Son of a Sailor's avatar

Son of a Sailor

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I must admit that I tend toward the ungainly end of the dancing ability spectrum. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I'm ready for a respite from, well, a lot of things. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Thank goodness I don't have to dicker over the price of a chocolate chip cookie like I do for a car. With my luck I'd be paying ten bucks a pop. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I'm always amused at how relatively swole Anthony Michael Hall got after he grew up. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Titans and moguls can eat at the best restaurants in the world, but will they ever know the simple joy of the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich? #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Looks like the Tories were well and truly castigated at the polls yesterday. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Remembering with gratitude today the patriots who served and gave their lives to defend our independence. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Douglas Booth looks like he could have been drawn by, and I mean that as a compliment to both parties. 🙂

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Every video game has (at least for me anyway) that moment that seems virtually insuperable until, somehow, it isn't. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Some days I feel like I'd like to retire to that quiet cabin in the glade that Tom Cruise had in Oblivion, only without all the Tom Cruises. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I abhor micro-USB with a passion. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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"Hi, daddy." 🙂 What a great movie.

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Kudos to the inventor of air conditioning. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I hope someday AI turns out to be more than just a fecund source of hype and content theft. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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In deference to spousal harmony, I am limiting myself to one purchase during this year's Steam Summer Sale. (The new version of Riven.) #wordOfTheDay #steamSummerSale

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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It's a cardinal rule: if you attempt to get into the house in one trip, while carrying groceries, the mail, takeout, and a couple of drinks, you will drop the drinks. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Dividing a dessert is a zero-sum game. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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If I had a job requiring me to make deliveries to all kids all over the world, all in one night, my renumeration requirements would be far more than milk and cookies. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I could claim that a clandestine secret assignment kept me from posting yesterday's #wordOfTheDay, but we would all know that I'm fibbing. #belated

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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It's been superseded in sound quality and convenience, but I'm still a fan of my 4th gen iPod. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I'm vulnerable to ads for shiny tech things, so maybe I should just bury my credit card under the driveway. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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From the hue and cry raised by my cat as dinner time approaches you'd think she'd not been feed in, like, ever. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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It's not worthy of a jubilee or anything, but I did manage to clear my spam folder today. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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She's a brainiac, brainiac, on the chalkboard
And she's calculating wavefunction probability densities like she's never calculated wavefunction probability densities before...

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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The story of how "Yesterday" came to Paul McCartney in a dream, which sounds apocryphal but really isn't, is one of my favorite bits of music trivia. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I don't remember when it became the paradigm for US political candidates to not disclose their party affiliation on their yard signs, stickers, mailings, or other advertising, but it's incredibly annoying and, in my opinion, cowardly. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Unbeknownst to most people, pizza bestows immortality. Probably. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Anyone who's been following along knows that I'm a fan of a good pie, but if it contains coconut, it will be quickly rebuffed. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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The Beatles will always be my musical lodestone. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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For a most efficacious solution to a rumbly tumbly, see attached. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I'm befuddled as to why shareholders would even consoder paying $56 billion to a guy who apparently just gets his kicks spreading misinformation and fomenting dissent on his social media fiefdom. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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You'd think making a daily #wordOfTheDay post in a timely manner would be fairly tractable problem, but apparently not.

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Nothing triggers a fit of consternation like having your streaming service subscription expire the day before a season finale is released. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Even if I wore a disguise to stay incognito, my favorite restaurants would still know it was me because I always order the same damn thing. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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As usual, the gossip and rumors preceding Apple's WWDC event are all over the place, fueled as they are by an overabundance of wishful thinking. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I think about the bravery, dedication, and sheer moxie it took to storm the beaches of Normandy, and I wonder if that combination of qualities exists anymore. #wordOfTheDay

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Reposted by Son of a Sailor

Neil Gaiman 's avatar Neil Gaiman
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I got the best news today from one of the artists whose work went out in the Heritage Auction that someone who bought a drawing from him long ago, and sold it for a lot more recently, is sending him 10% of the profits. So the idea of cutting in the artists is starting to catch on. And I'm glad.

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Given the way things have been going in the world lately, it's challenging to maintain a belief in meliorism. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Astronomers may say the sunlight striking the earth at sunset has a high angle of incidence, but photographers have coined the more poetic term "magic hour". #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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I'm so tired of websites foisting autoplay videos on me; videos that have *nothing to do* with the webpage I'm trying to read. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Political, sports, and duck dynasties are so yesterday. It's time for the Fediverse dynasty. #wordOfTheDay

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Reposted by Son of a Sailor

Kurt Andersen's avatar Kurt Andersen
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Great Washington Post nostalgia study. Adults think U.S. society was historically nicest and comfiest—most moral and close-knit, families happiest—whenever they happened to be little kids, and culture (music, movies, TV, fashion, sports, food) best whenever they were adolescents.

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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At some point during my early years of public schooling, my classmates and I stopped transforming into a wild and noisy mob as soon as the teacher left the room, but an obstreperous corner of my soul was always disappointed. #wordOfTheDay

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Son of a Sailor's avatar Son of a Sailor
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Most RPGs seem to have a leveling plateau, where experience points are gleaned at a glacially slow pace. #wordOfTheDay

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