Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar

Well-Pleaded Complaints


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Rachel is a trans attorney and judicial law clerk in [JURISDICTION REDACTED]. As a clerk, she has no political opinions. But she does have hot takes about the Second Viennese School.

Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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happy 4th, everybody

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips.

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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been thinking a lot about Dworkinian interpretive moves and the notion of ambiguity, though. might be an article there. maybe not. certainly not while I’m working for the Least Dangerous Branch

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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We here at the Timorous offices have thought long and hard about the contentious judicial decisions of the day and remain committed to airing our conclusions in private only

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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for ethical reasons, the Home Office takes no views on contentious legal matters. it does have strong opinions in favor of looking at this silly cat’s assorted beans

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 83 authorizes district courts to craft their own rules as long as those rules don’t violate another law. That applies here. There’s no reason a judge can’t say “this order will go into effect in 21 days”, this rule just does that wholesale & not retail

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I went to the NSO for a program that included this spectacular Saariaho orchestral suite. Me and my friends and my s/o were way into it, even those among us without classical training, and it made me so mad that the audience was largely unengaged. PHILISTINES, MOZART-BRAINED PHILISTINES

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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It makes me so very happy to see orchestras with “big ears” — it was one of the best parts of living in NY, and its absence was one of the worst parts of living in Philly

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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god damn that’s a sexy piece of music. if I weren’t on the opposite coast, I swear to high heaven I’d be there. I hope @helltweet himself shows

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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i worked from home today and Dima helped. 10/10 best way to work imo

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Have you seen him? now you have

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I adore Meistersinger but it is a VERY problematic fave, if you stage it and play the plot straight you end up doing unironic proto-fascism in Act 3

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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the really surprising thing is that you kind of can, if you know what to listen for (see, e.g., Beckmesser and Alberich) like Beckmesser is W’s revenge on all his haters, esp. Eduard Hanslick, but if you know what W thought about “Jewish music” and then listen to Meistersinger, oh man oh boy

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I’m usually of the view that it’s better n not to dunk on counsel in opinions. But this opinion is measured in tone and doesn’t heap scorn on the appellate counsel who picked the bad font. it is crotchety but not ill-humored. so i forgive

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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the opinion is seven pages long and every sentence is a gem

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I’m in love. This is an unheard-of level of typography pettiness. insert easterbrook laser eyes jpeg

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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anybody who cares about LSAT scores after law school starts is an actual psycho

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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yes, there’s a very fun intersection with /Chiafalo/ isn’t there if push came to shove I’d say the distinction’s colorable enough to avoid getting Rule 11’d, even if probably not strong enough to succeed

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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on a related note I have an Idea for a civ pro article that I will be ruminating on for the near future. i will chew the idea’s cud and digest it thoroughly

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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have obtained reputation in chambers as Civil Procedure Knower. how to exploit this

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I have actual insights here but the most important one is “don’t do it unless you genuinely want to be a lawyer” it can be a good and fun job if you have a Certain Kind of Brain

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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what if I said “do it for the bit”

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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i of course subscribe to only the coolest and most respectable form of non-vulgar realism (enlightened Ronald Dworkin thought)

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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there is a sort of vulgar realism that many people harbor which stems from a ham-headed unwillingness to try to understand how certain institutions work

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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wait halt the presses was this Professor Abraham? I heard the rumors when I was in law school but I always thought it was an urban legend

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Jurisprudential disagreement is like that! (In the “it would take a whole book to explain why this is Not Even Wrong” sense)

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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…of law, a conception that he disagrees with. look the Dworkin secondary lit is legion, who knows what the guy was on, but you catch my drift. saying that RD was Just Wrong About Law kinda assumes the jurisprudential conclusion, doesn’t it?

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I think that RD might say that there is really no such thing as law _in se_. He kinda gets into this in the late work. Part of his core thesis as I read it is that law can’t be divorced from all that other stuff. He’s reluctant to defend “law as law” because he sees that as a competing conception…

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I suppose you have more formalist commitments than I do. dunno. I don’t think that this line of questioning rejects “law” so much as it proves incompatible with your conception of “law”, perhaps?

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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I think this might be a good time to break out one of my favorite spicy takes, which is that Dworkin was a Legal Realist of the old school. All I’m saying is that I don’t think that the question of the “unconstitutional constitutional amendment” is a trivial one, see the “basic structure” doctrine

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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reject his teachings at your peril

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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tried to explain recent Trust & Safety drama on this website to my s/o (ON THEIR REQUEST) and felt myself losing my mind almost in real time. this place has not only the juice, it has true and genuine Hellsite Potential

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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edward = box boy confirmed (heartening, as dmitry shows no interest in box except as chew toy)

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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juristocracy runs deep, I guess, and so does a vulgar interpretation of the Holmesian bad man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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it really messes with Lawyer Brain when you insist on the obviously true assertion that a law does not cease to bind if a judge cannot enforce it

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Reposted by Well-Pleaded Complaints

Patricia Wallinga, famous MiG insulter's avatar Patricia Wallinga, famous MiG insulter @pwallinga.bsky.social
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It sounds like a Charles Ives setting of a Frederick Douglass speech that would be an absolute banger

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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we have DM capability. i repeat we have DM capability

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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in the old country they are both beautiful women

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Dammit why won’t this dumb app get DMs already I gotta keep my mouth shut or I’ll accidentally doxx myself and my judge

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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Patents expire in 20 years. Copyright is life of the author + 70. So copyright is nicer if you can get it, even though I think design patents are by far the better fit, since they’re all about… the design… of useful articles

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Reposted by Well-Pleaded Complaints

Musicology Duck's avatar Musicology Duck @musicologyduck.bsky.social
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Cage's entire point was asking what happens when you treat sounds over which you have no control with all the decorum and respect of the concert hall. It's not just about "ambient sounds," but the behavior of the audience and/or performer in following the instructions.

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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“I wish people would have a little more respect for John Cage” *finger on monkey’s paw curls*

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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as a federal employee I must emphasize I have no opinions on whether this is good or bad

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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1) It was the /Grimm/ case (in 2020), not this one, that found discrimination b/c of transness to be protected under Title IX. 2) The panel found a fact issue on the constitutional claim, vacated, and remanded for trial. It was explicitly an as-applied ruling, not a blanket invalidation of the law.

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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fun fact /B.P.J./ did neither of these things I am so very tired

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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assorted evening flops

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Well-Pleaded Complaints's avatar Well-Pleaded Complaints @timorous.cishet.net
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No, but the ones with the most developed Poster’s Brain are often also the horniest. On a less flippant note, I think that relatively early in transition many trans women discover (or connect to) their sexuality for the first time in their lives. Hence the horny. “Second puberty” is not a metaphor

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