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Not here to annoy those around the site. Fanfiction writer with an Ao3 account I'm not divulging, that's the price of writing for tiny, niche fandoms with questionable base material....

Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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*shivers* Breastfeeding off Nanny kinks, plastered all over Ao3? No thanks....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Not written a thing for my epics for 2 weeks, and hardly written a word this weekend, but that should change a little today.... At least I've got the knowledge that this weekend I have secured funding for a new PC. Yay!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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That's my problem.... I've got two epics that needs chapters, and I've been writing shorter series chapters instead!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The day has come, make your lone voice count and vote, vote tactically, for whoever you want, whatever, just vote, be heard!

I'm voting after half five and taking my 17 year old, as she wants to see and learn about voting, and it's a tactical vote! #VoteTactially #FuckTheTories

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Tomorrow night the storm drain will be filled around the UK's lesiure centres as Tory hopefuls have their dreams dashed! At least the outflow discharges will dilute all the sh*t in the UK's rivers, after 14 years of their Tory leadership causing it in the first place....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Inside my echo chamber, chamber, chamber, ey, ey, ey.....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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A bit of writing tonight, with plenty of upbeat music. It might not be possible to write tomorrrow, when that wine bottle reaches my lips as we celebrate!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Scumbags do have a way of finding each other, don't they?

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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She only became Terfdemort after Helen Joyce got caught reading 'dubious age Hermoine Grainger' smutfics on a train.... The 'do as I say, not as I do,' attitude, has been so ironic ever since!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I released Chapter 2 of my new Rimworld fanfic last night. The second part of the series revolving around Lissa.... I'm not sure how far I want to take this series, part of me wants to write it until the ascension, but I'm not convinced it'll be more than one more part?

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The new part of my Rimworld shortfic series has reached 20k, after starting it last weekend. Hopefully it'll be done soon, as I can finally get to the juicy bits!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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She has a kink for torture vids.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The last few days have resulted in about 10k and 3 chapters of this episodic new Rimworld fanfic being written.... The problem is, nothing has been written on my other fics! I think I need to write one of these, then focus on the other two, at least keep to some sort of release schedule!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The best thing is, it's an aRPG in the style of a JRPG, since Radical Fish are German....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I have had a lot of fun, starting to write a little series of porn with plot stories.... I must remind myself to keep writing my more regular fanfics though!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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A sneak mini-snippet of my new, Rimworld short fanfic, in Lissa's world : 'She’d named the child, Hope, more as a stab at her own situation, since she believed she was always destined to be a slave, but at least her daughter deserved a shred of hope for a better life....'

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Well, I knew it was coming. The opening part of a new Rimworld shortfic is starting to be written.... We're going to see the start of a fanfic series, featuring Lissa-Broodmother-To-Be!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The Rimworld fanfic chapter is done, and released on Ao3.... It's been a bit of a slog, distracted by the shortfic, but it's there now, and I'm happy with the result.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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New CrossCode fanfic chapter is complete and ticking in at 14.5K.... I've also just finished a Rimworld fanfic chapter, and that's 14.1K.... Editing ahead, and plenty of it, it seems!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I'm wrapping up the chapter on the Twisted Soap Opera, finally.... Hopefully I'll have the chapter out early next week. That's the Rimworld fanfic taken care of, nearly. I can blitz off the last of the CrossCode chapter then and get that into the release cycle.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The thing is, it's the tamest resolution, compared to what you can add with mods, let alone the base game.... Draincaskets are always in need of occupants, just a suggestion.... Especially since politicians are usually bloodsuckers on society anyway!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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At least in Rimworld, politics can be settled fairly by guns!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Nearly done with the new Rimworld fanfic chapter, and the CrossCode one is well into the final phase. We'll have new content very soon! Plus, the nasty shortfic is doing better than I thought as the numbers continue to slowly tick up past my goals!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Spent Father's Day happily playing Rimworld.... Good News : My Underground Bloodfeeders are doing great! Bad News : Zero fanfic writing done! I am not annoyed with myself, I need to get more chapters out after making promises, but the day off felt good, as my shortfic hits my 1k views target....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I'm really enjoying the result of the short, Rimworld fic being finished on Ao3.... Lots of view, backed with a decent haul of Bookmarks and Kudos to boot! It's given me the spark back too, getting my mind back to the, 'more traditional,' longfic writing! I'm on track for chapters for out soon!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Honestly, yes.... They're living a fantasy, and it's these people we're going to spend te next term of Parliament dealing with, educating them to deprogram their brainwashing!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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As someone who is of a similar age, I only hope my writing ability is half-decent.... I can browse Ao3 and see the differences in writing styles. The contrast is quite shocking as you start to see the varaitions between youth and experience.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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It's done! The earworm is released on Ao3, the final chapter editing, completed and the publish button pressed.... I'm happy, and discovered I love the character of Lissa, maybe I should return to her, one day?

