Ken Shaw's avatar

Ken Shaw

48 followers 45 following 444 posts

Part time American, part time Zambian, full time just movin' along. Actor for most of my life. Acting teacher in Livingstone, ZA, right now when there. Photographer, movie maker, science freakaholic, environmental planning background, never complain.

Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Think Locally, act Globally.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Real progressives have an understanding of what a World View means. Real progressives don't point at themselves and say "what about ME???" because REAL PROGRESSIVES know it's not about "me" it is about all of us. Real progressives know that they are part of the world, not just one country.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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your American ignorance is sad. You are a sad sad person. I feel sorry for you.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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I think you truly need to join the Peace Corps. And then, if you can make it through, I know you will be apologizing to me. But ...keep on whining.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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And you are typical of having no clue at all what I meant. I say we are doing better than other countries and that "hurts" you? Can't look past your own whining. And you are a joke. And typical. Phony "progressive"

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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#1 Export of the USA is whining. Yes. Fact. Can't look past our own noses and open the mind. Everywhere else in the world they do that. But hey, we are AMERICANS we don't have to give a shit about the rest of the World.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Wow...What "problem" have you deduced by all this I am ignoring? Please, educate me. I tell people we are better off than so many other countries and you "deduce" with your genius, that I am "ignoring"...What? Please.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Hey, still learning this. It shows up as you. Please forgive this old white..and I know you have been wanting, along with all the others who have no idea, that I am an "old white guy", man for making this horrific mistake. America, where we can make mistakes! What a country!

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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How does a positive post go to shit? How can you explain to someone who has been blind since birth? Suggestion: Go live in a developing country for a couple of years. You don't know...until you know. We do have it better than most of the World. Really. No matter how much you whine.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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HA! "offended"? It's kind of, VERY funny how so many of you not just misinterpreted my words, but actually think you have any clue on what I was even discussing. But do go on.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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wow, you are just so...typical. Sad sad human. You have no idea. But keep it up.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Excellent! I was thrilled to just see her lodge in Uganda where she stayed. Funny, she is like George Washington in that region. Where ever she was, there are signs that say "Jane Goodall stayed here!"

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Never was "proud" to be born an American. Never was "ashamed" to be born an American. But sure as hell feel "lucky" to be born an American

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Well, thanks, most took what I wrote as offensive and attacking them for being who they are. Which is absolutely the opposite. And shows how social media can distort and divide even those who completely agree with each other.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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wow, that's about the stupidest comment of all. You actually have no idea. None. How dare you? Oh, I forgot! It's "Bluesky", where everyone has to be a completely clueless over reactive phony "progressive" to make sense. Sorry.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Again, just because it's not easy doesn't mean it can be viewed with a better perspective. I get it. However, out of the US population, giving me specific examples? Depends on where you live. And even with "limited assets" in the US, it is far superior to most other countries. Hard to hear that?

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Wow. I can't afford it, actually. I am deep in debt because I have a family in Zambia that I have to see. I will be living there for good in a few years. And, again, you miss read. "Lecturing" sure use fiery terms. How about teaching understanding of life? Or is that just too difficult?

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Looking for work?

