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150 followers 146 following 475 posts

Woodworker, PaperCrafter, I have a Tabby and a polydactyl Calico and a shared with MIL Border Collie, Love Calvin and Hobbes! Lifelong DEM


TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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You're welcome! I think we need to keep spreading the word about what project 2025 will do to our freedom and the country. Try to convince non-voters to register and couch sitters to get off the asses and vote or risk losing their rights to a reality tv host and convicted felon.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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There are only a handful making all the noise. Bennett? The dummy who ran for POTUS? Who listens to that guy? Oh.. reporters. I will take it all more seriously IF someone like Obama or Hillary asked him to step down. All I hear right now are a bunch of hacks vying for tax break and clicks.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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She's still vying for the VP. Until he announces, expect more knee bending.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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They need to because the fucking Media sure won't.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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The absolute dumbest. School shooters just got a big gift from this know nothing asshat. Not to mention other emergencies like fire, skull cracking falls, heart attacks, tanking sugar levels etc. Land lines won't cut it. Trust me, I know!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Apparently, he wasn't even at the White House during many of those Parkinson Doc visits. FFS I wish these people would do their damn jobs. Reporters AND Dem communication folks.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Well the whole "How low go you go" is still alive and well in the Republican Party.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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It's sure hard to "like" articles with horrible content. Sometimes it's more about acknowledging you've seen the post than anything else. But yes. I too want an angry face option.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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NO. Dammit. Leave her alone. Another reason we need to destroy trump and all his sick minions and enablers. Orange Felon would turn her over in a heartbeat. He's do it for Putin for free too.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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The world as we know it will end if the deranged orange Felon/dictator wannabe wins this Nov. So there's that.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yeah, way too many humans don't have any compassion for our furry friends. We are the ones out of place. Animals were here long before humans! Getting rid of contraception is one of my nightmares. Noooooooo.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yeah, I've not forgotten how they smooched his ass constantly. I don't watch them. I Like Joy Reid too. Would love to see her get to interview trump. (he's too scared to face her) She would squash him like the bug he is so hard it would take months for him to recover!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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The faith I was referring to is Biden's, not mine. He has faith in voters. I DON'T. And I'm not here to "protect" Biden. I'm voting blue. Whoever that ends up being. Don't care. You would do well to stop telling women what to do. We've had enough of men trying to control our every move. Done here.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Killing owls.. wild horses.. wolves.. That needs to stop being their "go to" solution.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yah! Can he take some of his red hat colleagues with him, please?

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Well then, hope those bitches enjoy being under trump's thumb and reporting every day on how he's the best and the smartest in history ever of all things. Get the knees pads ready. Sincerely hope it doesn't come to that but if we lose this November I well relish in their inevitable humiliation.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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So, does the AG need official requests? Can he not just see with his own eyes and then open an investigation? Coz... we all see the Thomas corruption plain as day and have known about Kushner's 2 Billion for near 4 years now with plenty more to investigate. Yet.. crickets.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Good question. trumpers don't seem to have a problem donating monthly, buying giant ugly flags, diapers, China made hats and shirts, NFTs, sneakers etc. all while complaining they can't afford food. Maybe media should ask them how they manage all that during our "terrible" economy.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yeah, they both get on my nerves. Mitchell too. What a bunch of bitches.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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It's hard work even when only raising enough for family/friends which is why I have huge respect for migrant workers. I love living in a rural area although it's nice to visit a city once in a while. Mostly to see the cool art work and architecture. Both areas have good things to offer!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Wally World! Wait.. where's the moose? LOL Love that movie. Every time we go to Walmart we say "First one's here!!"

