Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar

Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)

27 followers 96 following 413 posts

Empty headed writer of many genres of varying success.

Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I am too, if only because I think the people determined to start a panic really aren't doing much more than pissing their own pants. I was seeing it on LGM myself (until I nuked myself). The pushback the front pagers there kept getting was very encouraging.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I admire your patience with people you consider colleagues. Especially as I finally ran out of it. Keep fighting the good fight, and we'll see where everything lies in the end.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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It's REALLY easy to want a bloody fight when it's not your knuckles getting dusted. Your actions would start a war. I'm GLAD you're not in charge.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Conservatives demand an immediate stay. It's granted by the very justices you're trying to remove. Congratulations, you've just lit the match that potentially starts the Second Civil War. Good job. We aren't going to beat the Republicans at their own game.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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The fundamental problem is that SCOTUS really only gave REPUBLICAN presidents immunity. What an "official act" actually is was left undefined and subject to the courts. If you think they'll have the same standards for Biden that they'd have for Trump, I don't know what to tell you.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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If elections are "rigged," THIS is where the deck is stacked, not by 2000 mules.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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The only thing that's really changed is that we're seeing just how many profoundly shitty people there are in this world. But the truth is that they've always been there. They weren't cultivated. They've been recruited.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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To hell with the "last couple generations." The desire for one tribal leader who can fix everything so that they don't have to think about politics has been a thing since recorded human history was a thing.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I think you'd be pretty fucking depressed to learn just how many people in the world think representative government is too much hassle, and they'd far prefer to choose one person to make all their perceived problems go away.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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The UK was/is/probably always will be one of the most EU-skeptic nations that could feasibly be in the European Union. Even the far-left's hero Corbyn frowned pretty hard at the EU and only reluctantly offered support for it at the 11th hour. Not surprised at all that Starmer is lukewarm.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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He plans to run things as a center or light center-left. That... was hardly a secret even to me a full ocean and a half away. Dunno why it would be a surprise to anyone, honestly.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Well, I have seen first hand the recoil political parties can take when they make promises that they can't (or won't) keep. Dude's party by all accounts is heading for a landslide victory already.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Well, for what it's worth, rejoining the EU wouldn't be the UK's decision alone.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Nah, bro. A REAL lockdown is having to like... wear a mask and like not be able to get a haircut on demand. You don't know how REAL America suffered in those dark times.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Generally when someone blocks me, I assume it was a good reason for them, and this there's probably a good reason for me to block 'em right back.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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She said not have to be invested in saving democracy every single election, and that is true. It SHOULDN'T be a life or death fight every four years. That's not the same as not being informed and invested in our politics as a whole.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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She didn't say that. She said that politics should be boring, not that you shouldn't be invested.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I've concluded that a second Civil War is inevitable. To squash it peacefully would require a coordinated effort from every non-fascist for over a generation to shut them out of any branch of power. And I've think we've established that is simply not going to happen.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Or they have fantasies of being the survivors that rose from the ashes and built their oddly specific utopia.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Hey, can everyone in America do me a favor? Stop projecting what they want from an undefined Democratic presidential candidate, and just get a head start on the part where you're disappointed that you not getting everything you want. Please and thank you.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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They do this because they have (cleverly) reserved what determines an "official act" to the courts. If you think they won't have two VERY different definitions depending on who is in the White House, I have a bridge in northern Michigan I'm looking to sell.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Some of the biggest resistance reactionaries have faced in the last hundred years have come from agencies outside the traditional two-party structure.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Well, they THINK they want violence, because they believe their opponents won't be keen on fighting back.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Doesn't really matter as long as THIS Supreme Court is the one deciding what acts are official and which ones aren't.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Problem is, I'm not even sure if those people prefer to be alive anymore; considering how eager they are to do stuff that increases their chances of dying.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Okay... I get the Palestianian genocide barb (whether its true or not). But when the hell did we get on the hook for trans genocide again?

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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The issue isn't necessarily the performative politics. It's blaming Democrats when the performative politics on their own fail.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Because if you believe that laws should mean something, there really isn't a logical, legal response to "neener neener."

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I don't see any black sharpie marks that tell me where it's going next...

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Or at the very least find boring less disturbing than deranged.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Biden sounded old. Trump sounded deranged. The media has been so fixated on the former that maybe they forgot the latter doesn't sell terribly well with "normal" people either. Or they willfully hoped normal people wouldn't notice.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Once again, you are a voice of wisdom. Why didn't I listen?

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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No, I still don't care about making this thumbnail pretty and attention grabbing. Fuck off.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I think I may have an answer to our political problems. Everyone can hate me instead.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Don't threaten me with a good deal.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Note to the conspiracy theorists: There's no secret cabal waiting to hurt you from within the shadows. You just don't want to turn the fucking light on and look for yourself.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Every accusation is a confession.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I'm still confused what point he THOUGHT he was making.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Looks good so far to my plebian eyes.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Nope. Still can't get myself to care about making the previews pretty. Sorry, not sorry.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I dunno... I'd put some good ol 80's crack up against anything the Victorians bubbled up. My early teens was littered with stuff that could have killed an elephant.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I manage with the realization that there is little someone can say about my work that I haven't already thought.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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While that is true NOW, it doesn't have to be. A combustion engine will ALWAYS be dirty.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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Back when I was in college, I heard a saying that, "You knew that the child inside of you had finally moved on when you started identifying with Calvin's dad."

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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There is a whole lot in entertainment in general that could be fixed if the people in entertainment accepted that success is more driven by blind luck than anything else.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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On one hand, I want to believe context would make that headline make sense. On the other hand, I'm a little scared context would only make it worse.

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Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)'s avatar Thomas Knapp (chemiclord)
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I don't know why you're struggling to follow along, but that's a you problem, not a me problem. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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