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126 followers 331 following 1080 posts

One time rural Miss. teacher. Went to be a lawyer then thought better of it. Now back in education in various forms. Occasional speedrunner. They/Them. Chaotic good.

Troy's avatar Troy
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But you see Mark Robinson is a great retail politician 🙃🤢

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Troy's avatar Troy
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The trinity-Italian basil, thai basil, gooner basil

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Ya I don’t appreciate how much they continue to let media off the hook bc I think it sets a bad precedent for whatever could come next, but in terms of the actual views/recs it’s impressive esp given their historical baseline role they see themselves as playing (no shade) as party boosters

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Why is this happening.

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Wait no *now* I’m in my Challengers era

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Troy's avatar Troy
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This was me seeing Janelle monae in their metropolis suite i era

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Troy's avatar Troy
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As a former student of both of theirs, cried reading her letter adnnouncing she was withdrawing. They are both the absolute sweetest people

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Whoa didn’t realize you were also an NM expat!

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Age and recent pic 37

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Calm before the storm of family time

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Troy's avatar Troy
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I think you can (as best you can square the circle saying “last time I ran for president I also did not have a full time job—as president. My focus needs to be on the job, and I realized I can’t do that now and run a full time campaign. I have to choose one, and I choose continuing to be president

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Brain addled nyt editorialists take-your-own-advice challenge

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Ya totally fair—I think to me genuine question “is age sticking point” or is it “whatever press hypes atm is sticking point” (Econ/crime/immigrarion) at which point question is “does Harris quell media narrative or give excuse to go buck wild” but maybe I’m too cynical and media vibes-pilled!

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Ya not anti Harris, and it’s trending that way, but still skeptical of “let’s compare bidens numbers at his nadir to Harris’ before same people tearing Biden apart inevitably turn against her” (+increased Fox et al scrutiny). Gonna be awesome when Douthat tells us how he hates Kamal/dems fucked up!

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Trailer Voice: A chance to do the funniest thing ever...Donald Trump is...The People's Joker.

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Genuine Q on how APA accrual case affects that line of reasoning?

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Troy's avatar Troy
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More and more people are saying

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Oh no yglesias a justice waaaait 1. Pass ethics bill requiring justices to be silent outside of cases 2. Make every shitty pundit a justice 3. Ensure by numbers they’re in the minority (won’t matter, above are vain enough they’ll bite anyway) 4. Profit

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Or legislation and regulation! Just watched my 1L go up in flames

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Bad on its face but absolutely infuriating in the context of his anti-trans ‘is it really safe?’ Garbage

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Troy's avatar Troy
[ View ] the lowest stakes out of today but goddamn if that old tweet of yours does not seem anodyne compared to the entirety of discourse in response to scotus decision rn lol

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Troy's avatar Troy
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On the bright side, if we *do* win with a Harris/Manchin ticket I sure have some new contingency plans for how to make the most of the situation afterwards

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Yea real problem we face—even as they try and drive Biden out of the race—same folks will stick to ‘uwu we’re just smol beans who can’t influence the election’. Accordingly, getting no real dialogue from those folks around how any +/- to dropout will be heavily mediated by media (ie their) reaction

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Pundits: we’re just smol beans who can’t influence the election you have to beat Trump at the ballot box Also pundits: Joe Biden must resign in disgrace or watch as we burn your democracy to the ground Surely if we just do what they ask they’ll rally around whomever dems pick as replacement

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Troy's avatar Troy
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*slightly* disagree here: I don’t think calculus is even to win voters. Same as immigration, it’s to get nyt et al to shut up about it & move to friendlier topics. But conclusion is similar—they don’t get media is in the tank for gop, and nothing, including Biden stepping aside, will appease them

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Troy's avatar Troy
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The ole “ ‘this is a gigantic waste of time and money that will lead to disastrous environmental and human costs all in exchange for a more invasive version of bonzibuddy’ vs ‘no it won’t’ “

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Lose the jacket and I’m ready to become a Jedi master?

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Wedding 2 of the season!

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Troy's avatar Troy
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often hear media folk talk about trump’s leaving Twitter as keeping him from Americans but Twitter was always tiny! no way it was direct conduit—reporter coverage was. Sure reporters don’t cover truth social but that’s bc it’s their preference—they wised up to direct coverage being bad for Trump

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Moving firmly into the ‘theirs and hers’ clothing era of the relationship

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Troy's avatar Troy
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I understand presentation is not endorsement and yet I have some questions for the Indianapolis war memorial

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Extreme Jessie and James voice:

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Here I thought if you don’t like a candidate you have to “beat him at the ballot box” or so I’ve been told about Trump every time we learn some new horrid revelation

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Asmr-coded? Is this giving the sleepies?

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Just saw someone w Kennedy 2024…paperwork?…in the wild in Indianapolis

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Troy's avatar Troy
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might even say “I recognize last night wasn’t my best, but you’re wrong to think it’s my age and over the next 3 weeks I’ll prove it.” Maybe even say “and if I’m wrong, then I’ll have a serious chat with my campaign.” Set expectation you’re serious. Some press will be bad faith but they are anyway

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Eloquent distillation of ‘this is a choice not a referendum.’ While I do think Biden camp should get him out publicly asap to quash narrative, extent to which media over and over frames this as referendum—only Bidens actions matter, and only in most nebulous ways—is dereliction of duty

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Good for Vox

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Troy's avatar Troy
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“we know this is a debate,a performance that is unconnected largely to the stakes of this election and the office, and yet we are duty bound to inform you that we think trump was a savvy debater, and so we must relinquish our democracy to him”

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Troy's avatar Troy
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That last bit an unfortunately global statement about last night

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Troy's avatar Troy
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If a certain paper were actually committed to “challenging the views of its readers” maybe w would have seen a bit more of that instead of a uniform freak out pushing a single narrative in line w what most folks believe out of last night

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Troy's avatar Troy
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The comparison—that after trumps civil and criminal convictions almost no pundit/paper could spend time demanding he drop out, is galling. I get theory that ‘Biden might listen Trump won’t’ but ignores that these folks are creating a discourse/vibes in which only Bidens weaknesses can be considered

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Huh I was able to paste from a screenshot but had similar issue when trying to just copy paste image from iMessage to bsky couple hours ago

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Indy for a wedding this weekend. Athenaeum easy first stop. lime leaf coconut iced latte and a working space.

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Troy's avatar Troy
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I’ve never even watched this but it came on after Saturday am cartoons in late 90s/early aughts so absolutely have that fucking whistle in my head now

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Agreed/to me similar to folks whining someone getting fired for pulling their dick out is “capital punishment for their career.” first off never is but whole possibility those folks eg get a new job (or new social circle) is bc uh they’re not dead. There is no analogizing to the permanence of death

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Troy's avatar Troy
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Look we have all made decisions tonight

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Troy's avatar Troy
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I definitely didn’t have language to understand until mid 20s. I grew up w folks assuming I was gay (even post divorce at 28 ppl asked me if that was why). I had what I think was a bit of standard pipeline in my 20s/30s of “oh nb folks are so cool/I wish I was NB/oh wait I see hmm”

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