Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar

Shamubeel Eaqub

1303 followers 1087 following 47 posts

Economist, based in NZ. Co-author of “Generation Rent”, author of “Growing Apart” aka “zombie town”. Musings on NZ economy.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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How much of the ‘Covid hangover’ is hiding longer term fraying of the social fabric? Put forward some of my emerging thoughts on this on The Detail at RNZ.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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A summary of the macro trends in budget 24 on the dark lands of linked in:

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Budget 24 has lived up to a dispiriting tradition of short-termism. Our spending is too lavish relative to our taxes. We are too timid on our long-term challenges. We make decisions in Budgets that are convenient for today, but stores up problems for future generations

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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And most of this decline in GDP per capita is because business profits have slumped. Worker compensation has gone sideways.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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GDP data for Dec-23 confirmed what we knew for over a year - NZ is in recession. The economy is about making more people better off. We're doing the more people bit, not the better off bit. GDP per capita has been falling since a peak in Sep-22.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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The NZ shifts are broadly in line with global agriculture price trends. Which have eased from peak at start of Russia-Ukraine war, but remain much higher than pre-pandemic times. Suggests food prices won't get much cheaper, but should not rise too much in the next year. (3/3)

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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The rate of food price inflation is moderating. The levels vs inflation rate is quite telling here. Sometimes annual inflation rates don't tell the full story. (2/3)

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Oct-23 Food Price Index from @Stats_NZ shows prices have been going sideways since mid-year. But not really getting cheaper. (1/3)

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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NZ house building surge is over? Planning rules, infrastructure and low interest rates (not necessarily in that order) really helped during the covid years. Rising immigration/population growth and slowing supply will increase housing costs and housing insecurity.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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But prices are down from 2 years ago. So there’s no gains to pay tax on.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Oh I agree. I guess as a user of said statistical measures, I don’t even look at confidence. Trading activity - basically sales - is a decent proxy for gdp growth.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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The headline ‘confidence’ statistic is basically vibes and of no use at all. But the ‘own trading activity’ measure tends to be ok tracking the economy.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Cute. Mine look related when they wear matching clothes 😂

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Yes. Have two. One looks like a mini me and the other looks like a mini wife. I am just not that online…too old…

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Thanks david. Have added my contribution. Happy to be contacted by stats nz should they need.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I’d be happy to be part of this.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I wonder if that assessment still stands. Recent weather events suggest they may be less predictable based on historical observations. Would be interested in any recommended reading.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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It’s all household insurance. House, contents, car, health and life.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
[ View ] on closer look, I am surprised NZ insurance premiums haven't increased as much as countries like Australia and UK. Over last 20 years average insurance premiums have increased by an additional 40% in Australia & 60% in UK! More to dig into...

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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informal chats suggest it is both global repricing and additional nz premium. But I couldn’t show you with real data or the split. Will be v interested if it is available.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Grim. It’s only just beginning.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Surge in insurance price really quite worrying. Flooding & cyclone have really increased prices. Expect more insurance price increases, insurance retreat, more exclusions, and falling coverage. Policy response still ad hoc and obsessed with making owners whole - unsustainable 3/3

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Signs that both the supply crunch and demand increase overlap of last year has eased. Positive signs for RBNZ to pause. But rising rents show slowing housing supply & rising migration will hurt some people too. Very much a mixed bag. 2/3

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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On TV1 Breakfast this morning talked about sep-23 inflation. Which has moderated in line with global trends. 1/3

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Sep-23 rents show rents are local. eg Auckland rents become (relatively) more affordable when population declined (during border closure). Rents are driven by ability to pay and relative shortage not costs.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Food price inflation is still very high (up 8% over the past year) but moderating in line with broader global agriculture commodity price trends from nearly a year ago. Some local effects too with cyclones and weather increasing fresh fruit and veg prices. Lags in the economy are very long.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I hosted a conversation with Helen Robinsons (Auckland City Mission) and Sasha Lockley (Money Sweetspot) on poverty, economy etc. Two incredible women with some hard truths.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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NZers collective short termism is firmly on display in the latest Ipsos monitor. Always a good pulse check:

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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We won’t agree on this. A payroll tax is different from an income tax - so it makes no sense at all to compare it with income tax rates. Total tax figure above incudes all levels of govt and all taxes.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I don’t know why you would add a payroll tax when comparing income tax rates. The income on offer is after that tax. Could compare total taxes. In oz that’s around 29.6% of gdp and NZ 30.0% (central and local govt).

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Yeah. Since ppp exchange rate is 1.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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In prep for an interview, Australia has a more progressive income tax regime than NZ. It has a 0% tax rate threshold for the first $18.2k and the top tax rate of 45% kicks in at $180k.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Impressed at how well set up Kirikiriroa-Hamilton is for playgrounds. My kids loving the variety and quality. Highlights for them. Food’s been smashing too so far: Gothenburg, Edo and madam woo (the fish special was so great). Jet boating on Waikato river was a lot of fun!

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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It’s a fabulous series. The diet bit also super interesting- local and balanced diet and portion size. Purpose filled lives too. All these aspects seem unmoored in modern life.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Punching down is such an ingrained part of NZ politics. It’s sad. I wish people would read Matthew Desmond’s poverty by America.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I mean prices are still crazy and there much more work to be done. But I am trying to see silver linings…

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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But also yes many things have changed for the better. Rental rules have improved a touch, there’s some BTR coming through, land/housing supply is improving. There’s attempt to do infra and LG better. Enough? No. Improving? Absolutely.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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I remember coz it came out the day my first boy was born. It makes me feel…mature 🤣

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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No surprise that stability of housing - a human right - improves quality of life. Something that motivated Generation Rent and call for more tenure security among a suite of policies (8+ yrs ago).

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Absolutely. Definitely slack in residential construction - also seeing some pricing coming off and people pitching for work. Gdp per capita is the total of the whole economy - so it doesn’t show these variations

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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GDP data today shows no technical recession. But flat GDP per capita for a year is why its feels so grumpy. Looks much like what is happening across the Tasman.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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In report for Netsafe found cyber bullying harm of $1b, online fraud perhaps as high as $470m. Worryingly more people are experiencing harm online. More in the report on Netsafe site and herald story($)

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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So many focus grouped empty words…

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Oops. This place is all new for me.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
[ View ] column on: If you expect relief from the cost of living crisis this general election: tough luck. If you are frustrated by our politicians’ short-termism: hold up a mirror. They are reflecting what we ask for. Ask for better things.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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Suspect more important to focus on breaking up vertical integration. They own too much of the chain.

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Shamubeel Eaqub's avatar Shamubeel Eaqub
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NZ voters want relief from cost of living crisis but policies that work are long term and not sexy.

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