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my plex weighs a ton

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Failed dj, successful trekkie, knows a thing or two about Ableton Live & Max MSP. My man @jikkumthomas will come kick your ass if you’re mean to me🖖🏻🎧🎵🌐🇺🇳🇺🇸🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼🏳️‍🌈

my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Interesting, wasn't aware of that drama

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Forgive my ignorance , just curious: do you mean ppl were ranking Adams first when really he was their second or third choice? Out of a vestigial instinct to rally behind the most electable candidate?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I hear a lot of left critiques saying they should’ve focused on this case rather than being “farsighted,” but what if they SHOULD be farsighted, and farsightedness does not support their conclusion

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I didn't think you were a kamala-hater 🙂. If the numbers still say biden is our best bet then......I will try to remain calm 😬

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I'm sensing the RBG-level egotism, probably less than the average politician but still shockingly reckless with the public good he's supposed to serve

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Yeah he SHOULD be easy to beat but that’s what I thought the first time. We shouldn’t take any risks. If Kamala has even a 1% advantage, no-brainer

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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So… you think he IS the best person, or just that he had good reasons to think he so and now we’re stuck with it?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I don’t think it’s been handed to trump, still a fairly close race, but you don’t think it was pure ego that made biden think he was the best person to beat trump again?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I mean obviously you’re right strategy-wise. But just between us…I’m gay married to a non-citizen, so we’ll have to leave the country if trump wins. Biden wanted to stay president a little longer so no more America. He’s a colossal piece of shit and I’m gonna donate and vote for him enthusiastically

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I’ll vote for any democrat against trump, obviously, eight days a week, but like… we just spent the last x years arguing that we need to have high standards for this office. Now we just keep quiet about how delusional and ego-driven this admin apparently is? God it’s so incredibly fucked up

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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is it inherently morally wrong to eat a human? 🤔 discuss

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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do thomas and alito actually watch fox news? are they nodding along like "fuck yeah congress is full of pedophiles, every last one," and then the next day writing "hmm the congressional record here is rather ambiguous hmmm 🧐🤔"

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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fuck everything

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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what a scumbag. thank god we have elections to get rid of dictators like biden. but let's maybe not have elections after that

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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like any ruthless authoritarian, biden will certainly be defeated by his opponent in the next election, and will certainly refrain from abusing his newly granted powers in the meantime. otherwise it would be foolish of us to grant him such powers

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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just imagine analyzing this from a MAGA perspective. biden of course is a dictator, but not clever enough (?) to prevent trump from winning the next election. the good folks at scotus know this, so they're teeing up these powers for the NEXT prez to enjoy, knowing biden is too dumb to take advantage

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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isn't it pretty ballsy of the majority to give the executive near-dictatorial immunity when it's currently held by a democrat and ~45% likely to stay that way? do they know something we don't about trump's odds?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I'm kinda freaking out you guys

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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In their dumb way they’re smart to realize that kindergarten logic is adult logic. Just keep saying “I know you are but what am I” and a surprising # of ppl are like “oh, strong counterpoint, who can really say”

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Nooooo blasphemy 😭

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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in your defense i don't see how that's a "but." it's an "also"

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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i bet there's a socratic dialogue with some smart person arguing that democracy will fail because ppl will just vote for the most physically attractive candidate, and uh, not *wrong* but it's a lil more complicated 😕🤦😭

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full disclosure, I was 75% sure trump would back out of the debate at the last minute. he's already polling better than he has any right to expect. swing voters seem to dislike him the more they see him. why take the risk? might look weak to back out but if anyone can weather that...

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I’m liking the mart short as the Jim kim

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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if there were some ultimate truth referee, i'm confident that my views would be vindicated. in the meantime this also feels nice

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Remember when the UNGA literally laughed at him? 🙂

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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This is what I think when I hear the term “excessive heat.” “Extreme” makes sense, but the concept of excess seems subjective?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Oh I heard something about that… 😐 So maybe chill w the recommending it, is the vibe I’m getting 👌🏻😬

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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“You owe me for six drinks and a sandwich. That’s $3.80” Oh ffs, even back then

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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So halfway thru my exchange w that person I learned of the existence of, which would’ve told me to not bother engaging with that account. I’m probably the last person to discover it but in any case I’d recommend

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I share your skepticism 🙂. I’ve met a lot of ppl who say their progressive, egalitarian views are faith-based, and I believe them and wouldn’t wanna undercut that. But if you ask me, atheism ftw 🖖

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I concede that religion does a lot of good but

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Gotta get our giggles in when we can these days and this is doin it for me 🙂

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I wonder statistically how many times you’d have to go skydiving for that to have happened 3 or 4 times. Wanna say like 12?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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The democrats are so cunningly ruthless, over there NOT trying to kill their own voters

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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😐 trump’s gonna win again isn’t he

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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That headline is such a gift. Looking forward to giggling at professor jokes all day

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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The idea of having their kinda money on the line and being so blasé about these risks… But I guess not the first time seemingly smart ppl massively underestimated some risks

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Dude nobody knows how it works. My engineer husband keeps trying to explain it and it’s magical nonsense

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
[ View ] your feed is so awesome! So glad I stumbled upon it!

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Why don’t ya just stfu jonathan 🥺😭

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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This is starting to feel like when there’s extreme weather and the radio is listing off all these towns you’ve never heard of and it’s like, 50% of these have to be made up

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I mean writing is great for developing your own thinking even if no one ever reads it. But yeah I’m sure a lot of good ideas have been lost that way. Going forward maybe keep it! You never know

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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The people long to read your thoughts on this and you deny us! 😭

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I’m IMDB’ing and it seems they also released the show as several “movies” with “___ of the planet of the apes”-type names, so that there appears to be a roughly infinite number of titles in the series lol. Not confusing at all. Have you watched the show? Good?

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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lol my cup, it runneth over

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Holy crap how many are there in the original series? Thought it was just the first one and Beneath

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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I live a block from Union Depot in downtown Stp. Beautiful building. One of the tracks runs right past my husband's work in the suburbs. "Cool! Must be nice to take the train to work." LOL what train? We drive our car there and back, there and back, every day, there and back 🤦

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my plex weighs a ton's avatar my plex weighs a ton
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Sure, the dems haven’t been perfect on this, but there’s a big difference between falling short of perfection and actively trying to burn the planet down, which is more or less the Republican platform right now

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