Australians booted the previous govt because of a health system crisis and then this crap occurs. May this guy R.I.P and may the ALP govt there be held accountable!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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What a load of garbage this is! I mean, honestly, I thought it was April Fool's when I read this rubbish but no... it's very much true. I don't know whether it's insecurity or trying to be different but this is the dumbest thing I've seen today

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Scott's avatar Scott
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I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year. 2023 was a tough year for many, myself included and a lot of people will want to turn the book on such a year. May 2024 be a better year for everyone and a year that allows those who had it tough to recover!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Alternative Headline: Undemocratic Netanyahu defeated by Democratic Supreme Court!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Different rules for ex-politicians it seems. What a colossal load of 🐂💩 I mean, no normal person would be granted a trip overseas while on bail for *checks notes* garlic trade

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Scott's avatar Scott
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UPDATE: It has been 10 days since the Curse of 28 and since then I was hit a further TWO times. Saturday 16/12 SEM Phoenix 72 Illawarra 100 After a solid first quarter, the rest of the game was a s**tshow! Wednesday 20/12 Melb Boomers 58 Sydney 86 I was there and it was yuck!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Someone send Rex on a world tour 😂😂😂

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Wait??? When did feet pics solve racism???

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Scott's avatar Scott
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I know this reflects what the article is about but I would amend it to the following; Labor more concerned with NDIS costs than people with disabilities

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Scott's avatar Scott
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As my final take on tonight's 28-point horror show x2, here is a picture to try and find humour from a dark night. Let there be no doubt, I love the Flyers and love the Phoenix. When both lose by 28 points ON THE SAME NIGHT, all I'm reduced to is trying to find something to lighten my mood.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Well as a basketball fan I’d like to rename Thursday 14th December as Thursday “Horrors” WNBL Southside 77 Townsville 105 NBL SEM Phoenix 78 Melb United 106 Can’t even claim a basic consolation of a winning bet* either *Remember to gamble responsibly

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Real Madrid

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Because the players keep downing tools and cannot knuckle down to do the hard work when the going gets tough.

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Scott's avatar Scott
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But yet won't cancel the trash heap that is Q&A. I never watched The Drum but it sounded like it was slightly better than the crap that is Q&A

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Meanwhile, we've just signed a contract in Victoria for the Suburban Rail Loop which is a project that economically doesn't stack up and has a funding/cost/economic benefit query. Anyone who makes comments questioning this are knockers and blockers according to our moronic Premier

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Scott's avatar Scott
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This is a reflection of the mess that the Victorian Mental Health System is in at the moment. Waiting lists ⬆️ Number of Available Beds ⭕ Desperate times call for desperate measures which leads to *checks notes* 'bed brokers.' We can do much better than this most definitely!

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Scott's avatar Scott
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Can they? Absolutely Will they? Right now they’ve got every chance. Villa Park is a fortress and if they keep picking up points on the road, their consistency will get them there.

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