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Ace Creator

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Making a free, no code, no download Visual Novel Game Engine. (The New Cloudnovel) Progress will be posted here. Support my project via Cashapp: $TiaFloofChan I'm working towards my certifications in HTML, CSS, and Java. Dms are open. AMA

Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I still don't have a computer so official launch will be in maybe 2-5 months. It'll be attached to my website as a free character creator. Feel free to dm for more info on how I'm doing this and tips for website development. 💜

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Opened another fiddle to code a dress up game! Going well and already made the interface. Just gotta finish making assets then turn them all into links and connect them. Then make new buttons for each. Should have assets to add today/tmrw. I expect playability in a week. (1/2 more info)

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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It's so funny when I pull my headphone case, charger, or phone from under my dog and he looks at me like I pulled a rabbit out his ass. 🤣 He acts like he can't feel all the things he's laying on.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I am now imagining Dr. Doofenshmirtz with a loving wife and it is the absolute purest thing that has ever crossed my mind. 😭 💜💜

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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AWWWWW 😭 Your comics give me so much hope when it comes to lasting love. 💜💜 Keep posting (but be careful of burn out) and I wish you eternal happiness with him.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I love how the foxes are so different yet so loving and understanding and trusting. 😭 They never have to ask questions they just get each other and understand each other's differences. I love them so much. Please tell me it's based on a real relationship. 😭😭

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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The moment your brain is fully developed and can't be further molded is the moment that sex should stop. 💀 When she's the absolute most capable of consent. I think this person has a serious problem beyond not knowing what menopause is.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Atheists who make it their whole personality to say "God isn't real" every opportunity are assholes. It's like a bitter person going to playgrounds just to tell little kids that Santa doesn't exist. It doesnt matter if hes real or not. You're still a dick. Sincerely an Atheist believing in Santa.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Watched Nimona again. Every time I watch I relate to the main character even more. The genderfluid struggle plus dealing with the shit of daily life and mild suicidal tendencies. That inner itch kinda dysphoria is the perfect way to describe it to other trans people. I love that damn movie.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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He tried to take my cow babies to start it too and that's when I thought he was just killing them. 😭 Nah bro torturing my babies and traumatizing them.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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At least my chickens are free range, the kids grow up with family, everyone is consistently being indoctrinated to accept their eventual death, and then I kill just what I need to satiate my bloodthirst. It's personal, romantic, and totally not psychotic. I also talk and engage with my chickens.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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So my friend had the great idea to 1.have a couple fuck 2.take the child 3.raise it in a GLASS CHAMBER 4.when its an adult press a button 5.fill the tiny enclosed space with heat 6.collect the meat I had to explain how that is the most Hitler-esque shit anyone has ever said about minecraft cows.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Exactly. If people just let adults date and fuck without being judgemental or ignoring consent we wouldn't have nor need Pride Month at all. No rainbows, parades, hell even Target wouldn't exist.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I see we have much in common.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Man since when is abstinence NOT heteronormative? It's always the people calling 18 a "child" who say dumb ass shit like this. Grow the fuck up. Not everything is a gay reference just cause you want it to be. 💀 Sincerely a genderfluid bisexual.

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Reposted by Ace Creator

Tamara Keel's avatar Tamara Keel
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Bleeding out to own the libs!

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Oh no I'm gonna have messenger RNA 😭 My DNA finna be all screwed up. What really got me though was "nodding no" 💀

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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People who whine about fireworks should only whine about them if I point it at them then. Pew pew pew

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Bitch I normally hear gun shots. If anything YOU'RE privileged if you live in such a rich ass neighborhood. That is NOT the norm. Shit even NICE PLACES I've lived don't do that. You're exaggerating and not even trying to make it believable.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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It's 3 days till then and not a peep. People do it 2 days before as test runs. Night of its a lot. Then 2 nights after it's just run off. 5 days MAX and that's being generous. 3 on average. I'm Puerto Rican and we light shit UP. Fucking 3 weeks. No one can afford that ya dunce.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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It's life saving to not stress someone out with fireworks.... How heroic. Not spending extra money. If someone doesnt want to do fireworks that's their choice. Thats not what this is about. I for one enjoy the sound and lights as it helps with my stimulation issues. (Which is mental/neuro health)

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Ah yes. Moving every 4th of fucking July. Literally just getting in your car and driving a little bit for the night away from the noise till it stops. Exact same as moving houses. 💀

