Democrat To Be Named's avatar

Democrat To Be Named

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The joke is that polls always show voters preferring me to Biden, Harris et al, but somehow I never get on the ballot. Sort-of leftish liberal. Former English Lit teacher. American living in Bangkok, married to a Thai with a PhD in English Lit. He-him.

Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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If any Democrat publicly expresses disgust with her comments, she will be awarded the title "embattled."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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If the new constitution were inspired by the Bible; and if the general public wanted a form of government that was based on the Bible; then advocates of that constitution would certainly have attempted to demonstrate how Biblical it was. But the Federalist Papers never once cites the Bible. Why?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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For corporate correspondence I would go with “tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day…”

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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The last native speakers of a language are aging, and there seem no obvious ways of keeping it alive: a language crisis. Somebody cries over how These Kids Today are talking: Not a language crisis, either the first time it happened (100kya) or the ten millionth time it happened (last Tuesday).

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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…because, for them, the Law of all Laws is IOKIYAR, a “principle” which is blatantly incompatible with the rule of law. And it’s also perfectly possible to respect the rule of law while being entirely convinced that the “law-giver” was a complete asshole.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Memorializing some old rules does not have a goddam thing to do with “respect for the rule of law.” RFTROL means acknowledging the legitimacy of the rules, *even when applying those rules is inconvenient for ourselves, our friends and our cause.* Which the GOP of course does not acknowledge…

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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So his brother is Marine Todd?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Lawful Resident Kane

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"Why would I make something like that up?" is what gets me. He just presented "that" as definitive evidence for the truth of his claim, and why would anybody make up evidence for the truth of their claims? People only make things up when that *damages* their case, right?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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I'm the one who smugly derides everybody's credulity about this silly legend. (Ripped to pieces at about the 45-minute mark.)

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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So what's the clinical designation for somebody who chooses to inhabit somebody else's constructed reality: narcissist by proxy? Because that it comprises pretty much the entirety of the GOP today. Somewhat like "don't listen to the voices in your head, you fools! Listen to the voices in MY head!"

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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If elected President, I promise to seize all the assets of any presidential candidate who promises to take blatantly illegal and unconstitutional actions against his opponents.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Justice Sotomayor, please don't cry: SHOUT. Don't "respectfully dissent," saying "the reasoning used by the justices here is contrary to that which they used in...", say "these people are just cynical right-wing hacks making shit up to reach their preordained conclusions. Pack this fucking court."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"Some of Trump's political opponents have argued that, by raising a swastika flag, the candidate was telegraphing his sympathies for Nazi ideas. It must be noted, however, that the swastika is a symbol that long pre-dates the Third Reich..."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Democratic talking point needs to be "Trump again shows himself to be nothing but an ignorant, loudmouthed fool who knows no more about any topic than the ignorant, loudmouthed drunk who just lectured everybody in the bar about 9/11, before throwing up and passing out,"

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Next they'll tell us that raising the state minimum wage won't make all the businessmen go Galt like they threatened,

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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“I don’t believe he would have knowingly allowed an insurrection flag to fly outside his house.“ “Why wouldn’t he?” “Because that just isn’t something judges do!” But of course in our timeline the deterrent value of “it just isn’t done” has decayed to zero (at least for Republicans).

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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White screen. A voice cries "What's happening? I don't know who I am! I don't even know if I'm rich or poor, white or black, healthy or disabled! Where am I?" Another voice answers: "You're exactly where you need to be." Title: "A Theory of Justice: This Time, It's Not Just Theoretical."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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“When you condemn anybody who rejoices in Palestinian deaths, that’s an act of shunning and shaming which threatens Free Speech; but when I condemn you for taking such a position, that’s simply the voice of reason from the Serious Civil Center.” I mean, that’s literally what they’re saying, right?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Candidate A) tried to overthrow the government; B) threatens to jail his opponents; C) is guilty of ~$1B worth of fraud; and D) is quite old by candidate standards. What proportion of coverage does this merit? Maybe 40%-35%-20%-5%, right? So why does it become 50-50 if A B & C are the same person?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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The difference between Randy Barnett and a good-faith analyst is that Barnett, in the guise of “objective”description, simply declares his team to be devoted to principle and the other guys to be cynical manipulators, without offering a single case where this distinction could be observed.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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I would ask whether the “eliminationist chant” was “from the river to the sea…” or “kill the Jews!” but I doubt Packer could tell, since they sound entirely identical to him.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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I guess the 1911 version would have demanded a speech about the moral necessity of gunning down some Indians in order that the Empire might survive. Extra points for Latin!

