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We all need to make this world better for mankind, nature and planet. Truth, justice, integrity and balance are the key.

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Network of companies who own water are taking the people of the UK as mugs, it's time to take back water as a national security resource, sue the companies and just take it back without paying a single extra penny for it, it was ours in the first place until the Tories privatised it, just criminal.

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£1.4B in dividends in 2022 by water companies. Add this to the article below and the picture of this corrupt fraudulent capitalist system shows the injustice the Tory government unleashed through the years. How many MPs and networks benefitted?! Absolute BS.

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Ollie Watkins man of the match?!, how long was he on the pitch? Over the top!, if he was a real team player he should of given it to Phil Foden who almost had two goals and caused so much trouble to Dutch defence, or even Mainoo, both playing much longer and contributing more? No I in team!

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The vetting process to become a politician is not strong enough especially in the UK, so these parasites are causing populist uprising for their own agendas not in the country's interest. People need to wake up, these people are frauds.

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Corrupt & fraudulent even criminal organisations are attacking political democracies around the world. The main reasons why they are getting away with it is spreading lies & damned lies backed by networks working for their own interests.

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Tax avoidance & evasion is a massive problem to UK & hypocritical fraud Reform Farage policies are looking at unfunded tax cuts for growth? How many of his voters & himself have avoided or evaded taxes. 'Cash in hand' work is costing this country billions yet those who do it use NHS, schools etc?!

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The damage done by the Tories and their networks are massive and yet these idiots are still making delusional vile comments/statements. To think some of these vile characters are running for leadership of the Tory party is just evidence of the BS they are still in!

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Just unbelievable some of these vile Tories are still MPs???! The type of blind delusional cult followers you must be to vote for these parasites being paid by the tax payer and still getting an once of coverage! Shame, hope they dive into the abyss further

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Took a train in Italy from one city to another 9 euros return! Why is it so expensive in the UK? Pay out dividends while piling on debt, low investment to rail companies, fraudulent capitalism at its best! Just like the water companies.

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What a scandal!, physician associates sounds so US and also like they are partners who are qualified which is completely false, assistant is what they are and should not give advice apart from the complete basics! Another cost cutting exercise by the previous government!

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Vile individual and the idiots who voted for her! Culture wars and populism is what she is, why did the Tories fail?! What has she done for this country as an MP? Fraudulent use of tax payers money!

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Would it be brilliant if the new government was to discover and expose then prosecute Tory MPs for corruption and fraud when in office, even better the networks linked to those Tories, previous government. Hunt down tax payers money/assets of the fraud, corruption carried out. Deal with tax evasion.

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Everything that is vile & wrong with the Tory party, just look at Gavin Williamson, an utter idiot who has done sweet FA for this country and taken tax payers for mugs on a MPs salary & benefits. Are his voters of Stone losers like he is?! Self serving AH who should be held accountable for failure.

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Vive la France to the good decent people of that nation! The far right should have no place in the world, history should be a lesson!

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Is it real or digitally enhanced?!

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This feels good after 14 years of BS! It's in the EU commission's interests to work very closely with the UK, vice versa. A volatile political and economic world with conflicts everywhere, let's get serious.

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Jenrick on why the Tories failed on the BBC! really? Another highly questionable dubious Tory MP, scandals in his closet, full of integrity, not! Full of vile culture war dividing politics. Failing the tax payer, what did he achieve? Still an MP?! Mad voters!

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New book 'worm'!

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They wonder why Tories failed big, these mostly vile Tories are part of it, secret meetings in Israel, £100k donation by oil trader!, Desmond & Jenrick, hacking into Harman's pc, culture wars, links, Covid corruption & deaths, NHS, it goes on. Still MPs???! Mad voters.

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Saw AD by Telegraph today going to take new Labour gov to account? Funny a newspaper which did not hold the Tories to account for the corruption, fraud, lies, mismanagement, vile rightwing populist culture war, a bias Tory backed media outlet, only fit for the lavatory, 'journalisium' for gutter

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The irony of Farage banging on about PR which he only realised when he became an MEP for which he received a salary and will also get an EU pension?!, hypocrite, fraud and acted like an idiot, yet it was real democracy unlike FPTP! So while millions have suffered from Brexit he personally gained!

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Funny how all the reform seats won by candidates selected areas where voters are stupid enough to vote for these fraudsters. The mind sets of these voters are deeply worrying, detached from reality to think these candidates are ok to be paid by the tax payer. They need help, education, facts......

