Topia's avatar


5 followers 3 following 263 posts

The least interesting account on the whole damned app.

Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 192 - completely blew up any semblance of having a circadian rhythm, avoided responsibility, watched a movie that was absolutely pure distilled copaganda, fixed a vacuum cleaner, rescued one of my cats who had somehow managed to trap herself in my filing cabinet, waited for more rain.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 191 - drank my morning coffee on the porch, took a break from reducing my life into boxes to start putting together some artist brand merch designs, got caught in a thunderstorm with no complaints, made fruit salad, got the feeling of being watched while on a short hike in the woods.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 190 - got a surprise trench club in the mail (which might be a brand new sentence), burned nine kinds of hell out of myself while making ramen of all things, saw a black bear in the park, made a large investment in a small company, finally found some inspiration, napped in front of the TV.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 189 - bought a case of packing tape, found some stuff I lost long enough ago that I no longer gave a damn about finding it, accidentally spilled things on myself multiple times throughout the day, got annoyed at the people setting off fireworks in the park across the street, ate ice cream.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 188 - woke up and decided to take a me-day, sat on the porch and drank pink lemonade while a massive thunderstorm rolled through, ignored all incoming phone calls, priced custom high-end gaming PCs, built a cat fort out of broken down boxes, left a fruit pile in the woods for the animals.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 187 - had to clean up around the dumpster after a local business decided to throw rotten food everywhere, set a personal record for number of times emptying the dehumidifier in one day, bought ice cream, tried to figure out why my Rimworld mods aren't working, agreed with screaming crows.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 186 - dismantled all of my shelves without planning ahead for what I was going to do with all the things I took off them to do so, took a nap on the couch, made pasta with crab, shut the windows to keep the cats from flipping out, had a conversation with a very high woman in the woods.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Some of y'all are bound and determined to take a stand by doing absolutely fucking nothing, but as long as you get to pat yourself on the back for having tunnel vision I guess that's what's important.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 185 - was halted in my cleaning by the local trash collectors deciding to skip over the already-overflowing dumpster until sometime next week, got frustrated with an activist group, ate too many pears, made an enormous Chewy order, decided to schedule a massage as soon as possible.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 184 - scoped out a potential property investment, took full advantage of my sudden boost in kitchen counter space, continued to resist the urge to panic, found myself a good solid throwin' brick, felt lucky enough to buy some scratch-off tickets, cranked some Frank Turner.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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On god, I am going to keep using this site incorrectly and you can't stop me.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Some poor exhausted bastard's been doing the twist for 61 years now.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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JD Vance looks like he could use a bit more vitamin-knifemissile in his diet.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 183 - resisted the urge to panic, did the laundry for immediate packing, reassured some people, had words with some random woman in front of my house, got a spike migraine that put my on my back for a significant chunk of the day, threw up a few times, recovered in time to watch fireflies.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 182 - woke up with a shoulder covered in cat drool, listened to a thunderstorm roll through, made curried beef pies, dismantled furniture, used a peppermint bath bomb, drank pink lemonade on the porch, put together a new playlist, watched the sunset through the clouds.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 181 - did some early morning firewood chopping before the rain moved in, avoided spam calls, reassured people about the debate again, ordered pizza, had what felt like a minor anxiety attack out of nowhere, let one of my cats watch her favorite YouTube channel (John Malecki carpentry).

