Colin Spacetwinks's avatar

Colin Spacetwinks

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that kangaroo what makes the game rec threads and such

Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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leadership totally fucks up in 2010 here? leadership sticks around. notoriously corrupt/incompetent new york dems cost the party the house in the midterms recently? you know what that means, baby! absolutely no consequences and in fact handing speakership to incompetent new york dem jeffries.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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fun fact: the guy behind the dukakis tank stunt? actually rose UP as a consultant and a strategist over the years. literal cofounder of third way in 2005 too.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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to go from "they don't care about anything but themselves" to "oh my god they're so fully ensconced in feelings of invulnerability that they don't think anything bad COULD ever happen to them"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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this exceptionally notable with clyburn, who when faced with actually maybe the slightest hint of his own district becoming less secure, worked behind the scenes with GOP to make sure his district was rock solid for him even if it fucked over potential dem candidates in the state as a whole.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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even if the party as a whole gets fucked - like they were in 2010 - the seniority, the leadership, is fine, because to *become* seniority, you basically *have* to be in a district that is untouchable and be there forever. they do not think in terms of the party, but of themselves, specifically.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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one thing for me is imo an underappreciated factor: congressional dems hand out seats - and with it power - with seniority prioritized. dem leadership, the seniority, are in virtually untouchable districts, with tons of power and money to make people not even think about challenging them.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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anyway when i learned some years back that the fundraiser emails are contracted out to other companies boy it explained so much about the party and that split between the "GOP IS COMING TO BOMB YOUR HOUSE" messaging in the inbox and the "ehhhnnnhnnh it'll be fine" messaging from leadership

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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a guy tries to kill pelosi's husband, because he was trying to kill pelosi, the GOP make jokes about it, and she's still on the same "we need a strong GOP". a buncha people try to run biden campaign buses off the road, he was still spouting the same old shit. fundamentally unmovable.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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when 1/6 happened i thought i was already pretty cynical, but then i saw that they didn't even have a survival instinct strong enough to overcome their desire to stick to norms and just try to ride things out till dying in office. it'd take like nationwide riots to budge them on so much shit

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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the emails scream that SCOTUS is an existential crisis, and it is, and the people the emails are telling us to fundraise for are constantly telling everyone "doing anything would be irresponsible. also we need a strong republican party"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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feinstein making barret's support go UP by fucking hugging shit out with lindsey graham and talking about how great this whole hearing was

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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all presidents are wildly egotistical, but some are even moreso, and joe really fits that model.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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resentment factor is twofold: one for "young guy who has barely been a senator beats his ass soundly in the 2008 primaries and straight up becomes president" and "discouraged him from running in 2016" (a situation where i actually think joe could've won it to boot)

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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would take me some time to dig up the other examples, but here's a quickie.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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and 9/10 people try to change the subject to something else because that one makes 'em uncomfy. not good times for the country, but incredibly funny in a depressing way times for the country

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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i ask people often, which do they think is the most likely to happen 1. dem seniority 180 their approach on all the many crises facing us, like the GOP (IE, no more "we need a strong republican party") 2. dem seniority willingly retires 3. dem seniority just fucking dies from being old

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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dick durbin: let's face it folks. i'm old as shit. could happen any minute crowd: [raucous cheers]

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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fastest way the dem seniority could fire up voters is promising to die in office of old age by like march 2025

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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so much bullshit. so much stress. so much fear. and even thousands upon thousands of *deaths*, all because this man's ego, his personal connections, his 'friendships' with people who clearly do not feel the same way, and more, take priority over everything else in the world to him. what an asshole.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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...his not so quiet resentment of obama even though the man is the primary reason he is where is now, constantly bringing up his friendship with people like strom thurmond unprompted, and i can't help but wonder if he sees his presidency as being beau's presidency, vicariously.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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so many of biden's decisions - and his stubborness on many things - are wholly about his personal emotions and connections, not any sort of political calculus. his friendliness with mitch, his old ties to netanyahu as he stays desperately attached to him now, still being bitter over 80s reporters...

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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specific We Gave It Our Best Shot, Slugger energy of this answer reminding me of how joe wanted beau to be prez, to the point of saying on Morning Joe in 2020: "Beau should be the one running for president, not me. Every morning I get up Joe, not a joke, and I think to myself, 'Is he proud of me?"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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people understandably bring up the good the NLRB and the like is doing and it always makes me feel "hey, cool, any way i can vote for them to be president instead? i bet they got better opinions on palestine too"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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picturing an alternate version of the space race where the kind of energy/support NASA is getting from the democrats is "well... you guys keep doing whatever it is you're doing i guess"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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part of the problem there of course that biden's antitrust people are good, yes, but have pretty much zero backing/energy from their superiors, nor is leadership actually making it a big deal, biden himself included

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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the portrait of the biden circle that's getting painted is all the isolationism and resentment and ego of the nixon white house but with only a fraction of the capability to intimidate people and keep shit in line

