Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar

Me & Coffee ☕️

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A lefty from Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand 🇳🇿. All things politics, urbanism, YIMBY and David Attenborough documentaries.

Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I feel like shouting at them - READ THE REPORT!

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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IDF always knew how to be very clinical with who they target. There was a documentary about it recently, explaining how the system works & how the collateral damage dial can be changed. I was left horrified by it all. Because at the end of it, we all have families that will grieve for us.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Turns out C-lister PM Luxon isn't the only one making extra effort to look relatable to every day people while spectacularly failing to do so. They must have exchanged notes.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Any and all communication of MPs should be such that it can be OIAd. Snapchat can't so should not be allowed. Doesn't matter if it's with an adult or a minor. On top of that, there should also be rules about communicating with minors.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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If you want to know the origin of gangs in Aotearoa there is one word for you - colonization.


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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Elderly as in retirement? Should have asked if he's being paid superannuation as that is exactly paying people to stay at home. And no, your superannuation you are being paid today wasn't paid for by the tax you paid when young. It's the young people of today paying for you.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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During election time, Luxon said GST off food isn't going to work as supermarkets will just pocket the savings. Was he blind (wilfully that is) to the fact that the same will happen with fuel?

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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C-lister PM Luxon doesn't know how mortgages work.


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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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How much of that 2021 profit that resulted in the $40m paid dividend was due to covid subsidies and the additional covid tests?

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Having businesses that undercut you because they pay less than minimum wage is an issue that does matter to those of us who do not engage in modern slavery.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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"She sees prison as “theatre for the rich”, aimed at demonising individuals to distract from systemic issues that cause crime like poverty, addiction, and underfunded public services."

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Well, it is an expression of values, just not the values we should be advocating for.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Yes, it's more disengaged, due to being uninformed, than disinterested. As soon as they understand how politics is affecting their life they are very much interested.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Even though he was standing at the press conference boasting about how great a govt they are for funding more drugs, he did not look happy about it.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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We should come up with a good format for debates that is more than two people standing and yelling at each other. I see how uninformed some young people are. It's going to take hard work to change that.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Should have debates at schools, not just in election year, and have enrollment drive attached to it.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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But many are from the property owning class, so I'm not sure it will make a difference to them. But I think the aim should be to get the none voters to vote. Going after over 65 Nat voters will require promising them more of the same at a time when we need change.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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This govt is doing a fine job at hanging itself. I think it's better to let them do it to themselves & then come up with good solid alternatives. Hipkins have made good comments about the ferries and about Pharmac's funding.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I don't know exactly what Labour are doing as not a member anymore, but word is they've been working hard since a day after elections. But it's yet to be seen if they have the courage to resist the neoliberal bull💩 and change the narrative of a country run like a business.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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And as a result, the support for NZF from the cookers has tanked because Peters is not supplying the goods.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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"The Govt needed to get the right ships for New Zealand, Luxon said." The govt already had the right ships for NZ secured. " we're working incredibly hard at that" says the man who never worked hard at anything & wouldn't have to if only his FinMin didn't cancel a good project.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Ah, a dad joke 😁

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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The trucking lobby should pay the fine.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Mr I'm entitled to my entitlements. This is exactly why I say he wouldn't last a year in a small business. He doesn't have the capacity required to run one.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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They're losing LinkedIn. That's truly bad. But I'm not surprised. Son looking for an apprenticeship in welding. Every single biz is out of work & taking no one as they don't have work for the ones they already have. What a great job this govt is doing killing off the little manufacturing still left.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Luxon's problem isn't that he's a newbie, it's that he's an arrogant newbie. Through his entire life, he fell upwards, landing positions way above his actual capabilities. He wouldn't survive a year in a small biz environment.
Future trade delegations should just leave him behind at home.


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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Some of the repealing should be done under urgency (if Nact can do it, so should the left) like FPAs & immediately reinstate those claims that were about to start. Smoke-free legislation is also just ready to be implemented effective immediately.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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No it's not really what people voted for but mainly because of the magical thinking that we can have Scandinavian countries level of public service with USA tax levels & cut tax even further, heaven forbid talk about taxing the rich.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Mike is just unaware, full stop.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Snow White and the Seven Fiscal Cliffs
Barbara Edmonds last night on #BHN in a great interview also letting us know that Nicola Willis has 7 fiscal cliffs in her budget. We need to use the terminology she is using back against her (even though we all know it is BS).

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Making sure Luxon isn't making a complete fool of himself?

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I thought Nicola Willis said there will be no cuts to frontline services. So, talking bullshit again.


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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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None. They are already doing it

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Yes, Seymour is correct in saying that naming the drugs undermines Pharmac's ability to negotiate the price That's why it was a dumb idea from the idiot in chief. But National promised and promised again by the political power hungry amateur.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Yesterday I've seen how tribal RWers are. A friend dropped in to ask something. I could see on him that he knows what a shit show he helped get elected, but got to tow the line of "the mess Labour left."

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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And business confidence as well. We haven't had it this slow since the earthquakes. But hey, landlords are happy (for now).

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I'd be interested to see the research and dig deep into the details. The devil is always in detail, especially with this govt. They'll adopt the "support for cursive handwriting" and ignore that bit about having a 1:2 teaching ratio.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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Cursive handwriting? What is that good for, apart from making those who already struggle feel even worse?

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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A good opportunity to be reminded that a sovereign currency issuer govt debt isn't like household debt and investment in our future is always better than no investment (or tax cuts for landlords).


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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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The more they scream how Labour doesn't understand anything, the more they expose their fear. Barbara Edmonds is a specialist tax lawyer. What does she know about tax. Of course, a property developer knows better than she does about tax in NZ. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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True, especially when these people would never ever vote for you. They should look at the 800k that didn't vote and offer them a reason to vote for them.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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They hide behind the excuse that it's the Remuneration Authority that makes the decisions. Mate, it might be Kosher, but it still stinks.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I think they've always seen it but were too afraid to get those who never vote for them angry so they tinkered at the edges, and those that never vote for them did actually get angry & with help from media it was the perfect storm.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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We commissioned a H&S audit report that highlighted the new legislation and his responsibilities and liabilities under it. That got the attention it was designed to get. Good legislation works.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I'm not a fan of name & shame, especially since it was many years ago and he eventually realised how wrong he was. But it does show that this new legislation works to protect small biz where the power imbalance is against them. /1

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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There were a few box ticking requirements that didn't account for our specific circumstances, and there still are, but that is small change in the bigger picture. Tight H&S regulations are designed to protect us from shitty employers.

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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and a dangerous mezzanine stock room that "protected" whoever was up there fr9m falling into the workshop by.... a chain 🤦🏽‍♀️ He was dragged screaming and kicking to make it a safe work environment even though he didn't understand why the "she'll be right: attitude isn't good enough anymore. /2

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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When the current legislation came into force it was our only mechanism to force our landlord to sort out the building we were handsomely paying for as it had no reception area with toilets for customers, unsafe staircase to the mezzanine floor /1

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Me & Coffee ☕️'s avatar Me & Coffee ☕️
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I think I might put an OIA request to get Simeon Brown to release the alternative physics data he has to back up his decision.

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