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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They need to replace all the prisoners being released due to weed so this is part of their bold new idea. Just like reducing child labor laws while trying to force migrant labor out. The Corporate motto: For profit no matter the cost to humanity.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Just what we need.. more fake candidates. Hopefully the UK shuts that down and it doesn't take hold here. Bad enough we already gotta deal with the lying party flippers and the biggest faker of all time. I prefer the furry candidates. The ones often running for mayor of small town USA. πŸΎπŸˆβ€β¬›

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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I despise her.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Just read a piece with Maggie Habberman (sp?) backing trump's claim he isn't involved with 2025. Proof you can't trust her at all. There's no doubt in my mind he's all in with the Hertitage Foundation. As long as they keep supporting HIM that is.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Nice! Our corn was also plant based. LOL Sorry, couldn't resist! We just harvested ours last week. The coyotes got thru the electric fence and devoured the entire center of the patch! Still.. we had plenty.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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trump has done and said so much worse and plans to destroy the country yet people still plan to vote for him. I think THAT is why Biden is refusing to quit. His faith in US as voters can't believe majority choose evil over good. I'm not mesmerized. I'm voting blue. It will get sorted, we've time.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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We are also having hotdogs with buttered corn on cob! Cheers!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Some are pissed at Biden's support of Israel so it wouldn't surprise me that 1-2 are going to the press. But mostly, I think the number of "sources" they claim is either made up or coming from the Republicans. Maybe that's where trump is hiding.. on the phone pretending to be John Barron.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Busy clutching pearls I guess. Look how easy they fall for our adversary's narrative. No critical thinking skills, it seems.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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YES! Gimme!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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POTUS is defending our vote from the primaries. If it comes to it, he could easily switch with Harris and still honor our choice. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am this is the solution we need if it comes to making a change. Bonus Republicans would lose their shit if they did that.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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I knew this and I'm not even a "journalist". Can they do their damn jobs already? And where the hell are the Dems communication people who should be shutting this shit down immediately. Good grief. They should know by now that every tiny thing is under scrutiny. Anticipate and act accordingly.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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I could easily rewrite all of this to make it in line with what a majority of people in this country actually want. Just one example: #17 Keep men out of women's medical decisions. Republicans are consistently the biggest hypocrites in the US. Probably even in all of the known and unknown universe.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Voting against trump is trying to prevent him from winning. That's exactly what I intend to do. Biden/Harris or Harris/Biden whatever! I'm All Blue and ONLY Blue. Let's go!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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That's your interpretation. No reasonable person paying attention to his decades of public service would ever believe he would put his needs before the good of the country. You're thinking of trump.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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He never in a million years said he'd rather end democracy than step down. Never. I read his statement, watched all his interviews and rally videos since the debate. He NEVER fucking said that. They've told him he can't do this/that for years & yet.. Look all he's done/ still does. This is stupid.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yup. For clicks and tax breaks. Will they think it is worth it if they succeed and trump turns media into RT... and completely under his thumb? They will be reduced to publishing glowing praise of the orange king and hit pieces on all the people who were "mean" to HIM.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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OMG! So sweet!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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This while some in congress tries to force Biden out while helping trump and others continue attacks on Hunter Biden instead of bills to help the people. Also notice some media outlets are referring to Hunter as Felon Hunter but never refer to trump as FELON trump. Media is not bias at all. nope. πŸ™„

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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I think he needs to add a few folks from my feed right here on Bluesky. Real Dems with lifelong commitment to our party. Smart, passionate and determined people spreading the word to save our country from the orange Felon and his cult members.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Everyone needs to just assume these anonymous sources are John Barron or that Dennison guy. If Dems just gotta hurt our chances of winning then admit it publicly or STFU. Remember 2016 and THINK. Sick of Media lying and using "anonymous sources" as cover to slam Biden while ignoring Pedo trump.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Done! And thanks!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Uh Oh. Bluesky might have made a mistake adding GIFs. LOL!

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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He hates the color of Obama's skin. And he's trying desperately to get the black vote. He's a racist. That will never change. Tim Scott and other blacks stumping for him need their head examined. Clarence too.. Ridiculous.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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True. They can be a scary lot. Fun to imagine him getting all bent about it tho. LOL You're doing it right. πŸ‘

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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NY Times strikes again.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Something tells me those chickens loved you! 🐿️ And apparently that is a chipmunk. WTH? No squirrel emoji?? πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ no hens. need more emoji choices.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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Yeah. His revenge for Obama making fun of him. Then he found out how much money he could grift off perpetually running for the Presidency from his dumb as fuck followers, money off the SS, not to mention selling secrets to our enemies, and here we are.

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TGrammer's avatar TGrammer
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They should. But it will barely make a blip. GRRR

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