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I have the images of them in my mind, gradually built up over the pages of my fic.... I think I have to start by pooling them into a text somewhere, as that is something I have never done for them, but I have for my other, 'much darker' content fic.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I wish I had the slightest bit of talent to recreate any image of my OC's, the ones that populate my own writing and CrossCode fic. I know I have trouble drawing a stick man, let alone anything I could consider myself proud of, these are great representations of your chars.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Tonight, the last chapter of my Rimworld earworm Fanfic is published on Ao3. I've had a bunch of fun writing it, and I'm proud of the result, even though it's pretty disturbing and unsettling. Thank Rimworld for having the potential for such content!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Their desperation grows daily....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The full, short Rimworld fanfic may be written, but it is not all on Ao3 yet, and the release of the penultimate chapter last night seems to be going well! Now there's one to go, and that's going up Tuesday night. Maybe now my mind will settle, and return to longfic writing?

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Assign them a small area while it rains outside.... The rain stops fire spread.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Yup, water is not a safe wall any longer.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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It's done! I wrote the last word at 01:45 last night, but the Rimworld earworm fanfic is finally out of my head, and it's cleared my head to let me think of my normal fics once more! Chapter 4 / 5 goes up tonight.... Only editing left to do! I am proud of how it reads too!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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And Chapter 3 / 5 is up! It's been so invigorating to actually get this short Rimworld fanfic up, and it's nearly all written now! Next chapter to add Sunday night....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Chapter 3 / 5 to publish today.... This short Rimworld fanfic has been so refreshing to write, and with 4 / 5 written, I even have the chapter names, and most of the last chapter roughly planned in my head. All I have left to do, is tell the story of The Stubborn & The Schemer....

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Reported by a hack rag that went all in to tub-thump for Brexit....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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So the next chapter of this short, Rimworld fanfic went up last night.... Things seem to be going well, so far. It's going to be interesting to see how it's received, given the content, and the fact I've not written like this before? But there's still 3 chapters to post before this story is done.

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Confirming that the next chapter of my short Rimworld fanfic, will be on Ao3 this evening, when the real war crimes begin. Gonna post the chapters every two days, until it is finished and all released, and I'm planning to post the next Twisted Soap Opera chapter soon after!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Where are you mentally?

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Three chapters of the five written on my Rimworld short fanfic.... This earworm won't leave me until it's done, and I'm gonna put out the next chapter tomorrow night!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Alright, I confess it.... The earworm that has been nagging at me has the first chapter up on Ao3! A short, punchy, Rimworld fanfic that's grown out of the increasing amount of lore, suggesting new, possible lores for the many different colonies we can create at the limit of human exploration!

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I'm writing, but it's this oneshot fanfic, not my main fics. I've written nearly 4K in one day!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Welcome to the community....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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I've started writing one of those RImworld fanfic oneshots! Damn my wandering mind, especially with the content this one is willing to go into.... My Twisted Soap Opera is bad enough, this is worse, as if that were possible! I must write more normal content!

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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Damn it, getting more plot ideas for Rimworld fanfic stories! I might have to pause my soap opera and write a oneshot, but I got the current chapter to finish first, thankfully it's nearly there though....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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30p Lee is looking for a pair of knickers for his kink, Froggy is asking for a pair of her own, to add to his personal 'scratch and sniff' collection....

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Sikee-Atric's avatar Sikee-Atric
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The Anomaly DLC has deffo upped the interest in the Rimworld fanfic scene.... My Twisted Soap Opera is sinking down the content list all of a sudden, but I'll be back up there with a new chapter in a few weeks, this Festival Of Joy is fun to write, with the intrigue lurking in the background!

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