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I have to smoke weed every time I want to summon phantoms in dark souls (If this didn’t land I promise this is funny)

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But speak to your doctor first obviously don’t just do it on your own!

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In my experience if you are crashing really hard it may be a good idea to reduce your dosage. I used to get so ragey driving home and now I still do because nobody else in the entire world knows how to drive but it’s easier to manage on a smaller dose

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Not that I can see You’ve failed 1 and 3 by assuming we disagree on 2 all while performing the opposite of 4 What is it you think we’re discussing here? Did you forget what’s at the top of the thread? I sincerely think you’re just trying to see how much of my time you can waste

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I had such a visceral reaction to the phrase “population control” the joke almost went over my head

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Like I should stop swearing revenge for mild criticism? Ridiculous! If I double down hard enough I’m sure I can warp reality around my force of will. I’ll show you… I’ll show you all

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Something something shopping cart theory

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What the fuck are you talking about? Your link to some blog? Lmao you need social skills if you’re ever gunna convince anybody of anything, especially if you want to convince them to silently accept shitty harmful policies from their politicians and accept your larp as reality

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Also wait, why did you switch from “we” to “as a European”? Are you a member of the Democratic Party or are you just A Guy I smell a strawman troll

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I’ve been tear-gassed exactly one more time than you have and also ran more political meetups than you ever have before you were born. I’ll offer the same amount of evidence you have though so just trust me bro

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Why should I believe you when you came out of the gate making assumptions?

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I’m obviously going to vote for Biden but I get frustrated being told that voting for him is so important for saving democracy I must capitulate on every issue and never criticize him, however apparently he nor the Dems ever have to shift to court my vote. That sure is convenient for the status quo

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You very clearly are not but I hope it feels good condescending to people about the danger they’re put in by transphobia that’s “at least better”. If I have a choice between cutting off a foot or cutting off a toe I’m not grateful for the choice, I’m wondering why the fuck those are my options

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“Aimless ranting” I think is a signal that you are not engaging with this in good faith. There’s a very clear aim to the “ranting” unless you don’t value the lives and health of trans people

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What was that fourth thing?

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Like have you seen Godzilla King Of the Monsters? They make a survivor of Hiroshima manually detonate a nuke in Atlantis to power up Godzilla to go fight Ghidora as like.. a nuclear weapon closure thing? I still love that bad, bad movie but god DAMN. What the FUCK were they thinking

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I liken consuming problematic media to drinking alcohol. Some people can’t or don’t want to partake and that’s fine, but it’s not wrong as long as you don’t lie about or ignore the percentage of poison in there, to yourself or somebody who says “oh wow that’s too strong for me”

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Then maybe we should do something about that gross systemic failure rather than trying to shut up and shame people for advocating for themselves. Because that’s a vital part of democracy

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Its more that when that one issue is “We want you and people like you to suffer and die” it kinda overrides everything else. Even if its less than the other option, “We respect your right to suffer and die 🏳️‍🌈” vs “suffer and die” aren’t good options

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I’ve been trying to figure out where I knew the name Mike Rugnetta from outside your videos for ages and I just realized he hosted two entire crash course series, on world mythology and theater. That’s neat

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“There’s nothing more terrible than someone out to do the world a favor.” -Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

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It’s like, imagine if a bunch of gambling addicts and con men got together to sell baseball cards but way worse and also at an insane cost to the environment

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How will it do that?

