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That’s totally reasonable. If I thought that would make a difference I’d totally support it. I’m not convinced it will improve the odds though

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It’s all retconning now. “See I knew Biden was going to perform badly in the debate so Harris would have to step in but four years ago Biden failed to prepare Harris for this moment.”

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It was a bad debate but so what it’s one data point. Only fear and irrationality lead one to abandon a previously held position on such limited evidence.

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Because early July polls are 100% accurate! Nate Silver had one good insight. A candidate with a 25% chance has a totally good chance of winning. That’s what polls can tell us even WHEN your candidate’s numbers don’t improve. Let alone when they do.

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Don’t worry polls showed Hilary beating Trump by double digits less than two weeks before the election. Also Kerry was crushing Bush in early September. So what the polls say now are totally predictive of what will happen in November.

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But it’s clear that who can get there? Desperate Hail Marys when you are behind are sure losers.

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And he does abandoning Biden help? How can people be so clueless as to not ask that basic question. If a substitute candidate doesn’t improve the odds but does cost time, money and disarray why would you do it?

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Folks get real. Changing candidates doesn’t move the needle an inch. Except it might move it closer to Trump. There no saviors out there. Get behind your candidate and stop undermining. Make the case for the Democrats. Otherwise you are just helping Trump

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Yes and as soon as he’s replace after months of division, legal struggles over the ballots, difficult to impossible transfers of funds the polls will magically reverse for the Democrats. So simple.

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..should look and sound like. Versus better as in better chance of winning election. The second is the only thing that matters. When you’ve got a realistic alternative let me know.

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The press has published literally thousands of articles on Biden’s age leading up to the debate. And then you saw what you had been prepared to see and panicked. But please tell who can do “better?” Because better for the chattering class means fits their fiction on what they think a president…

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Yes thank you for your meaningless opinion

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I actually think it’s because the center left side of the political spectrum is filled w members of the chattering class who think they should be running the world but actually have zero power except to fuck things up so Trump wins and we get full scale fascism.

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Just stop this madness.

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Endless round of discussions about Biden’s age instead of message message message about Democrats accomplishments and existential threat of Trump

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Hate to say it but our individual survival may be down to a/c. Having lived far too long in the hot zone I can say a/c is an absolute necessity

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I’ve said this so many times. What MAGAs are doing is exactly what African Americans experienced for more than two centuries. It’s just the first time white people

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Not even. It's what most of us would say is a common mix up that literally anyone any age can do. People get close words confused all the time when speaking and then immediately correct, as Biden did. That he immediately corrected is the best sign he DOESN'T have dementia.

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Thank you for that unasked for information.

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No not at all. Did LBJ resign when he decided not to run? If Biden leaves its because he believes another candidate has a better chance of winning. Pretty easy and obvious.

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Remember when Reagan said you could recall nuclear missiles? Not sure if he was thinking recall bombers or if he meant that you could cancel an order to fire missiles. It was in the news a while then forgotten. Like his "senior moment" in the first debate during his second campaign

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When I was young and naïve I fought to remove what I thought were terrible administrators. I quickly learned that you might win a battle but if the powers that be liked what that administrator was doing they'd find someone the same to replace him. There's always someone willing to sell their soul.

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..charges, or prosecutors refusing to prosecute. While in other jurisdictions it will be the opposite. In short legal chaos, all created by John Roberts and co. Way to go rule of law guys!

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I'm guessing generally not because even now police do illegal things but that isn't justification for assulting an officer or resisting arrest. However, if we see wanton abuse and illegal orders against citizens by Trump and people DO start to resist I can imagine some judges throwing out...

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How is this any different than the MAGAs yelling that any job held by a woman or minority (let alone both) means they are unqualified and only got the job because of their race and/or gender?

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Fell off the turnip truck is an old southern favorite.

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What lies are you taking about?

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Alternative take. Inside his brain it died of starvation

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They will keep him around as long as he’s a useful idiot and then they will liquidate him.

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Calling it a reaction to their perceived Trump derangement syndrome is just a too polite way of saying they don’t think Jan 6 was an insurrection or that we saw the first time in our history where there wasn’t a peaceful transfer of power. Indeed some of them are actively pro insurrection

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From what I’ve read on it by actual experts that report is garbage. Weak evidence mustered to a previously determined conclusion. It will be tossed into the rubbish like all such pseudoscience

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I always thought he name sounded like one of those horrible Victorian British sweets. “I’ll have a penny mordaunt gov.”

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I agree he should have known better. But this also happened well before he became a senator or even considered a political career

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I’ve seen plenty of attacks on Biden’s mental state from leftists. So your hands are far from clean

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The point is the entire act involved all sorts of sexual play between them and with the soldiers. At worst he carried the jokes too far

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But she’s the one kissing a guy who didn’t t ask to be kissed. It doesn’t matter what is “expected” any more than saying “a woman expects some masculine attention” justifies it the other way.

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You sound like a fool. Biden has presided over the strongest economy in half a century. Quit whining

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This is the woman in question. Why is this acceptable?

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I mean they wereboth in an act that involved lots of sexual play and banter in front of soldiers. Besides this what else did he do?

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Now you just sound like an asshole and probably a Putin Troll not do you are gone.

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Not really, it seems you are trying to be one of those "well actually" guys and make some minor little caveat of the OP's point.

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Right because this guy is such a genius in the White House. All the evidence shows that the Trump (and Biden) support is locked in and the outcome will be determined by the 4-5% who can be persuaded.

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Great. Look forward to hearing more. A segment on separation of powers so Roberts can learn what it actually means? Also nice hair!

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What's your point?

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I mean Eisenhower had a major heart attack barely two years into his first term and was reelected in a landslide to a second term.

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..military shoot the protesters. Either way we head toward Sudan. I long thought that there wouldn’t be another Jan6 because most people don’t want to give up their quiet lives of relative ease. But now I’m not so sure. Roberts really is the Taney of our time.

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Heritage got one thing right. All roads now lead to a civil war. Biden uses the new powers of office to suppress Trump and MAGA? Violence in the streets forcing him to calm out the military to suppress it. Trump wins and begins “The Terror?” Mass street protests he puts down by having…

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And even if it is explicitly stated.

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