Sue's avatar


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Bleeding heart liberal in Georgia. Law prof. Loves animals, democracy, & the rule of law. Advocates for civics education. Here mostly to read smart people. Don’t let me down. 🤞🏻

Sue's avatar Sue
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I’m convinced the only way to stop the media’s obsession with Biden’s age is to stop responding. No telling them to F-off, pointing out why they’re wrong, no raging. Treat it as engagement farming & ignore while they punch themselves out. Volunteer for a campaign; talk to voters instead.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I cannot imagine admitting (out loud!) that my fee fees are hurt because the President of the United States of America didn’t call me on my birthday as if he’s my grandpa. Holy hell TFP 🤦‍♀️

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Sue's avatar Sue
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And well past time to stop making excuses for them. His supporters are not victims, deluded, or ignorant. The electeds aren’t afraid of trump or the base. He doesn’t need kompromat to keep them in line. They follow him because they agree with him. They know what he’s doing—it’s what they want.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Neither am I. Which is why I keep posting this. She was exactly right. Again.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Being full-brained = communism.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Or “republican president”

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Imagine using dead children as props for an asinine take.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Is that article satire? 🤯

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Huge fan of the guy. Micah needs to get out more.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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As someone who follows it all very closely, I really appreciate the reality check. I’ve paid attention the last few days and yeah, it still seems bonkers to me. Cannot imagine how the normies are thinking.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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YES!!! Could everyone stop taking their cues from that batshit chaos monkey seeking to destroy the country?

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Sue's avatar Sue
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He is also incoherent and insane. So maybe Dems’ energy could go towards that instead of arguing why the Dem candidate can’t win.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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People confidently predicting what the undecided voters are going to do in four months are ridiculous. These are people unable to decide despite 8 years of facts, but one debate is going to cinch it for them. 🙄

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Sue's avatar Sue
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The genuine remorse is for his sports career and being called a rapist. Not for being a rapist. Or for raping a child. Thanks for clarifying, defense counsel.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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The idea of competing narratives is so compelling. A couple years ago a colleague and I organized a symposium on a that theme. So I am looking forward to reading your book.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Ok. I’ll wait until July then. 😎

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Sue's avatar Sue
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That sounds really interesting. Off to order.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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People are wild. It’s a game no one is forced to play. And I swear this has been an answer before, tho I could be making that up. Hmm.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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According to an article in The Hill, vergogna means “shame.” Let her fly that one. I honestly can’t think of a better flag to fly over the Alito home. Or maybe over the Supreme Court building.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I don’t think they understand that dictatorships aren’t great for business or the economy. At least not for those businesses that aren’t cronies or appropriately obsequious.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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We might want to see if he has a third home.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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condemned Biden for, well, she didn’t say. For “dividing us.” So, I get calling out the hypocrisy of the right claiming they’re extending grace when it’s only to trump and not the rest of the country. But I don’t get thinking they care or believing they’re extending grace rather than making excuses

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I just had a discussion with a trump supporter who argued that we shouldn’t define trump by his worst actions because God forgives. Putting aside the reality that trump never admits he’s wrong let alone apologizes, in the next sentence this person

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Sue's avatar Sue
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In this brave new world, may the odds be ever in your favor.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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So, he’s saying it’s a good thing, right?

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I don’t see this trial is listed on that page.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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What did the judge do wrong?

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Sue's avatar Sue
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What a ghoul. Wow.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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If it can happen to trump, that means all wealthy connected wht men can suffer the consequences of their actions. What kind of world would that be?!

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Another dipshit who thinks journalistic ethics requires having zero opinions. 🤦‍♀️

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Sue's avatar Sue
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And they should stop screaming it’s about genocide when they’re ignoring both that Trump has said Palestine should be a parking lot and knowing he’d let Putin genocide Ukraine. There’s a reason both Putin and Netanyahu want trump to win this election.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I hope too. And I also hope that when they do this, the press doesn’t excoriate Democrats for being “uncivil.” Because one thing we can always count on is the matter what the Democrats do, they will be criticized for it. And no matter what happens it’s always bad for Biden.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Like when SuperMajority told the entire Pantsuit Nation group—a group with millions of members that was still going strong years after it formed—that SM was going to archive the page to focus its energy and efforts on young women?

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Sue's avatar Sue
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That took no time at all.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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To be fair, Clinton’s remark was (a) true and (b) about The True Authentic Americans (aka, wyt republicans in The Heartland (tm)). 🤯

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Or what Democrats actually believe and do. It’s just lazy bothsidesing masquerading as an independent thought.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Would not be surprised to find he has yet another house with the confederate flag.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Sue's avatar Sue
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A possibility that seems supported by this. Different fiber art, but we can learn from many directions

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Of course. Typical republican. No scruples. Only concerned with money and power.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Meanwhile, the media referring to trump’s “unified Reich” as a “blunder” or gaff. 🤦‍♀️🤯🤬

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Something he discussed in his commencement speech at Moorehouse. I also think he talks about democracy because he actually cares about democracy. Yet understands that it’s not working for everyone because we need more, not less, of it.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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And him being a victim of an unfair system not only absolves him of any conviction, it also gives his fans a reason to fight for him. He’s doing nothing to expand his base. My fear is he believes he can win by force with those most committed to saving him from the deep state.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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And the reporting was more about the contempt Costello showed than it was about the substance of the trial. Trump may be stupid about many things, but he’s not when it comes to appealing to his base. Showing the rules don’t apply while “proving” the judge is unfair and he’s a victim.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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He only needs 1 to side with him. And to the extent a certain percentage of the electorate finds his schtick appealing they may hold out based on the message that rules don’t apply. I disagree that in court is only for Trump. The disrespect to the law is a campaign theme. It’s their main platform.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I feel they know the best outcome is a hung jury. So the “defense” is all a performance to demonstrate “the rules don’t apply to me and they don’t apply to anyone like me.” Hence the group of ex-convicts at his trail yesterday. It’s not for an audience of one. It’s an election appeal for the base.

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Reposted by Sue

Celeste Ng's avatar Celeste Ng
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More support for the theory that OpenAI is equal parts “never have an original idea” + “steal other people’s work because you’re constitutionally incapable of imagining anything on your own”—with a hefty dollop of “fetishize women and refuse to take no for an answer.”

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Sue's avatar Sue
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Maybe their google isn’t working everyone. They have a tipline so we can help them journalism better. To send a standard tip to The Daily Beast, you can email us at

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Sue's avatar Sue
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No. He didn’t err. The Daily Beast is lying. Or it doesn’t do journalism good. A quick google and you too can find information about the H1N1 pandemic during Obama’s administration. I would hope there’s a retraction and apology soon. That’s promoted as much as this horseshit.

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Sue's avatar Sue
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I’m still trying to bridge the gap from “she quotes Eleanor Roosevelt” to “she’s not apolitical.” That first thing doesn’t prove the second.

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