Timothy Noah's avatar

Timothy Noah


446 followers 144 following 195 posts

Staff writer at the New Republic (third tour), former Politico, former Slate, former Wall Street Journal, former Newsweek, former Washington Monthly, former US News and World Report, plus some other places. (I get around.)

Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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The Madness of Justice Alito


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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It’s been a lousy week, but enough bedwetting. Democrats, Matthew Desmond writes, are “fluent in the language of grievance and bumbling in the language of repair.” Here, from April, is my repair blueprint. Democrats, you have four months. Use them wisely.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Since you were planning to blow your brains out anyway, here’s another reason: the Supreme Court just castrated the regulatory state. I’m kidding about the blowing your brains out part. Read my Liberties Journal essay instead.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Seeking diversion from Biden’s weak performance in last night’s debate? My latest is about the asteroid menace.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My latest: Corporations may look powerful, but in reality they’ve been reduced to playing ATM to hedge funds, mutual funds, and pension funds. Doing everything they hate—unionizing them, raising corporate taxes, banning stock buybacks—might coax them back to life.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Charles Trueheart has written a superb book about Vietnam and four families: the Kennedys, the Diems, the Saigon ambassador’s, and his own. My review:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Eighteen years ago I explained (in Slate) how summer camp reveals the essence of individual human character. Right now it’s really hot outside, so I figure it’s about time to re-post. Read it and weep.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Because it’s Jersey?

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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Another satisfied customer.

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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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A Donald Trump victory would be catastrophic for the nation. It could also be a lifesaver for the struggling news industry.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Mitt Romney gripes that the bottom 47 percent don’t pay taxes and loses an election. Trump just proposed hitting this group (now 40 percent) with a 70 percent across the board tariff, returning America to the 19th century, and … crickets. My latest:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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While we await a Supreme Court ruling on Chevron deference read my Liberties Journal essay tracing the history of regulation (older than you think), the late-1940s popularization of the phrase “administrative state” to wage quixotic war against empiricism, etc.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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It’s a glorious day to be a psychopath taking out his frustrations on a classroom filled with too goddamned many children.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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If the problem with our economy is inflation, why are corporate leaders sucking up to the more inflationist candidate? Not to mention an insurrectionist and convicted felon who has also (yawn) been found by a jury to be guilty of sexual abuse. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Dear service workers: Please don’t get taken in by Donald Trump’s promise not to tax tips. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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In Backbencher, Tom Ricks on what’s wrong with bucket lists. Subscribe to Backbencher today—it’s free, for cryin’ out loud.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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If Congress truly shut down congressional insider trading a dozen years ago, why are there two index funds pegged to trades by members of Congress? My latest:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My latest is about why Trump should get a jail sentence.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Will Noah interviews Richard Pena and Nicolas Saada about how Hollywood cracked up in the 1960s.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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I had a great hourlong conversation today on “On Point” with Meghna Chakrabarti, Malachi and Monique Norris, and Jim Horch about the Democrats and the working class.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Please read this.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My latest:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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The working class love Donald Trump and the GOP, but Donald Trump and the GOP do not love it back. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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L. Brent “Zeeker” Bozell IV, scion of New Right royalty, lied outrageously on the stand—pissing the judge off so much that he gave the dummy 45 months in the slammer. My latest quotes January 6’s second-worst liar at length:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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You probably didn’t know Jesus Christ didn’t want two Mercedes plants near Tuscaloosa to unionize with the UAW. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Brent Bozell IV, known to his friends as “Zeeker,” was sentenced yesterday to four years for his role in the January 6 insurrection. In 2021, I wrote a brief four-generation biography of this conservative dynasty and its poignant regression to the mean.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Targets don’t come much fatter than Martin Gruenberg, chairman of Biden’s FDIC, lately revealed to be a sexual harasser’s paradise. But at a hearing, House Republicans were comically unequal to taking him down, leaving the task to Democrats. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Shall I never see a free trader of threescore again? My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My “Challengers” problem—and ours—concerns Walter’s Hot Dog Stand in Mamaroneck, NY.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Everything Must Go! My latest is about Donald Trump’s fire sale on the last remaining embers of GOP integrity. You can’t beat these prices!


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Dear Joe Biden, Please fire your FDIC chair before he becomes a campaign issue. My latest.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Hastert Rule, RIP.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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I had fun last month at the beautiful Sixth & I synagogue in Washington, D.C., interviewing Joseph Stiglitz about his new book, "The Road to Freedom." Here, via the sponsoring bookstore, Politics and Prose, is a video of the event:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My latest: The GOP says sure, Biden’s creating jobs, but they’re very naughty and un-American jobs in things like health care and child care and city and county government. This is just as idiotic as it sounds.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Congratulations to Hannah Dreier for winning a Pulitzer for her vitally important pieces on the shameful resurgence of child labor—a trend that Republican state legislators, incredibly, wish to accelerate.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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In Backbencher, don't miss Thomas E. Ricks's eloquent tribute to Anthony Shadid.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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My latest is about the labor-law crime wave that nobody talks about.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Donald Trump has no clue what he will do if elected president beyond rounding up immigrants, pardoning January 6 hooligans, punishing political enemies, and slapping tariffs on foreign goods. He has no program and there won’t likely be a GOP platform. My latest:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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The GOP is the party that denies water to agricultural and construction workers when the temperature rises above 95 degrees Fahrenheit and also would deny a 20-minute lunch break to teenage workers. Let’s don’t keep this a secret from voters.


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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This is the best piece I’ve read on this subject. Thanks for flagging it, @jswatz.bsky.social, and for writing it, @polgreen.bsky.social.

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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Last call to see me interview Joe Stiglitz about his new book, "The Road to Freedom," in DC. Tix here:


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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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April 23rd was a sort of Black Tuesday for management, with the Biden administration announcing multiple policies to shore up the rights of working people. The most important of these was the restoration of overtime pay as a middle class benefit. My latest.

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Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah @timothynoah.bsky.social
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Old organizing paradigm: Labor versus management. New organizing paradigm: Labor versus the GOP, which says it’s the party of the working class and limited government but strong-arms private companies to reject unions. My latest:

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