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 180 - seethed until I eventually found my ID, wandered back and forth across town, bought a backpack full of fresh fruit, took full advantage of the Steam summer sale, listened to military history podcasts, watched well-meaning people fuck it up for everyone, dealt with debate fallout.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Just walked all the way across town to make a purchase only to find that somehow I'd lost my ID. In a related note, if someone loses something and your first instinct is to ask them where the last place they saw it was, they should be legally allowed to choke the life out of you.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 179 - spent quality time with a pile of cats, helped with some riverside clean-up, came within inches of hand feeding a strawberry to an adolescent wild jackrabbit, shot the shit with a friend while he built a sleeping pad for his new truck, ate blueberry peach jam on cinnamon toast.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 178 - stocked up on a month's worth of necessities (and a few things that aren't necessary at all), was briefly confused by BlueSky drama, watched the stock market get all weird with it, got tooth-grindingly annoyed by someone in a discord channel, went to hang out with the fireflies.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 177 - fed lettuce to a pair of baby bunnies, wrote a grocery list, ordered a half-dozen pairs of basketball shorts, binge watched carpentry videos, got really damned frustrated with the absolute toxicity of some local people, had some ice cream, started packing in earnest.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 176 - spent most of the day wandering about among the trees, decided ahead of time to spend the first three months of next year being as far away from humanity as possible, found a massive blackberry patch, got home in time to watch fireflies from my porch, started putting together boxes.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 175 - had weird-ass dreams, was blatantly lied to by my weather app, ate a whole box of buckeyes, talked to a guy up by my firepit about expanding the amount of native flora in the area, found out there's apparently some kind of drama going on, gave out cat brushings all willy nilly.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 174 - made the trip back home, got the urge to leave the moment I crossed the bridge back into town, unpacked, gave away a bread maker, took a long nap, reintroduced myself to my cats, checked to make sure my firepit hadn't been destroyed in my absence, cleaned out my phone contacts.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 173 - finished the retaining wall, told hard truths, ate some kind of apple pastry that was absolutely top tier, rigged a cooling shelter for the outdoor cat that doesn't belong to me, packed for the return trip to what will hopefully not be my home for much longer, got lost in thought.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 172 - found a bunch of old toys I'd stored away long ago, made fruit salad, stood outside in a perfect Summer storm, ate jambalaya straight from the pot, caught up on some reading, made the terrible mistake of checking out the Zillow listing for the house I was raised in.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 171 - sharpened my tools, carried bags of gravel down into the valley, soaked my weary bones in the deepest part of the stream, chose the kind of fruit trees I'm going to plant, sweated buckets, collected sheets of bark from a fallen birch, shared a pleasant moment with a coyote.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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I moved about 700 miles to get away from the kind of heat and humidity I'm dealing with right now.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 170 - mowed part of the parental lawn under high heat, was accidentally pushed down a flight of stairs while carrying an air conditioning window unit (please don't try to help people without permission or warning), took an ice cold shower, had a beer with my dad, shared some wisdom.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 169 - dreamed about ghosts from my past, reconnected, bonked my head pretty damned hard on the underside of the deck while feeding Not My Cat, ate some really good chocolate, sweltered, witnessed a minor car crash, got annoyed at well-meaning people.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Sleeping isn't really a part of my life anymore.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 168 - got a bit too much sun, found out I'm somehow guilty of underfeeding a cat that doesn't belong to me, carried a bunch of big damn rocks, failed at communication, made it almost half an hour into a new Rimworld save before committing war crimes, hung out with my dad.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 167 - pulled weeds, sawed a fallen tree into manageable logs, grilled some burgers in the back yard, thought about how nice it would be to have a swimming pool, marked off lines for a retaining wall, had two fingers of a lovely single malt over ice.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 166 - sketched while listening to a mild thunderstorm, accidentally trapped a cat in a coat closet for about two hours, binge watched ghost hunting shows, set up my new laptop cooling riser, put black walnut husks out to soak, stretched out on silk.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 165 - listened to the early morning birds, used a scythe for the first time in ages, went through half a jar of Tiger Balm, drank ice cold lemonade while dangling my feet in a stream, carried bags of gravel, dealt with a lot more indoor heat than I'd like, successfully called a bluff.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 164 - had really intense dreams, used stakes to mark out a trail for clearing, mostly just wanted to be left the hell alone.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 163 - woke up far too early for comfort, went on a hike through the valley, binged the Lions Led By Donkeys podcast, lost what was apparently the only hair tie I remembered to bring on my trip, helped map out some renovations, suffered from dehydration.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 162 - was notified that there is a highly aggressive deer in the area that has been attacking people at night, ate dark chocolate covered candied ginger, forgot to go to the store again, was jumpscared by Good Boy the cat, ignored a few unwanted phone calls, drank strawberry lemonade.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 161 - did an inventory of the edible plant sources down in the valley, helped plant some peach and cherry trees, gave thorough head-scritchins to a giant black farm mouser named Good Boy, had really good Mexican food at a local spot, issued a challenge.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 160 - damned near got pushed into a ravine by some Tesla-driving dipshit during my ride to NY, settled in at the fam's place for my visit, went to the local Chinese buffet, hung out with two of the wunkiest cats imaginable, opened a window to listen to the rain, was scolded by a rooster.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 159 - did some deep cleaning, banned the recorder woman from yesterday from the property, started seriously thinking about another social media purge, watched financial crimes happen, packed for a trip in the morning, listened to a distant pack of coyotes.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024 day 158 - was awakened by some woman out in the woods outside my window playing the same four notes on a recorder over and over in the early morning hours, caught one of my cats pissing on my lap desk, got an alarmingly reassuring call from my bank, ate vanilla ice cream for dessert.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Hoo boy, this is not a good start to my day.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 157 - listened to the crickets while sipping my early morning coffee on the porch, calmed a few nerves, binge watched action movies, lost power for a few seconds due to the transformer on an electric pole down the street exploding, was rabbit-kicked by a three legged cat for daring to nap.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 156 - went for a long morning walk on the rail trail, won $100 on a $5 scratch-off ticket, got a solid reminder that you can't help people that don't want to be helped, found out about the flying spider thing, ordered some new workout gear, proposed a fair trade.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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Only a foot off the ground? She's lucky it didn't launch her into low orbit.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 155 - helped the neighbor down the road find their lost cat, found a wrist brace that I can wear without impeding my drawing, received a compliment about my hair, decided that I like my stainless steel Zebra G-402 pen more than I like my silver Parker, watched the stock market go woobly.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 154 - spent the morning being a stoop kid, made enough chicken salad to last out the week, helped someone alleviate the absolutely absurd concerns that were planted in her head by an utter dipshit, got a bit of afternoon sun, boxed up the last of my winter gear, whittled.

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Topia's avatar Topia
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2024, day 153 - broke out the slow cooker for the first time in a while, took a break from the drawing I'm doing for my dad to knock out a quick tattoo design for a friend, had a video chat that wasn't a business meeting for the first time in ages, was attacked by a jealous cat.

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2024, day 152 - called about having a custom drafting table made, found someone who is willing to store all of my stuff for up to six months, got scolded for reasons I can't fathom by the angriest chipmunk I have ever come across, watched a parade from my porch, carved some throwing sticks.

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