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Oh look, the exact reason they invented the “Biden too old” story—to avoid talking about the SCOTUS decisions that tee up dismantling the regulatory state.

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The “Biden debate” story is a manufactured distraction from the actual news of the last two weeks—the SCOTUS rulings. Those stories should’ve been FRONT AND CENTER on every news paper and broadcast for weeks. Why haven’t they been the lead?

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Rep. Zooey Zephyr's avatar Rep. Zooey Zephyr
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Trans healthcare saves lives. America's trans & nonbinary legislators are calling on the Biden Administration to oppose any attempt to ban puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, & surgery for young trans people, and to follow medical best practices as set out in WPATH.

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If POTUS is a de facto supreme ruler then how can SCOTUS also argue that executive branch regulatory agencies must adhere to a peculiarly strict reading of the law? Must every regulation now be issued by executive order in order to get their monarchical stamp of authority?

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A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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And so I think we can see the fascist christian vision of the future. These apocalypse-minded religious creeps intend to convert everyone who isn't a mostly white mostly male mostly christian wealthy person into one of the three states they find acceptable—servant, slave or corpse.

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Voting should be mandatory for maintenance of citizenship. Don’t like democracy? Don’t live here.

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“I’m not obsolete, I swear!” — in-denial constitutional law experts right now

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It’s not for him. Trump is just the useful idiot taking the public focus away from the systemic consequences of a long term conspiracy to dismantle the multiracial democratic system that was nominally enacted during the 1960s.

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As ever, the New York Times is *NOT* worthy of the seriousness that people treat it with. Any actual journalism from that paper is accidental.

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The time to weigh in is every two years, like clockwork. If people of conscience are not voting in every federal election, we end up with a radically skewed legislative branch (Senate specifically) which leads to a radically skewed judiciary. It’s not too late, but the window is closing.

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Believing that meritocracy exists in politics (or damn near anywhere else) suggests a person is vastly more vain than they are smart.

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If you insist voting doesn’t work, you’re not only wrong, you’re aiding the cause of the fascist takeover. There is no difference between insistence on perfection and nihilistic selfishness.

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Your inability to take this seriously speaks volumes.

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Until non-voters cease to make up the largest voting block in every election, YES, we need more people to fucking vote. We can’t change SCOTUS overnight or with small margins.

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We do not have an administrative branch, a judicial branch, or a legislative branch. We have an unelected ruling council of nine members. SCOTUS must be completely overhauled. No more excuses.

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Kessler syndrome isn’t a risk with Starlink. Any debris in those low orbits would reenter within a few years due to atmospheric drag—the same reason that their satellites reenter every few years after using up their propellant.

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Ms. Alito wants to fly a flag that says "shame", in response to other people flying flags which denote their pride. I guess it's good she can admit that she feels shame over who she is? Weird flex, but okay.

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Gotta hedge their bets and hope for a job as the new state approved news organization. (Because they’re all delusional enough to think it won’t be Fox)

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When has anyone, much less a lawyer, been able to stop Trump from saying things that will get him further in trouble?

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If anti-Trump “Republicans” need something from Biden in order to successfully lobby against Trump, they’re probably still more fascist-curious than they are anti-Trump.

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What if the critique is of someone’s lack of wisdom, which is different from intelligence?

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There is no pursuing change outside the system. It's literally never worked in the entire history of western civilization on this continent. The revolutionary war began as a declaration from WITHIN the system. The only thing people like you are outside of is reality.

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I'm not interested in convincing self-admitted nihilists to give a damn about minimizing the volume of death in the world.

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MAGA-jacket? Cracker ass? My "boy"? You're throwing around nonsensical terms instead of acknowledging the mathematical reality of first-past-the-post voting and the ethics of the trolley problem.

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I feel pretty fucking good about myself for being able to acknowledge that voting is about relative preference and not absolute preference, and being able to acknowledge that Biden is wrong about a lot of things, but not nearly as many things as Trump is wrong about.