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"the media though! oh my god the media!!!!!" if you can't get *axelrod* in line from word one, if he's not already in line before anything is said at all, it's definitely not the media that's your main problem

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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infinite anger for "impeach the motherfucker" from one of their own, handshakes forever for the cheneys

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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this place feels like the *only* place where people think dems are only getting this weak about him because of the news media being shitty. these are the motherfuckers who wheeled feinstein's corpse around! clearly they've had some problems with joe already!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"everybody else has to do the job of helping the democrats win office because at no point can we, or should we, expect them to do anything that would help themselves". we have to carry them across the finish line because they can't even be bothered to do obama ass "get us excited first"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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lol i also have not forgotten them being very "no no no we are DEFINITELY doing in-person voting and not advocating for mail in voting, in-person voting good" up until the MOMENT bernie dropped out, then they switched. putting an infection shaped gun at the head of voters as a threat!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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sounds to me like he and his circle are exceptionally weak and bad at their jobs and always have been! they can't even get the people who are most primed to kiss his ass forever to keep kissing his ass!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"what do you expect us to do about *manchin*?!?!" and now we can't even expect the president to have the capability to wrangle fucking seth moulton in massachusetts? they can't get quigley in *illinois* in line? they can't get *james carville* to suck some dick?????

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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it's not even just the media either is the thing - *very clearly*, there are *massive doubts* within the *dem party itself* about him. these are the people who see him the *most* often. he can't convince *them*. he can't project strength with *them*.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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maybe it's unfair that 'the republicans really ARE that bad' isn't an auto win button! too fucking bad, democrats! do the work!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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vividly remembering how 2020 was the 'basement campaign' and joe was actually *avoiding* public appearances and narrowly squeezed out a win and that these circumstances appear to have given him, and his circle, a firm belief that this will always work!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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the thing is too, there are some *extremely easy fucking ways* for joe biden to put this issue to bed - *if he's capable of it!!!!!* and that's the real fucking problem, ain't it! he is apparently not up to the task of saving his own goddamn campaign!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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rich republicans dump millions into fucking school board elections, rich democrats go "welp, best of luck"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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people constantly go "we need some kind of liberal counter to the right wing media project" and do not seem to be able to draw any conclusions on "every liberal who's totally fucking loaded has no interest in funding such a thing"

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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no hesitation at all about sentencing thousands of innocent children to death abroad, but taking any sort of action to counter media gives 'em the jitters. fuck offffffffffff

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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everybody else is told That's Just How It Is And They Have To Deal With It about media, from lefties running to office to social movements trying to do something about cops, but people with hundreds of millions of dollars and literal political power get to just whine about it? fuck off.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"ehhhnhnhnhnh but the media will attaaaaack usssssssss if we do somethinggggg" 1. they're attacking you right now 2. once again, do people think everybody was super nice to obama in '08. or that he just floated in there on a string of destiny or some shit

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"the media just wants STUNTS!!!!!" sounds like the president should do some fucking stunts then! anything other than 'sit around moping' and 'release extremely low energy letters that also promise to do nothing and just ask people to vote harder for you whenever SCOTUS does bullshit'

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"oh you think you the president can just WAVE A MAGIC WAND and PASS ALL YOUR POLICIES" no, what i'm saying is- "you think the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES can just DO THINGS that DRIVE NEWS CYCLES" actually yes absolutely no shit he is the Fucking President

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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tammany hall didn't sit on their asses like this! they put the work in!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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fundamentally, leadership that doesn't want to lead, that wants everybody else - far less powerful, less secure people than they are - to fix all the problems and take all the risks and do all the work is just not a good fucking strategy to keep power, even if just for corrupt reasons.

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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media, SCOTUS, the GOP as a whole, israel, on and on and ON and ON, the strategy is "hope everything just works out on its own" and "c'mon, be nice to me, please". my sympathy for the most powerful people possibly facing this issue is extremely limited! do something about it, losers!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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instead everybody wants to do hillary in 2016 forever now, a mix of "you don't have any choice so fuck you, get in line" and "i *deserve* this, losers" and just whine about how unfair everybody is and then be surprised this does not help them win. obama '08 but not squishy on gay rights this time!!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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"but what can we DO everything's so HARD" a BLACK MAN named BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA took on THE CLINTON MACHINE THAT HAD BEEN SETTING A RUNWAY FOR HILLARY FOR YEARS, THE MEDIA, THE GOP, AND WON. this happened in fucking 2008!!! there are things to learn from his campaign!!!!

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Colin Spacetwinks's avatar Colin Spacetwinks
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in terms of pure slimy "win the election at any costs", obama '08 is the example. sure, i'm radicalized now and am a straight up commie, but if you wanna fucking WIN? there's your model! holy shit, what an incredible job he did! and keep shit like OFA and ACORN around too!

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