Skunki's avatar


45 followers 65 following 225 posts

Known as Skunki since 1997. Cave Diver. Trimix Diver. Engineer. Owns half of a sailing Yacht. Property of my beloved and very pretty Tes Kitty. Part time Rosalie Rieux / Mrs. Squiggly.

Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ja, ich wollte für EF auch etwas versauter werden. Das ist dabei raus gekommen.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Die Frage ob das der Schlauch oder der O-Ring ist, erübrigt sich hier.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Aquazepp hat hervorragend funktioniert! Waren ca. 90 min unterwegs in Summe. Ganz zum Schluß noch ein paar Runden gedreht im 3. und 4. Gang. Nach Öffnen der Nase keine seltsamen Gerüche bemerkt. BMS ist kühl gewesen. Vorher: 576 Wh Bleiakkus (Trockenzellen), jetzt 1280 Wh LiFePo.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Been there, done it. I used to be in England several times in the late 80s and early 90s. Never got fond of the place. But the Cross Key Inn in Lydney did serve beer to German students. However I do speak the language now.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Das Bild ist klasse!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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You overthing everything. Just shave completly and its done.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ab sofort ist meine Klingel stummgeschalten. Ich wurde 1x zu oft mit sturmklingeln aus der Mittagspause geholt. Ich habe die Schnautze voll!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Perfect trim!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Die neuen Akkus sind am Laden. Keine seltsamen Gerüche, Wärmeentwicklung oder Geräusche.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Schön wärs.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Aktueller Stand vom Aquazepp-Upgrade. Es wird langsam.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Waiting for Mrs. Squiggly V2

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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For all the music lovers: There are concerts you can't attend by just buying a ticket.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Sure! No Bots, no army of fake accounts who want to follow me. I‘m happy.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ich frage mich gerade was ein Kanadier, Engländer oder Amerikaner unter einem „Hollow Path“ verstehen würde.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Its the same for me. So the algorythm is fucked.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ein sog. Hohlweg. Gibt es viele von hier bei mir.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Perfektes Geh-Wetter im tiefen Süden

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
[ View ] Which numer am I?

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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C‘est tres bien.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Yesterday I ripped my mask accidently. No more Mrs. Squiggly for some time at least.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ich habe ein passendes Schild.

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Reposted by Skunki

Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Thanks to my beloved cat man my record player is working again. „….I got a ticket to the moon….“

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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I still have a Star Trek II uniform. Tailored by my now deceased aunt. I couldn't get a decent pattern for it, but when my father saw the back of the uniform he said he got the same cut in his collection: A German Artillery Captain of WW2. They seem to have used the same design for the movie.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Erste Erfahrung nach 24h Ozempic: Der Geschmack verändert sich. Süßes schmeckt sehr viel süßer als zuvor. Fast ungenießbar süß. Wenn ich vor dem Regal mit Schokolade, Flips und Chips stehe reizt es mich gar nicht mehr. Weiter so!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ich warte auch noch auf Schläuche... seit 2 Wochen. Der Swaglok war in 2 Tagen da.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ich trete körperlich auf der Stelle. Ich will das! Wenn die Schweine bei meinem Kunden mit Zuchtbetrieb zu fett sind, kommen die Biester auch aufs Joggingband. Aber haben keine Firma zu leiten.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Ich bin ab heute Team Ozempic.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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I'd love to say Germany is safe, but it's not. We have a little Adolf again and he is way too successful. They sell out our country to ruzzians and the chinese and claim they are patriots.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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And me a few cave videos.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Is Manfred von Richthofen‘s red Fokker Dreidecker still hanging from the ceiling?

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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But if your granddad suffered from Altheimer, the person you once loved wasn‘t there anymore when the body died.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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It take at least three days until you are able to think straight again. I‘m dealing with prople who lost someone beloved for 24 years now and nothing can be written or said to make things better.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Noch mal 35 m für 80 min in Wallhause, Bodensee. Stages transportiert im Schneesturm. Argon statt Luft verwendet. Holla, war das kalt! Wer behauptet, daß Argon nichts bringt, hat vorher schon was falsch gemacht.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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52 m, 100 min. Durchs Kängurutor und wieder zurück. Alles super.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Wieder oben. 45 m, 90 min. Handschuh rechts hatte einen Riß, ein Sauerstoffsensor ausgefallen, ist später aber wieder gekommen. Etwas viel Sauerstoff verbraucht. #Wallhausen #Bodensee

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Reposted by Skunki

Nicole 🐾🔜CanFURence 2024 (Dealers Den)'s avatar Nicole 🐾🔜CanFURence 2024 (Dealers Den)
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Always thinking of Bard Nicole

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Are you still working on comissions!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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This could have been me when I exchange your granddad with my grandmother. Back in the day I hoped she'd get better, but it does not. It never does. Then she reached the point where she didn't even recognise me anymore. Thats when I stoped visiting her. It hurt me and it did hurt her.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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100 EUR, 1x gefaltet parallel zur langen Seite. Den im Geldbeute in ein anderes Fach packen. Damit kommt man klar im Notfall.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Dafür habe ich immer eine kleine Bargeldreserve.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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Eier ab als Kassenleistung? Bin dabei!

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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When do we see Bridget riding it?

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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You have to go to Alexander Fröhlich. He is a Master of his kind! One of his open secrets is, he doesn't use "normal" sugar but honey only.

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Skunki's avatar Skunki
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How do I contact you personally when I come up with something? Direct Message on FA?

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