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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If it's an illegal place to do it you can at least complain. It's less than being at home where it's perfectly legal. 20 a minute is worse than 1 every few minutes. There are also places where people just DON'T launch. There's things they can do to help themselves.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I don't care if others don't like it. 💀 Again if not giving a shit if you don't like it makes me an ass then so be it. That's still fucking stupid. There's places you legally can't launch. Go there instead of policing the neighborhood.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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The issue is literally "I don't like it so everyone who does needs to stop". It's not about understanding. It's about not giving a shit if a stranger doesn't like something that hundreds of people do every year. Smell of meat makes my mom sick (literal) but she doesn't tell people not to grill.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I really don't care if you think liking fireworks on 4th of July makes someone an ass. 💀 I am proudly an ass. Just not for something as stupid as that.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I honestly don't think you know what that word means. You just see people use it and think it's a valid argument. Like people who use big words in political matters regarding abortion to sound smarter.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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My point is that another person's mental health isn't your nor my business. Fireworks on 4th Of July is a country wide event. There's adequate warning every year. It's also rude for 1 person no one knows to request a WHOLE neighborhood stop just cause they don't like it. It's theirs to deal with.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I like animals more than people. I don't like the idea that people are responsible for catering to the PORENTIAL mental health of strangers when it comes to what they do on their own property. :p 4th of July has happened every year for 30+ years. There's adequate warning.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Back when I was homeless with/without a car I wasn't out telling people to turn off their music when it was night at the park. They had just as much right to be there and celebrate whatever they were doing. I just went somewhere else or dealt with it. Me being tired wasn't their business.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I said car sleeping which is free. Of which I used to have to do cause homelessness. Most people with a home also have a car. I dont currently have a car but have cute lil things called legs that let me walk to the park where I spend some nights. Disability exists but nothing we can do there.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Proof of my curtains. Of which I use nightly in areas where I frequently hear Gunshots 😍 Fireworks (though loud) are much better as I can pretend no one is being actively shot. Cam shows more light than there is. Up year round so unlike when I was a kid no one can watch me sleep.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Driving for a couple minutes away from the brunt of the noise would be easiest. It's not like they can sleep at home anyway regardless. Driving a few minutes away and sleeping in the car is more affective. Either way its not my business. The pretty lights improve my deteriorating mental health.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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I said it's rare outside of vets. (As in it HAPPENS but it's usually veterans.) Other examples are school shooting victims and immigrants where the country was frequently under threat. Also all that stuff is shit I do anyway. 💀 Fireworks are tradition and they can drive somewhere less populated.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Tell me where Nazism was brought up before that person talked about it.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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💀 Where are nazis ever mentioned in the post??

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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You quite literally compared it to Nazism. I was genuinely asking the context. Your response was literally AI is Nazism. 💀 Like tf?? Also dude is gender neutral. It is not a pass at ones identity. Same for "bro" used in context. It's not calling you a dude/man/boy.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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Me: *thinks a random room image looks pretty and requests context* You: AH LOOK AT THIS LITERAL NAZI!! THIS IS GENOCIDE BEHAVIOR! Dude are you just slow? As an artist (I draw digital and paper) and photographer (type of art) I really don't give a shit if AI prompts are posted on Twitter. 💀

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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We care more about dogs because the only time a dog is a POS is if a human made it act like that. Fuck humans. The puppy is scared. Plus a human's trauma response isnt ours to manage, it's theirs. It's rare that happens anyway unless they're a vet and we don't know our neighbors. We know dogs.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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The room is very ethereal and pretty. What is this about?

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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You can't JUST watch a video. You can be sued for doing CPR without PROPER qualifications. This is because to clearly learn it you need someone THERE who can say you're doing it right. Yes learn it, but know the risk and avoid trouble.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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If you use CPR wrong you can kill someone. If you think someone needs CPR and they dont youll have broken a rib or 2 for nothing. Some women have sued emergency services for CPR claiming SA (groping chest when witnesses say otherwise, touching chest is the point of CPR) so many avoid CPR on women.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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"One small step for cat kind, one giant leap for myself, the spacest of cats."

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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We probably have auto immune diseases and autism from lead paint. I had level 21 brain damage from lead as a baby. (Not a joke, really bad) So I don't think we should eat lead. GRAPHITE THOUGH IS FAIR GAME!! 👀

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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In the manipulation area YES but in regards to women's bodies he really doesn't know shit. 💀 He's really good at making dumb shit sound true though lmfao. I'm the exact same. People believe anything if you say it confidently enough. I've said the oddest stuff at family gatherings lol.

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Ace Creator's avatar Ace Creator
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He refuses accountability and uses insults rather than facts. He inflates things to seem right. He's argumentative and manipulative. Now I know why my MOTHER was on his side. She was listening to a man like her. I used to think Biden was an old fool with dementia but bro is surprisingly stable.

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