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There are laws that exist to enslave and to set free. Screw the far right. Screw the right that literally wants to take rights away from some people. And to hell with anyone who just stands aside and watches.

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It's going on your gravestone John. Here Lies John Rogers The Core Guy

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Thanks Ken. That was well worth the read.

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Chancellor Valorin promises to play fair and nice, Senator Palapitine applauds

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Popehat's avatar Popehat
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.

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Yeah things suck. Yes it's Monday. But it's also Steve Bannon Goes To Prison Day. So there's that.

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Hopefully you get more out of it then I did. Made and deleted several characters Never made it out of Limgrave or fought the first real boss Loved running around and soaking in the atmosphere but just didn't gel with the combat at all But please have fun! It is an amazing game

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Just fucking change the name to the Corporate States of America and get it over with.

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People storm the Capital and try to lynch Congress. SCOTUS: nah, it's cool. We are so fucked as a country

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Chevron Doctrine is overruled One more step on the Cyberpunk timeline

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We legalized bribery. I don't know when we did it. But we did.

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He's been spending 100k a month for over a year now and the courts haven't stopped him Until they freeze his assets and find every dollar squared away it's just performative bull I want him working third shift in a fast food drive thru for life

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He won't be broke He's been transferring and hiding money in the tens of millions for years now His dad got 50 mil to sit on Another rich white asshole gets away with anything

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No preorder but when it's available in the Monte Cook store and I have a spare payday It will be mine Oh yes It will be mine

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One more step on the Cyberpunk timeline that we are marching ever closer to fully legal mil spec weapons for everyone

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Now I want to play a Charismatic Barista Who Serves Enchanted Coffee

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I've always thought that maximum pay should be 100 times what your lowest paid employee makes I make 20k, the CEO get 2 mil. Let's see pay increases then

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"None of Trump's family have been convicted of a felony. Who's the better father to lead the country?" Runner up for next day

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Greg Stolze and Arc Dream pioneered the "ransom model" of crowdfunding a game release years before KS. Without it we wouldn't have Wild Talents and Reign. But yeah, now we've got 100k-million dollars projects that take years to fullfil or get ghosted by under planning runners

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Fungals are the new viruses from 100 years ago If we don't start spending a lot more time and money, it's going to be decades of suffering needlessly

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Nooooooo! Keep working on Neon Rain! One rando on the site demands it! 😛

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One of the really good things about the Internet is stuff like this can be found by young people looking for gay affirming material in a way kids in the 80s never could

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I really wonder if the day after the election and if Biden wins we see her pull out all the stops and fast track the case to lightspeed to try and save her job

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You're welcome in my survival bunker Steve on the condition that you GM for the group 😁

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My dream fantasy is the opening of the RNC convention and the first thing the chairperson says is "Open Floor Fight! Nominations open!"

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I unabashedly love most of Cypher System but in addition to It's Only Magic, Neon Rain is my most anticipated book Way looking forward to it!

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I find notebooks in storage that have gaming characters and notes from the 90's and it's like "Holy crap I remember that game night!" Twilight 2K campaign. Fading Suns characters I never used. Gurps write ups for a Wild Cards campaign. My original TMNT characters. It's wild what you hang on to.

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Hey John.
A person just got killed over a catalytic converter theft and the only reason we've heard about it is because he was a former soap actor.
How many more like this have happened and we just haven't heard about it?
Are the thieves this desperate to make a score?

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Here's an idea: Let TX seceed. Combine North and South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia. Make DC, Puerto Rico, and Guam states. We won't even have to change the flag. And maybe we get a better country out of it.

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It's Dark Fantasy, which like the Witcher games, can be done very well. But Origins has a lot of shock value moments not out of place in a Warhammer setting or even worse. Like I said, it hasn't aged well. DA2 and Inquisition have generally kept its edge without resorting to 15 year old edge values.

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So yeah, I love a lot of the Dragon Age series but it has warts, and they have grown over the years.

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And the Female City Elf origin is infamous for rape and violence on female characters. Not yours personally but your cousin, and wedding party. It also lets you go on a Kill Bill killing spree that is only mildly cathartic.

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There are elements of DA:O that have aged badly. The human Noble origin has your whole family murdered including your 6 year old nephew and parents. All by a family friend.

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Ok to be fair: It's not you. Your family is in debt to a crime lord who is trying to turn your sister into a concubine so he can play the part of "uncle" and get into the royal family. You are a hired thug for the crime lord and at the end of the prolog you get to murder him. So, yeah not exactly.

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That guy needs to get billy goat kicked in the nuts forever.

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Did you see Night City in CP2077? In between the radioactive dust storms and toxic acid rain there were some blue skies! Sometimes.

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Oh please tell me Mossad is not that stupid pleasepleaseplease

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If Jesus really did come back now, Repugs would be leading the charge to crucify him.

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Good on you Sean Sounds like a GM intrusion and you got an XP 😎

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Well I see we are reaching the point in the global climate apocalypse that ultra rich people are going to start throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at sci Fi movie solutions instead of just stopping what we are doing that caused the problem

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