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I draw for tabletop games and occasionally write.

Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Xitter feels like one of those meme blogs with how its algorithm is curated. I cant see the posts of the people I like and follow, but it keeps shoving me blue checkmark dead internet theory in my face.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Even before GenAI was a thing, the titles of those mobile phone games felt like they were generated by a machine. It's always something like: "Dragon: Rise of the Crystal Kings" or "Kawaii Slam Singularity"

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Like if tomorrow they created a steroid that gave you an athelete's physique overnight, fair enough, but you would lose out on the psychological benefits of maintaining and training your body over a long period of time.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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What comes to mind is that people most enthusiastic about it are those that never had to overcome themselves when learning a skill.

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Lodge of Travelers

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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This feels incredibly out of place due to the lack of wires, robots and cyborg babes.

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Edge of Mansus

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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There's this great YouTube video on how LatAm writers used the "low" medium of comics to evade censorship while under the junta. The thing is, the managed to sneak themes from Borges into action and pulp comics. Comic book creators were always freaks, it's just we had more Neos than Agent Smiths.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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No worries. I wanted to invite an indie comic book artist from the States to the Комиссия comic book festival before he was outed as a neo-nazi last minute. That was awkward.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Like there is a lab somewhere producing failed Frank Miller clones and were forced to content with it.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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No offence to my burger friends, but I noticed that the quality of writers and artists in mainstream North American comics is crummy and getting worse. Lots of weird parafascist types and anti-woke culture warriors. Not to mentioned plaguarists keep getting hired despite being caught red handed.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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In all honesty, getting *anything* out as a product or project is difficult. There's countless intelligent, talented people that can't commit to one either emotionally or resource-wise. It's just the arrogant types tend to lack self-awareness on that front.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I remember reading about how the average person with an internet connection gets more information in a day than a medieval peasant did during the course of a year. The flipside to that is that you don't have the incentive to interact with others to get said news.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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In all honesty I think it's a blend of city life being far more isolating and social media creating an expectation that everyone is constantly partying except us. Real high quality interactions with people that aren't your immediate family are rare and far between.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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It's kind of amazing to see humans being cooperative considering... everything that's going on in the world. Like not everything has to be based on nickel and dimeing people if everyone gets fed up enough.

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Garden of Glass

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I love your oneshot stories! By the way, are your other illustrations connected in the sense that they are set in the same world?

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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GIMP/Krita have the most extensive functionality while remaining ethical, but have UI issues. Clip Studio is great, albeit the firm has been boiling the from frog with invasive features.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I love how dreamlike your paintings are, qv

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I'm reanimating my Cara profile since everyone is moving there all of a sudden.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I ought to reanimate my Cara profile.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Also output of content is slow in those groups because everyone is a working adult and most of their illustration work is under NDA. Often times those groups close down because it's just hard to maintain them due to admins/mods being overworked artists themselves.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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tbf most of my experience with industry group chats was "Hey, I was fired. Also half of the people in this group also were fired because we work in the same firm that imploded." But yea if you're in commercial illustration or selling t-shirts. No idea how you have to cut through algoslop.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Anytime I get on a "by artists, for artists" platform I get like 3 followers, most of whom are industry artists (I'm not complaining) and get a lot of engagement when I write about how the industry has issues. There's nothing wrong with having a club, but you feel like you don't exist, kind of.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Also I'm way more panicked about actually publishing and making physical copied than about all of the writing, illustrating and layout work I did and will still do.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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On the other hand, even if nobody pays attention to it (like I'm not planning to make money off it any time soon), it taught me a lot of new skills and improved my networking a whole lot. Honestly after I'm done with Blackacre I want to go back to making comics, but still.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I've been working on my book for over a year now and I'm really of two minds about the whole thing. On one hand, it took me a lot of effort, planning, iteration to make an illustrated TTRPG book. It's hard for me to imagine making a videogame due to it being exponentially more complex.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Also you can't overestimate the appeal of novelty, especially in places such as gamedev. Remember the Oblivion-era of games where developers just discovered bloom lighting and every game looked like the sun was exploding?

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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One history tidbit I keep coming back to is how Le Corbusier got audience with the French president after WWII and proposed to demolish all of Paris so he could build his awesome new architecture project. A lot of 'trends' is are a couple of charismatic salesmen convincing most corporate leadership

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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The lack of a proper algorithm feels like I'm in a night club without any alcoholic drinks nor loud music blaring in the background. I really like the more intimate conversations I can see here, but it certainly a very different vibe compared to other sites.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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A few days ago, after years of posting, I got my first hit post on Tumblr. It was a one-page RPG about skeletons that I originally posted on April first as a joke. It's kind of weird that it's now the most significant thing I did internet wise despite me organizing exhibitions and making comics.

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At the market

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Honestly glad that I backed up some lectures and even blogs on my hard drive since nowadays it may be the only way to access them.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I really like your lineart style. Your fur and feathers look a bit like they are made of stained glass, which is a neat effect.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Got it a few days ago. So weird seeing your art be animated. Also your art style translates really well to low poly.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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The whole Nick Land/Mencious Moldbug/Peter Thiel clique really is going from niche internet lore into something I hear about almost every day at work. Like it's kind of weird hearing my parents and co-workers talk about stuff what was almost unheard of in 2014.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Thanks a lot for the suggestion, unfortunately I'm actually an Eastern European peasant, so I doubt it will be much help. EU actually has pretty good protections for creative industries, although it's a cat and mouse game of firms trying to skirt them.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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I'll be honest, I kind wish I could live under a rock and not read anything news or game industry related since it just seems like a perpetual downwards spiral I *really* don't want to become a jaded pessimist, but it's difficult to break from that mindset with all that's going on.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Blackacre Character Backgrounds

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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This feels a bit like those old Amiga adventure game graphics where it was halfway between digitized traditional art and actual pixel art. Say, Secret of Monkey Island. In all honesty your art style would work quite well for an artsy point'n'click adventure game.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Woah, I had no idea that you worked on this one. It's been on my radar for a while, but I guess I'm now obligated to get it.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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As someone that dislikes smoking irl due to obvious health concerns, you can't deny the aesthetics of old timey smokers. Vaping will forever be associated in my mind with dorky hacker types.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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Honestly I loved the decision to make it an alt-history Moscow in the 30s. The architecture made everything seem off in an appropriate way.

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One thing I've been thinking about is how all of the "adapt or die" or "progress" discourse is missing is the basic fact that concept art, commercial illustration or whatnot are luxury goods and services. Discussions of efficiency make sense if you're building cars, not when you're painting.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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As someone who uses Linux on my work laptop, I recommend using Linux Mint since it's basically Windows without being Windows. Ubuntu, Debian are also good alternatives since they run the vast majority of software while being friendly. Just don't install it on your main PC if you're starting out.

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Symberzite's avatar Symberzite
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While I do admit that I want my work to be recognised and appreciated, I'm scared of the idea of my personality overshadowing anything I've drawn and/or written. Honestly any US comic book discourse is a cautionary tale in regards to that.

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