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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In their Super Bowl-winning year (1968) Namath had 20 TDs and 19 INT, which would be mediocre today, but the league average was 19 TD and 23 INT. In 2021 when Zach Wilson had 9 TD and 11 INT, by contrast, the league average was 26-14.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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1. Who is “we”? 2. By what right is (say) East Lansing “yours”? 3. Do you believe, then, in the right of any dispossessed people to “take back” what is rightfully “theirs,” by any means necessary?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"One Horse's Troubled Thoughts About the Track He'll Be Running on in the Upcoming Horserace: Some Very Special Insights From The Washington Post."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Was going to write "I didn't know _____ was an NYU prof," _____ being the RWNJ who spent the '90s celebrating Madonna as a representative of the "Dionysian" and attacking every other left or liberal cause or individual as Puritan & Stalinist, but damned if I can remember her name. Lucky me, I guess.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Or, the Black Mirror version: when her daughter won't stop crying at Cricket's death, the woman realizes that the child has become as aggressive and untrainable as the pet, and executes her as well. Then when other family members react to news of this with horror, she is forced to...

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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The only exception is when it's a guy in a MAGA cap throwing the battery; in that case it's the cop who could be charged with assault... AGAINST AMERICA.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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And that man was... Albert Einstein.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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He was clearly heard shouting "My name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die," then apologizing that he'd lost his sword and had to make due with the machete.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Why keep posting when the damage to "revolutionary politics" is already "irreparable"?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Shouldn't there be such a right?

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Fundamentalist LDS LaRouchie.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Sorry, don't understand "ignores that the products were done in the most obvious ways." If you mean that the products of atom-bomb research were made "in obvious ways," that does seem to imply that it was a simple process to get to the finished product. Which seems the opposite of your point.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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(Can't seem to read the article, though I'm a subscriber.)

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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If candidates supporting popular liberal positions lose Senate elections because voters ultimately fear non-existent crime waves and non-existent "open borders" more than they want abortion rights and a progressive income tax, etc., you can't call that a "center-left" electorate.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Celebrities have snubbed other celebrities for a million stupid reasons (who they're sleeping with, what they said about the last movie...) and Geraldo seizes on an actually legitimate reason (he's helping a fascist destroy the country) to cry "Civilization cannot withstand such intolerance!"

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"We will charge you $50 for the privilege of creating a substantial hazard for the plane, making it more likely to crash and kill everybody." If it were really a safety issue they would weigh me+my carryon+my checkthrough, as with hot-air balloons.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Some of his stories were adapted by The Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Presents, but would only show a fleeting credit "based on the story by John Collier," and the adaptations couldn't hope to capture Collier's wit. Here, for example in the tale of "Mademoiselle Kiki," a cat from Marseilles:

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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The newspaper report says this has "thrown a spotlight on the thin line between law enforcement and law-breaking," which sounds like "it's hard to know where legitimate law enforcement ends and the deliberate, criminal planting of evidence begins; it's such a gray area." Umm, no it isn't.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"All we have to do is X" always tacitly implies " order to accomplish Y." And for this to make any sense, the benefits of Y have to outweigh the costs of X. If X is genocide, Y would have to be something like "prevent Hamas from completing their weapon of global extinction."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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In order for this interpretation to be plausible, there has to be some scenario in which terrible things happen to African-Americans because white liberals were overly optimistic about white society reforming itself; and these things were NOT carried out by the "open racists." I'm at a loss here.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Once a farmer had a fiend And Wiggo was its name-o; W-I-GG-O W-I-GG-O W-I-GG-O And Wiggo was the foul demon's name-o!

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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The single most common summary/parody of conspiratorial reasoning is "well, the fact that you can't find evidence for it clearly shows how deep the cover-up goes!" And here it is, pretty much word for word.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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But then anything short of armed rebellion -- *successful* armed rebellion at that -- counts as "the consent of the governed."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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Levinson and Link, the creators of Columbo, called the format "howcatchem."

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"Indoctrination" could be replaced here by "grooming,." That's their preferred term (or was that last week's preferred term?) for those who have the gall to suggest that LGBTQ kids have the right to life, thus interfering with their own right to groom their kids as Warriors for Straightness.

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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"The Former President shall maintain his duties as Guardian of True Jewishness, and shall have the power to summon militias in order to enact penalties upon any of his decrees." (Article Eight of the Constitution.)

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