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They are out but the damage they have done is on another scale, what else will come to light, it will take a decade plus to fix some of it! I am paying the price for some of it!

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Liz gets booted out while Farage wins seat, Reform 4M votes?, both part of a corrupt fraudulent network of libertarian free market capitalist who make themselves plus their cabals very wealthy while they take the rest for mugs via less rights and deregulation. Funny how many mugs voted for Farage!

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The world has gone mad! Gavin Williamson has a seat, Chris Grayling in house of lords IDS, Braverman, Patel, Badenoch still have seats FFS?! And to top it all Farage has a seat, Reform with over 4M votes?!, to get a pension from the EU, brexiter!?! Country in a mess, idiots voting for fraudsters!

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Liam booth-smith also?! An advisor? What on earth has he done for the nation in his short career for the corrupt fraudulent Tories? Lie most of the time! FFS!

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I look at the French team and then look at the rightwing gaining votes in France and think how many different ethnic groups represent this team who are under attack by the far right! This is utterly distasteful and to also think how many died at the hands of fascists in WW2, what a mad world!

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How can any decent individual be on X? I left asap when Musk took over, due to his madness and corrupt fraudulent crazy immoral capitalist/ideologies and behaviour. Anyone on X or buying his products supports this vile individual and system around him directly or indirectly to what end? His no god!

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Free gift with a pack of water, meow.

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I wonder if this dog has voter ID? Is this what the Tories are trying to prevent as in voter fraud?! Because maybe the dog has more sense than parts of the voters who support the vile Tories.

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1600+ food banks! 4.3M+ kids in poverty! Nearly 1M kids without beds? Est 5% hit to GDP due to Brexit! £7Billion extra on goods for UK households since leaving EU! Est £21billion in pandemic fraud, corruption and 'mismanagement'! The list goes on... Voting for the Tories makes you complicit!

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Hoping for a complete demise of the Tory party at the polls but this won't be the case due to support from those who have benefited from this corrupt fraudulent system designed by those in power, the establishment. Everyone must vote and become active in the interest of this UK, accountability.

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Has she come off the drugs or alleged outside financial influence yet?! She hit millions of home mortgages monthly rise in payments due to corrupt fraudulent ideology and gains made by networks with links to her cabal, which has cost country, tax payers billions, why should she have the vote?!

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You must vote for the good of the country, vote tactically or not for the corrupt, fraudulent and immoral 'parties'. This country deserves truth, honesty, justice and new moral vision. Criminalised capitalism is failing this nation and helping the few parasites abusing it.

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Voting Tory or Reform is being complicit in corruption, fraud and unjust immoral democracy. They believe in 'free market' capitalism, unregulated business, tax evasion/avoidance, aid dark money and immoral wealth. Just look at what's happened/ing to the NHS, councils, housing market, city FS etc

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In order to become a government you need to become part of the establishment which in part Is corrupt, fraudulent, immoral and unjust. Starmer at one point wanted to reform the house of lords and then back tracked?, why would you if it does not serve or represent democracy?! Rethink Starmer!

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The fraud, corruption and mismanagement by this government and networks of immoral criminal parasites who have robbed the tax payer while the large parts of this society suffer. They must face justice and recover tax payers money.

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George Monbiot's avatar George Monbiot
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If a foreign state had done what the Tories have done to the UK, we would call it sabotage and treat it as a hostile act.

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And this vile person was put into the house of lords?! What a corrupt immoral government!

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Just a thought, do not forget all the good journalists across the world who have been killed in the last 10 years shining a light on corruption, fraud, criminality and conflict/wars. Just look at the numbers killed in Gaza. They should never be silenced, keep up the good work, be safe.

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The damage these Tories have done with their networks and corrupt fraudulent capitalist top 1% plus parts of its followers in this 'society'. The mendacity of some who have done so well out of others misery directly and indirectly. Shame.

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I am no expert but does the Supreme Court tramp decision not go against the US constitution, how can any human be above the law?! Is he god?! The highest court in the land should be above any political interference? Is this true democracy if you do not have true justice? World losing the plot.

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The world has gone mad!, Boris Johnson appears, the man of integrity, morals, justice! What a load of utter s...! Those who support him are just as corrupt, frauds, immoral, unjust and pathetic, utter disgrace to the UK. Just think 4.3M kids in poverty! Brexit hit of est 5% GDP! 250K+ COVID deaths..

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