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I've brought out a whole lot of useful idiots and trolls to add to my block list, that's for sure.

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And what is it you think will happen when Trump takes office again? That those water rights will be restored? Stop pretending it'll get better if you choose to not vote for Biden.

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If voting for Biden is enabling genocide, what do you think not voting him is going to enable? Hint: it's MORE genocide, both abroad and here in the US. Suggesting otherwise demonstrates either continued disconnection from reality or intentional trolling.

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The only way they get better is if he wins and there is sustained pressure on Congress and Biden. Your choices are either TRY to make it better with Biden or ensure it GETS WORSE under Trump. There isn't a third option. Literally, if you do nothing, you are enabling the GETS WORSE option.

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You're free to mute or block, but if you're commenting then you clearly don't actually want me to shut up. You just want to dunk to feel better about yourself.

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Yes, one in which there is sustained pressure by actual voters who remain active in every step of the democratic process, including primaries. If you don't vote, or you always vote for a third party that mathematically cannot win, YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED.

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There’s no world in which any liberal or progressive issue gets better if Biden loses.

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If you think withholding your vote for Biden will somehow end the genocide in Palestine, you need to check in on Trump’s history and what his core supporters want (hint: evangelicals support Zionist maximalism more than American Jews do).

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Unless and until we change to a system of ranked choice voting, the process of voting here will *always* mathematically reduce to two options. Don’t like it? Run for office. Back candidates in primaries who will change it. But don’t enable candidates who will reduce it to one option like Putin.

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Should the founders have kept the anti-slavery section in the Declaration of Independence and rejected it from the Constitution? Sure, except there would have been no United States. Should posterity forgive them for it? No. But you can die for your principles or you can live to fight on.

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It should’ve been Bernie. It’s not, though, and if you don’t back Biden, you’re endorsing the constitutional mangling that will happen under Trump. You are disconnected from reality if you think any action (or non-action) you take exempts you from the choice of Biden v Trump.

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If your loyalty is to your institution before the Constitution, you’re the problem. See also: Comey, Sotomayor, much of the legal and political press.

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We need a plan for the Senate as well or this just becomes a bandaid. A necessary bandaid, but a short-term solution nonetheless.

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You think not voting or protest voting will make [thing you care about] better, you’re naive at best, a selfish deluded asshole at worst. Self disenfranchisement has literally never worked that way.

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I wonder what the world would be like if Star Trek had predicted a happy and peaceful transition from the 20th century into post-scarcity. To invent the future, one must first imagine it, and quite a few rich and powerful types were influenced by ST's vision. Or maybe ST is just a black mirror.

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We long ago passed the point where decarbonization of our economy will be sufficient to stave off the worst effects of climate change. Carbon capture is no longer optional for our future.

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The Thirteenth didn’t fully abolish slavery—only private slavery. The work of abolition and reconstruction was never finished, and these are the consequences.

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Elon wants infinite growth and also a finite monetary supply. Ergo, he wants a larger share of the pie—preferably all of it.

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The NYT is not a serious news organization. They haven’t been for a very long time, and if it weren’t for so many other (TV) media outlets being headquartered in their primary market, their reputation would actually align with the reality of their unseriousness.

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People who choose not to vote or engage in protest voting outside primaries are selfish idiots. They’re not acting out some clever ideology, they’re just cutting off their nose to spite their neighbor’s face. They deserve to be beaten over the head with their selfishness.

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It’s the candy coating on the fascism. Helps it seem more palatable to parents who aren’t paying attention.

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There’s nothing in the Constitution about not having brain worms, so it all seems totally above board.

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First, we tell our readers what’s important. Second, we poll our readers on what’s important. Third, we defend our editorial decisions based on that polling data. ….. It’s circular logic in defense of a bias they refuse to acknowledge. The NYT is a danger to democracy and a free press.

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