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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And I don't know "you". This is bluesky. A social network. "coming across"? how does one come across when most people either get angry (guilt?) or defensive about what I said? Nope. Chutzpah.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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If you joined the Peace Corps and lived in any struggling nation, you would get it. And that's the truth. Sorry for you not understanding what all of the World means.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Yes, and maybe eat every day. And have internet. And again, no idea when I say "perspective" other than to "show me how wrong I am". I don't think most of you are getting what I mean at all. Have three jobs to stay afloat? You have jobs. Perspective.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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I am saying only that compared to most other countries, we are actually...even the poor, are not "poor" when you compare to many other nations. Really. Why is it hard to say"well, it's tough but at least it's not....... "? Make life easier than being angry.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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First, qualifying for SSI doesn't stop a person from joining the Peace Corps. A disability may, depending on where you go. I listen to all perspectives. And my only point, and every one of you "mad" at my attitude, are reading me wrong. You are being an absolutist.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Okay, sorry about that, Chief! (old TV show term, I'm old.) Peace.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Aw......what a loss of a great person.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Why is that? Being able to see what is going on and use my human brain to understand is "wrong"? I am sadly "privileged" being a white guy. That's for sure. Never try to take advantage of that. I never criticize, saying people need more perspective..and if you will be easier for you.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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So really. Really? PERSPECTIVE. You think you have it..until you see. Then, eyes open up. It's shocking. It's sad. It's the way the World is. Winners, losers. Not fair. We have our issues. The rest of the World follows the USA. We are looked at as "leaders" in what can be. Right or wrong.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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What ever it takes! Excellent!

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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that is rough.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Oh please. This is the kind of response that proves my point of Perspective. My "assumptions"??

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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No, very inexpensive, 200USD for three months, 400USD for a year. Rarely used. So Med Jet makes their money!

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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I am sorry to hear that.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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The inequality in those poor nations make the USA look fair. I am not a dick. I was in the Peace Corps. I lived in and still go to Zambia. Lots of inequality here, absolutely. Services dependent on where you live. I don't have a lot. I get fixed income. But. Perspective is everything.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Honestly, this is a tough subject, seeing the responses. I seem to be coming off as a dick. I am truly the opposite. It was a shock when I joined the Peace Corps. My very liberal self never had any idea of what it meant to be truly poor. I have Peace Corps disease.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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I would suggest joining the Peace Corps if you have a college degree. But it is easy obviously are on the web, so you can afford internet...see my point? Really, think about it. And sorry, I get it. But when someone says it take three jobs to just stay afloat..I say "but you have jobs"

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Cuba, all due to our ex-Cubans hating Castro so much we still act like idiots with a country that would be a good ally if we actually used our foreign policy brains.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Costa Rica is a great choice but you are correct. Most places don't have the medical facilities we have here. But we also charge hundreds of times what other countries do for medical services. When I travel I usually get MedJet, just in case.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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So I would like to suggest that you should have a good perspective on this issues. You get services for your disability, I am sure. Though we in the US suck at what we could do for all our citizens. But I lived in a country where if you are have no life at all.. It is awful.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Really, I don't mean to insult. But those programs are there. Again, living in a country with no services shows me how well we have it..."Overall" The USA is the third most populated country in the World. Considering poverty rates, considering "wealth" statistics....Perspective.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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No, and that's exactly what people who never lived in a truly poor country would say. I have. Please don't put words in my mouth. I am saying PERSPECTIVE. Look around. See what you have and others have. We here in the USA have tunnel vision and that has lead to bad issues all over the World.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Okay, tell me where. Really. As far as inequality, please don't think of this as disrespect, but it is obvious you never lived in a really under developed country. Time to join the Peace Corps. I did. I know. You will, too. You will see.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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We have no perspective and we complain. Have you been to a truly poor nation? I am not arguing about not caring for our citizens. I am saying that, yes, we overall have no idea how good we have it. Even with the people in need. With over 330 million people, we could do better here. Still..No idea

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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join the Peace Corps and tell me that. Not even close.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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As corny as it really is the answer. Kindness, too. Have a kind and loving day.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Excellent photography! Also bittersweet...

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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So what I am saying is we are a spoiled country that doesn't realize even in our worst moments we are far far better off than most people in the rest of the World. We have mechanisms of real support..if one wants. The only support mechanisms in most poor countries are family. Nothing else.

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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Yes, and I get that. Have you traveled to poor countries? Where it is "literally"? When people in the US say they are going broke, yes, things cost "more". Not even close to inflation in the rest of the world. The US has support networks, not perfect. I live in Zambia part time. Perspective

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Ken Shaw's avatar Ken Shaw
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I swear it happened. SWEAR. A few days ago.

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