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waiting for gifs to be allowed!!

experimenting w/sillier shortform posts & chatter, but still posting art too (main comms) (cheap 'n speedy $10 comms)

shalmons's avatar shalmons
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snippets from june's #patreon #kofi posts!

this month i introduced a couple of new post types:
-creatiblog [an art journal of sorts] [extremely beginner music]

#sketchbook #art #gamedev

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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(added the CRT filter since i was getting blurry results without it & am still not sure what ideal bsky dimensions are for pixelart 🤔 filter lessens that a bit at least)

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an aseprite doodle style i became obsessed with for approx 1 week
(still gonna keep it in the rotation tho)
#pikachu #pokemonfanart #pokemon #art

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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missed it too much last time;;
i will be revenging w/1-bit portraits, as decided by polls
(but there is a secret alternative if u look for it ;> )
ght #teamstardust

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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i'm on cara! \o/ what's your username there? 👀

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(fwiw, by blurry i do only mean -slightly- blurry, but i am extremely picky about this >>; )

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i almost had something to post here as it was not a gif but it was large crispy pixel art which seems to look blurry no matter what, on account of bsky's mysterious image resolutions 🙃 (if anyone has solved this mystery lmk)

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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snippets from may's #patreon #kofi posts!
i think this is the most i've ever posted in one month;; 😤

#sketchbook #pokemon #farscape #art #gamedev

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(i guess i have a variety of non-gif styles, but this is the one i presently enjoy lol)

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(at least i have this non-gif art style until custom gifs actually happen;; )

#art #fanart #evangelion #artistsonbluesky

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snippets from april #patreon #kofi posts!

i decided to simplify and go back down to a single $1 tier (though i am considering some ideas for a game asset tier 👀)

#bulbasaur #charmander #pokemon #sketchbook #pixelart #pixel #frog #sketches #wip

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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today i was very excited to use bsky for like 2 seconds and then i saw "...powered by tenor!" in that announcement lmao oh well, at least it sounds like custom gifs are in the dev pipeline?

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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aw thank you!! for some reason i love to draw them with slightly scowling cat-like face :')

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(i found an interesting brush in CLIP and wanted to see if it paired well w/rebelle watercolors) (also i got disheartened about posting more still pixels; they just feel so lifeless by comparison 😭 bsky is so frustrating lol. at least this pika wasn't originally a gif)

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him gonna hiss
#pikachu #pokemon #fanart #pokemonfanart

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as for bsky content looks like i already fell off of posting Wizkens stuff here 🙃 i think i just keep losing confidence with it lol

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i've been doing a lot of practice pixel doodles lately, but most of them have at least 1 additional frame of animation, so i've inevitably not been putting them on bsky;;

what do u think, should i post them as stills anyway?

#art #pixel #pixelart #pixelartist

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as for the missing feet issue, they just get lost in the shrinking process 'cause they're too small lol. i could try making them bigger on the model, but i'm feelin kind of ok w/just pixeling them in afterward?

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very much a wip/test, hence the general mess & missing feet lol

but this is how the previous post looks w/lighting & shrunk down to 48x48 sprites

(wanted to post a gif, but, bsky ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

#art #avian #3d #gamedev #conceptart #chicken #rpgmaker #rmmz

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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oo i wasn't familiar, but yea those are lookin like they're probably models! best part about this style is 8-directional, 4+ frames per side is *way* easier 😂 so i'm hoping to figure out the right plugins & do that for the chicken sprites

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wizkens will have a prerendered graphics style for the chickn parts

which means sprites are made from 3D models, kinda like golden sun

the final sprites will have lighting baked in, so this is how henri looks without any lighting lol

#art #avian #3d #gamedev #conceptart #chicken #rpgmaker #rmmz

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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weird update that seems related: tumblr finally answered a help request i had made in November about how any interactions from my art account would never show they finally fixed this and now my post is properly showing in the radar sidebar 🤔 so i guess i was blocked or something lol??

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this is henri's friend gladys

(henri really, *really* wants to prove to Gladys that Geney Wizards is a cool game for cool chickens)

#art #avian #chicken #birb #conceptart #clipstudio #gamedev

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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oh it's a little thing on the right side of the site that features posts! i think someone on staff picks them out, and it's a good way to get exposure they usually send an e-mail to let you know you're on it, but the past two times they've told me, i don't actually see my post up there 🤔

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ALSO i really don't want to be Actually Complaining about this, i'm grateful that it happens to me at all, i'm just wondering what changed

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anyone know if tumblr radar works differently than it used to? past 2 times (1 being today) i was notified about it, i never actually saw my post in there & it didn't generate much traffic but previously it would trigger like 5k notes/100+ followers overnite?

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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oop i've been very inconsistent w/crossposting any devlog snippets;;

so here's a concept for henri b. tuffti, playable character for the demo i'm -hoping- to release this year, but we'll see 🙃

#art #avian

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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kofi goofs are silly doodles! they can either be straightforward, or doing some sort of action (like the baking paddlefish here). just keep in mind that it may be poorly drawn due to the silly doodly nature :') they can also be bought at any time for $5 on my kofi!

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monthly $5 ko-fi sub reward for ! <3

(new reward type: kofi goof!)

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(bonus doodle for the custompackage~ )

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mystery custom package for ! <3

art #avian #commissionsopen #furryart

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(bonus doodle for the character package~ )

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mystery character package for ! <3

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$10 bird blob for ! <;3
ian #art

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they are super cute birds! a type of grouse with amazing eyebrows

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characters are a new option i've added to my $20 mystery comms! gimme a prompt (like species+theme) and i'll design a character for u~ comes w/fullbod design & bonus doodle! cheap due to Mystery terms of no wips and "what you get is what you get", but u can still alter the character however u like

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mystery character package for ! <3
prompt was ptarmigan w/bagel theme, this was super fun~

(first two are part of the package; third was the monthly sub reward that was also requested to be of the mystery character~ )

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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u ever just
remember that u have a scanner 🙃

finally posting my brrrdcember planner calendar~ (hosted by ! )
(stickers are of course not my art)

#art #avian

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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ohh ok interesting seems like it may only allow animation for gifs hosted on tenor/giphy? tho could be another obvious thing i'm missing lol in any case, thanks for the heads-up! <3

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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oh woah is there a particular thing i have to do to make them work? i see that i can actually post gifs now, but i did a test post & they don't animate 😭

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(btw these portraits come with a simple blink/idling animation, but still no gifs on bsky 😔 )

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100x pixel portrait commish for ! <3

art #commissionsopen #ttrpg #pixel #pixelart #tiefling

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monthly $5 ko-fi sub reward for ! <3

art #furryart

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was trying different plumage styles for potential chicken characters in game :'v

#art #avian

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thank u!! <3 90's colors are so fun to play with hehe

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silly outfit test i forgot to post

(also i now have a working title for my game project; it's currently called Wizkens! \o/ )

#art #avian

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!! eyyyy!! \o/ happy to see you as well!! <3

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kofi port for !! <3

art #furryart #commissionsopen

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shalmons's avatar shalmons
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ahh thank you!! i always love finding styles that are basically zero stress for me 😂 so fun!! <3

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