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What good ultra capitalist think tank doesn't outsource their phone banks to some company owned by some rich asshole? Heritage represents like 40 different organizations doesn't it?

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The post above that is talking about running Biden or Harris. I think that's more reasonable than trying to bring someone else entirely in this late in the game.

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Oof,... I don't think that "it was an episode" is the out that Pelosi thinks it is. The decline of old age happens when the "episodes" get longer and more frequent.

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For perspective,... that was 20 years ago(!) and Biden is 4 years older than George W. Bush. Time is crazy...

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They do a good job making everyone think about the problem that definitely actually exists. They do a better job keeping people from thinking about how bad Trump ALSO is in this exact same respect. Biden's age is a more significant liability because it is a real issue.

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Here's a question that just popped into my head,... Would Kamala Harris get a "Not Biden" bump in popularity? She may be popular or at least not unpopular with a lot of the groups where Biden had issues. On top of that the party would be seen to at least be doing something to address concerns.

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We're going to get "Dems in disarray" anyway.

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I would like to hear him add that it is time for the next generation to step up or something to that effect. None of it requires him to step down. This term ends in 7 months. That is fundamentally different from the 55 months that he would have to make it through for another term.

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Have you considered that Clyburn may have just been answering the question that was asked of him rather than subversively signaling the opposite of what he clearly said in the part of the quote that was left out? Some people try to avoid being evasive in interviews.

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That's a stretch. Your selective quote leads someone towards your conclusion more than the the full quote does... which is misleading. Have you considered that what you did was misleading, however unintentional it may have been, rather than all these people being wrong?

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We were in the middle of the first real significant uptick in crime in decades,... of course people were going to run back to whoever was willing to be more "tough on crime".

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I have ALSO heard people talking about it...

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No one is ever going to be happy,... Somebody would have to show good reason why it WOULDN'T be Harris and/or you anger all the fans of everyone that ISN'T Harris... Part of me would be afraid of starting a new cycle of coming to terms with who the candidate is going to be.

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WTF are you even talking about,...

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Pick the poll that says what you want and treat it as the god's honest truth... Nice work.

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That argument is not as self evident as you would like for it to be.

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Like the old Irishman said,... "If you're trying to get there, I wouldn't start from here." This isn't the place to start if you want a different Democratic candidate in this election. The place to start was probably in 2020, to be honest.

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That family should no longer own Purdue Pharma after any settlement is done.

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Normalize jailing former presidents.

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If they do lose, I'm waiting for 20% of GOP legislators to do the thing where they pretend like they just emerged from a fugue state and basically try to fade back into how things were in the old days without addressing the last 8 years.

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I thought that it was enough of an indication that whenever there is a census we spend the next 4-8 years fighting over redistricting in places that would have required preclearance previously,...

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Yeah,... but mitigating it without gassing an entire town would have cost more money.

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Thankfully, nothing will ever be as dumb and uselessly liberal as Madeleine Albright's stupid pin book.

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That is some liberal ass shit,... "I'm not going to address the content, but they used bad words *clutches pearls*"...

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Sucks to suck.

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"Only uphold laws that it would make us look really stupid to strike down"... I'll be waiting patiently for the "see, they're not so bad" takes from this decision.

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What are you talking about? "'Relevantly similar' to laws that our tradition is understood to permit..." is a totally logical and objective test that one can "apply faithfully" with total fairness and logic... It certainly beats all those icky judicial tests that previous courts made up...

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I'm not his biggest fan, but fucking everybody was "tough on crime" back then... His opponent was drastically worse, even back then.

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Back in my day, we had the whole of human knowledge just a few clicks away........

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He is entirely too nice,... My response very well might have been "Oh, fuck off, Mary,..."

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Apparently, you can dedicate a show to tearing down everything they stand for and call them Nazis and fascists to their face, but if you bring in a gay relationship, that crosses the line. Amazing.

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"Morrissey later apologized to Carroll during a subsequent meeting and claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him." ...Come the fuck on,...

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Yep. Paying slightly more tax doesn't materially change their lifestyle. You know what does? Purposefully materially changing their lifestyle by moving to a place with a substantially different culture.

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They are unlikely to be successful in their court challenges given that it is already illegal to make transactions solely for the purpose of reducing taxes when they don't actually generate economic activity.

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"complex business partnerships can move assets from one entity to another on paper for no reason other than to avoid taxes." This has always been illegal. This is the IRS warning businesses that they're going to have to justify their transactions more thoroughly.

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If I'm being honest, I might actually watch it if he shows up.

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I'm pretty confident that he won't participate in the second debate. I'm not sure about the first one. He apparently came out and said he might "lose" the debate "on purpose"... which is a pretty funny concept.

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I'll be impressed if they're able to make the NIH bad enough where people in the UK have similar level of unhappiness to the US.

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Let it never be said that Will Ferrell can't deliver a subtly funny line.

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What's the trend on the UK since Brexit?

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Mississippi preparing to change their state motto to "At least we're not the UK..."

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I had this question too. I figured there had to be something I wasn't understanding given that you're you and are from Virginia.

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This is why coverage that just makes fun of Alex Jones' craziest takes misses the point. For the most part, he knows what he's doing when he says ridiculous things, just reporting on that stuff and not the Turner Diaries stuff is exactly what he wants. (Not saying this is what you're doing.)

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"The use is being invaded..." or "People want to move to the US..."

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He's setting up for the debates where he can pull out the "A convicted felon says 'what?'?" bit...

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A+ clickbait title, haha.

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Thomas gets to keep the seat, but Crow is legally obligated to work some marionette sticks with strings attached to Clarence's wrists.

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Given that he's been advocating for his compensation package via advertisement on places like Reddit, he isn't feeling that confident about his chances.

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Makes me think of the Business Plot...

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