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My bad, apologies

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The end of Shaun of the dead.. maybe.. if I really stretch it and blur my vision

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Lmao yeah you’re right I was continuing as if you were him

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It’s mostly that you aren’t arguing with the things we’re saying, and continue to argue points that have been addressed At no point did anybody say everybody working on ai is a fascist. I think you may have just felt attacked and decided you were being attacked

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The way that most people are trying to use AI is to exacerbate income inequality and remove artists and workers from the economic equation I’m sorry but I feel like you are intentionally misinterpreting us here. I also find the mental picture of Data arguing with a Cyberman fitting

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I already addressed this point

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Well but every substance will kill you if you ingest too much of it- different substances are dangerous at different doses, you could argue Paw Patrol may be read to support fascism because of its veneration of police but that doesn’t mean paw patrol is an equivalent fascist agitator to Fox News

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It’s less useful to worry about who is a fascist or who has fascist tendencies than who is *doing* fascism and while I don’t want to lump everybody in together, a lot of Silicon Valley and a lot of executives and people pushing mass AI adoption are doing fascism and using AI to augment it

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Well yeah, they do, that’s why fascism spreads like wildfire in the right conditions. It preys on toxic masculinity and feelings we all have; fear of the unknown, the desire to be in control, irritation with people who are different, fear of the future, humiliation, the desire for revenge

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Yeah, there’s any number of organizations or schools of thought which operate by being an authority which questions traditional authority and tries to make you feel cool and in the know by following it instead. “THEY won’t tell you this because THEY are hiding it and you’re RIGHT to distrust them”

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I think of it a bit like nuclear fission honestly, which may be a bit dramatic but I find it apt. It can be used to make a powerful and (mostly) clean reactor or you can use it to level a city. Or to be less dramatic, like a hammer- you can build a birdhouse or commit assault with the same hammer

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I’m a (beyond amateur) coder and I’m interested in AI and ethical uses of it, but I also recognize that right now, most of the time I hear about it is from people with a vested interest in getting everybody to accept AI and it’s infallibility, whether for economic or ideological reasons

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Well, based on what you describe here, I don’t 🤷‍♀️ Is an antifascist collaborating with a fascist because they shoot at each other with the same model of gun? AI is a tool which can be used to hurt or help, like any other. Unfortunately most uses I have been exposed to are fascist or grifts

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Counterpoint: one day we will die. On an actual day in the future, we will each face either complete nonexistence, or something even stranger. Try not to hurt others and make sure you enjoy it as much as possible in the meantime. Windows+shift+left or right arrow moves a window between screens

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What’s kinda confusing me is that what the post is saying and what you’re saying here seem to line up pretty close but you seem to believe the post made assertions that I am not interpreting from it

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This got jumbled in the editing phase ignore the weird transition from “nor what I said” to “ai itself”, my main point was that nobody said it was AI or people working on it- but our modern conception of AI as being a “people as things” approach

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Being an armed service member doesn’t make you a fascist even though the US military has some very fascist tendencies and working on AI doesn’t make you a fascist just because the executive class want to use AI to iron over the inconvenience of having to pay workers and artists

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I don’t think the point of the thread nor what I said was that AI itself is the problem, I intentionally highlighted that not everybody who participates in a system with fascist tendencies is a fascist- so like, definitionally, no it does not mean everything is fascist and the word has no meaning

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America has fascistic tendencies- not everybody who operates in the American system is a fascist. The focus on efficiency is not part of fascisms stated belief system, but fascists definitely do treat human beings like objects they can work and use to get an output at their workers expense

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Im not sure if the point is to tar everybody who has done AI but more to point out that the momentum of the AI model is culturally destructive A person can do fascism without being a fascist, or operate within a system that holds fascist leanings without being overtly fascist

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Counterpoint: some star wars fans deserve hostility from the films about their relationship to the franchise. The people for whom The Rise Of Skywalker was made, for example Reworded for clarity

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Took a few seconds to intuit the unspoken "by accident"

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Glad somebody beat me to it. I was shocked at how many people were just saying "oh check it out its so wholesome". Yeah and Jigsaw is a life coach

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There's exactly 1 good star wars movie and it's the one with the theme that all the others are dumb and we shouldn't bind star wars to them. Most of the really good stuff is games, books, shows (some more than others) The lightsaber swishing has to go down in your file tho. Its a textbook symptom

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