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Michael Clark


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Ancient historian / classicist, not one of the mean ones. Looking for more honesty and less malice in politics. Handle means 'mouse bane', a commentary on one of our major political parties in the US.

Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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So are Republicans sending their traditional delegation of Senators this year to court Putin in Moscow on July 4th?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Why believe any accusation until strong evidence is forthcoming? Has nothing to do w/ TERFs, Gaiman (whom I have no opinions abt), gender, men, or any group. People w/ & w/out an agenda make false accusations. Yes ppl even lie to cops...and why not, cops lie as well.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Problem w/ latter is that the polls contradict each other fundamentally, even within the oeuvre of individual pollsters. Is the NYT fooling anybody when they pretend that vast swings in minority support are occurring from one month to the next?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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This guy has gone around the bend. Biden isn't feeding the media frenzy bc he's not capable of talking? Wall St Journal and Axios agree that he's toast? Barely distinguishable from a Russian troll.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Who you gonna trust, your pundit's fickle interest or your lying primary vote?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Even more basic: If it's on the TV that makes it important.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Yikes! I'm so sorry for the abuse you suffered. These people are utterly hideous.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Sorry, that unintentionally came off as if I thought it was conveying information.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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They're stuck with a strategy that requires Trump to win a higher proportion of the vote than he managed to do even before he tried to overthrow the govt, got convicted of dozens of felonies, announced his plan to become dictator, and took credit for overturning Roe v Wade.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Despite the steady media fare of Biden doomerism, it's remarkable how little we hear about the truly decisive electoral turn of events this spring: an implosion of the GOP's attempts to rat f*ck the Democrats by promoting various 3rd party weirdos (RFK, West) & faux "unity" grifters like No Labels.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I have a distinct feeling nearly every one of these jazz-hands vibesters spouting off that Biden "needs" to renounce his primary win hasn't ever actually worked on a political campaign or even volunteered in one. Before listening to their free advice, I want to know "Is this your 1st rodeo?"

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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The guy understands almost nothing about politics. He doesn't even know or care how little he knows about politics. Going back almost 20 years, his published opinions about politics have been rife with howlers, strange assumptions and huge leaps of logic.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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3 of those 4 opinion columnists have virtually no background related to practical politics much less campaigning for office. And I doubt that Cottle knows very much either. Is the Times unable to find any pissy Dem political operatives willing to take a hatchet to Biden for them? Or do none exist?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Early Christians were as socially conditioned as everyone else in antiquity and late antiquity to embrace opportunities to dominate others and to view rigid hierarchies strictly enforced & maintained as indisputably good.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I guess only the windows are bullet proof!

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Fun fact: a snipe is a highly timid, pudgy little bird with a flexible beak that curves backward upon itself. It mostly just pokes around in the mud.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Why would you just swallow this bullshit from the NYT of all sources? Much less promote it?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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If you're naive enough to think that Trump voters would vote for a Democrat running against him, then you might just be too naive to offer advice to politicians about how to run for office. Pissing off Dem voters by nominating a both-sides wuss is an own goal.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Is this the same source who told the NYT that Biden confessed he fell asleep during the debate? Or the one that assured them the DOJ found no evidence of Trump colluding with Putin? Or, you know, all the other anonymously sourced lies the Times has promulgated since forever?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Shapiro?! The guy who began his campaign for gov by shivving his Democratic predecessor, claiming he was always against the state COVID policies that he defended in court? Went in search of Republicans he could appoint to high state offices? Why not just revive the ghost of Lieberman?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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It's so easy to draw a straight line that some people just won't connect the two dots.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I finally saw one of these jalopies IRL on the NY thruway. Much more absurd than expected. It looks like a cheap kit for stylin' up a 2 stroke moped. Flimsier and less practical than those tiny 3 wheeled work trucks that used to be ubiquitous in Europe (the one used by assassins in the movie "Z").

