Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar

Tim Triche, Jr.🔰


497 followers 323 following 1306 posts

Chief cook & bottlewasher, trichelab.org/
Blood🩸, chromatin🧬 & stats 🧮.
CV: scholar.google.com/citations?user=AOoIO74AAAAJ

Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Only enough to bomb small nursery schools & clinics

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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You are a living legend

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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DOOO ITTTTT You can always throw it away if it sucks But it could be magnificent!

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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When I do that, I just see @fuzzybear1982.bsky.social ‘s bookmarks not mine

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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You’re a brute. How do you do so much mileage without your knees turning to ash

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I strongly suspect that the companies know full well that their tech will be misused, and don’t give a flying leap as long as they’re not liable for it

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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This looks super fun

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Many strongmen have horrific overuse injuries, the cleverest ones have added preventive maintenance movements to extend their careers. The not so secret “secret” to strongman is eat a ton, put in the work, use a lot of PEDs, and don’t get hurt. The latter item might be the hardest part 😬

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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“You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie”

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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(Attempted to attach Slack 💯reaction to post. Oops)

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Nb. Last time it was about a week before I could swim. This time… well I’m still a bit sick but turning wrenches anyways. I sliced off the end of my finger a couple of weeks ago so I couldn’t do high intensity Oly lifts right now even if I felt up to it. I bet snatches would leave me ungodly sore 😬

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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This tracks. First time was rough. Second less bad. Didn’t get long Covid like some colleagues. That must suck a lot 😕

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Yeah it sucked. Second time for me (still positive). This time I didn’t get as sore from things like picking up heavy items, pull-ups, etc. But it was about a week before I could swim seriously without feeling like my heart was going to explode. Expect insane soreness at first.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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There are few things sweeter than watching fascists snatch defeat from the jaws of victory 🎉🥰💕

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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That joke is a paternity test level dad joke

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I’ll be damned: utopiawa.org/forever-youn...

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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That is a beautiful shot!

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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This is AI I can get behind… “which experiment will maximize information/$”

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I’m so sorry. My wife used to love it when Chappelle would play the Improv because he was so nice to all the servers. I don’t know when he decided that dumping on marginalized people was OK. Apparently he changed for the worse 😔

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Born and raised in Southeast no less! And of course BFA from Howard. Great ambassador for DC

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I feel like it’s more effort to keep up the motions, so lapsed indicates that other priorities took up that FTE. Priorities may or may not ever shift back 😁

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Did not know she was from DC! That’s awesome

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Oh this is nice. My colleague does a LOT of CUT&RUN/CUT&Tag… I always figured ATAC would be a sensible normalizer for CUT&Tag, but this is cheaper. Very nice

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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“Lapsed” catholic is the term I hear a lot (my wife was raised Catholic) Pope Francis is an old guy with old guy sensibilities but my god is he an improvement over Pope Brownshirt Ratzinger

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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A reward for the extremely effective governing the GOP has been doing, no doubt 🙄

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Oh wow. In the US, our “center right” GOP is practically campaigning to put botched executions on pay per view. Reform seems moderate compared to the Ghastly Orange Party, err, Republicans

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Aaaaahahahaha poetic

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I mean, what if it was cooked properly?

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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One might say the reliability of these studies is…

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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That would be a bargain in Japan. Of course it would also be square

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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💯 If it’s bad for Elon, it’s good for everyone else 😁

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Polychrome will do this (up to 36 discrete levels with clear perceived differences) and the tableau “classic 20” palette in ggthemes will provide 20

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Welp, I guess that means Biden can cancel the election as an official act 🤷‍♂️

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Accept without revision

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I hope that is sufficient to ward off the creative minds of today’s SCOTUS 🤞

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I worry that we might all be talking past each other. AI “research,” publishing subgroup analyses of pivotal trials secondary endpoints, sloppy work from junior scholars, paper mills: all symptoms The root of the disease is measuring the wrong things. We can’t just ask junior people to be martyrs.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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💯 and this is why DOIs, etc exist… if only people would use the tools already in hand to address both problems at their root 🤦‍♂️ There’s really no reason for it to be this way, aside from laziness and inertia and maybe a little gatekeeping. Thus I predict that academia will sooner perish than fix it

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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In principle we all ought to use DOIs or PMIDs and have the reference manager or typesetter format it. Likewise ORCIDs for authors. Would save everyone a lot of time and embarrassment. Too bad academia is such a disastrous mess; dinosaurs will come up with some ridiculous excuse for doing it wrong🙄

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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El Vez For Prez! Otra vez!

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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AOC and her team must have thought this through! Maybe some political consultants are worthwhile. Also maybe she’s a lot sharper than her opponents can handle 🤔 I don’t particularly care for Harris, but it’s usually a bad idea to underestimate her. Or any of the rest of these women for that matter.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Ok I’ll make that 60 for ya Congrats! Huge milestone!

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Harris seems to be getting better treatment in this respect 🤞 and AOC is… her own phenomenon?

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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But also, research misconduct announcement followed by a K99 award to the same person the following week So, like, it’s not all journals’ fault. Nature is basically a preprint server with a $30K processing fee nowadays; biorxiv puts more effort into typesetting than Nature does lately

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I suspect there are other examples. Newsom has been obviously and aggressively auditioning for the part but has the same problem as Harris, without the benefit of being VP.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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These are all hypotheticals, of course, but Whitmer’s tenure has seen all three branches of Michigan government flip from red to blue. That’s a pretty solid track record and not something a California politician will have on their resume.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Maybe. But if we are being honest, a dozen or so swing states will decide the election. Whitmer/Warnock or similar could do very well in the rust belt and the purple parts of the south. No idea how they’d do in Nevada or Arizona.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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I checked and it’s even a bit more interesting than that. Whitmer asked to withdraw from vetting and Biden asked her to stay in. michiganadvance.com/2024/06/24/w...

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Ah, now I understand. You are right

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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Quite possible, now that you mention it. If memory serves, Whitmer was vetted but Harris made more sense as a running mate.

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Tim Triche, Jr.🔰's avatar Tim Triche, Jr.🔰 @timtriche.bsky.social
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And Harris is?! I watched her ascent in California. There is a LOT of dirt from those years which the alternatives don’t have. She’s certainly a capable politician. Whether she and her handlers can convert that into swing state victories during a compressed presidential campaign is less obvious.

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