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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SCOTUS: Dictators w/ impunity forever! Trump: Tribunals for everyone! Dems: Dump the one guy who beat Trump FFS!

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I once asked a Spanish friend, a priest, what it was like growing up under Franco. "Oh it was normal."

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Yes...though the immunity ruling also implies that a nearly universal out-group, "We the People", have zero protection even in court from any and all crimes or abuses that the president wishes to inflict.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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"envy of an absolute monarch" Can't be stressed enough that the new power of the president vis a vis citizens is analogous to the power of a slave owner over slaves. Anyone he decides to punish cannot effectively resist his power to abuse, punish or kill; cannot appeal to the courts for protection.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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NYT: There are no agreed facts about the Constitution any longer, but our theater criticism is very, very real.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Yeah, even at 15 that's way too young to ref matches at this level. I'd say wait until they're 18 or even 20 to be safe.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Reposting from a long 3 days ago.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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The ruling is a gross violation of the compact represented in the Constitution. There is no *stable* democracy, republic, constitutional monarchy, or civil society I know of where any head of state is regarded as above the law. The Roberts Court went straight for Nazi territory.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Another possibility is that Roberts is another FedSoc grifter likes the others on the Court. To judge by the immunity ruling, he might as well be a beneficiary of Putin's largesse.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Never imagined I might say this. I wonder whether the smart play for Democratic governors this summer is to begin communicating to Biden that a failure to revamp the Supreme Court this year, and reverse the string of authoritarian rulings, could lead to secession in the event of a Trump victory.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I think the boom was an upsurge in births starting in '46 because so many young service members were demobbed in late '45. But these 3 presidents were born before most of those serving overseas could return to the US. Neither Clinton's nor Trump's parents served in WWII. Bush's father was stateside.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Also worth noting, for all the complaints here about baby boomers, that 3 of the 4 boomer presidents wouldn't qualify if they were born just a few months earlier. Those were the ones who really sucked.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Whatev...the Sheridan dude was chortling the other day over a Jack-the-Ripper murder, which seems to fit the profile of a Trump stan.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Easy block

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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How about the Senators who dismissed demands that they filibuster Alito's nomination?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Effectively the Supreme Court ruling on immunity has turned all of us into the president's slaves in terms of our legal status. We are public slaves now. We cannot contest in court any mistreatment at his or his agents' hands. All we can do is provoke reprisals if we dare to complain about abuse.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Yes. Effectively we've all been turned into the president's slaves in our legal status. We are public slaves now.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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One question I haven't seen answered by news reports: Does the ruling also immunize other officials if they violate the law to serve the president's wishes (with or without being asked or ordered to do so)? IOW did SCOTUS make "I was just following orders" a legal defense for committing crimes?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Did you know that it's illegal for a president to be homeless in Oregon, but not to try to overthrow the US government?

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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I'm so old I remember when pundits were warning us that it'd be supremely dangerous for the country to elect (checks notes) Biden to a second term.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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One positive thing about the ruling on presidential immunity: at least it's consistent w/ last week's ruling legalizing bribery. A president has limitless resources & possibilities to bribe public officials to do what he wants, so it'd be inane to insist he can be held liable for bribe-free crimes.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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This is just perversely stupid. First, the finger-saving patent is not going to be enforced by the owner under the proposed rule. Second, older used table saws will continue to be a dime a dozen. Antilock brakes are expensive, but her buddies complaining about table-saw safety drive around w/ them.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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A more lawyerly and temperate interpretation: 'bludgeon' not 'stab'

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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The Supreme Court reactionaries stabbed govt regulation in the back w/ the Chevron ruling just the other day. Today they stabbed it in the chest w/ the Corner Post ruling.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Yes it's a beautiful sunset after such an oppressive day.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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They'll need to include an expert on rakes bc the Court's reactionaries keep stepping on those.

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Michael Clark's avatar Michael Clark @smintheus.bsky.social
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Make sure you remember to turn off the circuit breaker before emptying the water heater.

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