Anthony Damiani's avatar

Anthony Damiani

90 followers 87 following 171 posts

VFX Artist

Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Traditionally, no, we don’t actually do that. Formally it’s now Mr. Bush, Mr. Carter, Mr. Obama as an address, or ‘Former President Clinton’ as a description. Extending the full title as a courtesy has been used informally, but it’s widespread use is new and kind of contentious.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Except for Covid. Or honestly anything at all that happened in 2020. For some reason none of that counts.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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They’re freaking out because this shouldn’t be happening. Biden’s age is almost incidental, the panic is: dear God, surely we’re not walking back into the mouth of madness? Trump should be in jail not maybe kinda sorta leading the polls, and we all know it.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I honestly don’t think the press (especially the NYT) will accept anything less at this point. It’s ridiculous, and I have no idea if the firestorm that follows would be any better, but they are going to be pushing this every day until November if he doesn’t.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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They won’t vote for Biden because the NYT is dedicating 3/4 of its campaign coverage to portraying Biden as a walking corpse, and utterly ignoring Trump’s debacles. It’s Her Emails 2: The Revenge.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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My thought is that they used ‘but her emails’ to break Hillary, choosing an absurd minor story to fixate on obsessively instead of paying attention to Trump’s many, many flaws. The NYT has found its equivalent for this cycle and will not stop between now and November no matter what.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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They have been trying to take him down for months at a minimum.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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The race hasn’t changed; they’ve been trying to make this happen for months.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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It’s fear, shock and horror. The specter of a real second Trump term is anathema to American civics; he should have been stopped at a hundred points. It’s both awful and something that should be impossible. The panic is basically the same as seeing Cthulhu rise from the ocean.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Do they work today as a concept? They always seemed to me like a weird blend of silver age goofiness and a continuity that is intimidating even by comic standards. Is it possible the best place for them at the moment is as a little side setting for other DC adventures?

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I was also assured they wouldn’t overturn centuries of precedent and rule that the President is above the law, retroactively legalizing Watergate and Iran Contra. Nothing in their hands can be regarded as safe merely because it is reasonable.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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If he resigns in favor of Harris, do we lose the ability to determine who presides over counting the electoral votes? They’re not going to approve a new VP before the election and the GOP seems likely to try a repeat of last time procedurally at a minimum.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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This whole conversation is bizarre, you keep projecting positions on me that I have not expressed.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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You seem to be under the impression I had been talking about the case directly, rather than the speech the President just made. If you have an issue with his depiction of the ruling (“virtually no limits on what the president can do” “king above the law” etc) then you can take it up with him.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Please bear in mind that I was referring to the President’s wording specifically.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Well, I just heard the President tell me he’d been granted the powers of a king. Under those circumstances it’s harder to justify an inability to act.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Quite aside from today’s ruling, the thing where new rules that redefine the social and administrative fabric of this country come out far more regularity from the court than the legislature is just not how *any* of this is supposed to work.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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A whole ton of 5-4 decisions shook out however Anthony Kennedy wanted them to.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Got to be honest “this is real bad, the fundamental pillars of our constitutional order are gone, and I will do nothing to protect you or restore them— be sure to vote!” Was really not what I wanted to hear.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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A 5-4 court gets us Barrett’s partial dissent here as the ruling.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Yeah, that seems unsubstantiated. Guy had a bad 20 minutes doped up on cough syrup, you’re ready to pronounce him a vegetable.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I restrict my remarks to the specific claim in question.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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This is bullshit, he’s been doing media basically constantly.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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What should that action be?

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Near as I can tell we just officially lost, and the only question left is whether the ensuing dictatorship is out to get us, or not.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Yeah, but avoiding that just got a lot more legal.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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To be fair, the paper of record has been openly salivating for this for months, they were never going to let it go this easily.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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The last convention that wasn’t a coronation was 1968 and it cost the party an election and haunted it for decades. This isn’t a Sorkin movie. Also, you’d need to explain how Biden thinks he’s too old to be a candidate but well enough to be President. His alternative to running is resignation.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Hey, the other guys are re-running a one-term President. Jimmy Carter is rested and ready!

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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In a mechanical sense, maybe. But black women are a core Democratic constituency. We flat out can’t win without them. Passing over the highest ranking black woman in the nation’s history without a primary seems like a fantastic way to fracture the coalition.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I can see why you’d feel that way, because you’re under sustained legal assault and things are undeniably getting worse. But the administration really has done a lot of things from repealing “right-to-discriminate” rules to undoing the ban on trans service members in the armed forces.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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You’d think. But Sulzberger has a chip on his shoulder about Biden, and large swathes of their editorial page basically hates trans folks. I think they’ve earned the label.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Yeah, it’s going to take more than an out of context statement in a hostile rag like the Times to disregard the administration’s years of being surprisingly good on protecting trans right.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I think the design principle here is ‘let’s not make a mechanism that encourages a coup’

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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“Why does Joe Biden not simply become more powerful than we can possibly imagine?”

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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“The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.”

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Have you gotten to the last twenty minutes? The finale reaches another level.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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From what source do you draw this reassurance?

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Surprisingly, no, it's bad there too.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I think the odds he actually got convicted were a lot lower than the odds that the judge he’s been openly harassing gives him a sentence.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I promise, just seeing it on social makes it sound like the apocalypse.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Hey, nonzero odds Trump goes to prison in two weeks?

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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It’s Techwar. All these companies are paranoid defensive actors who desperately want to avoid their competitors making them obsolete. So MS makes sure that Google’s Docs and calendar and Gmail integration are never a reason to leave them.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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No, they’ve developed this … defense mechanism where any time they watch him, and he is normal and coherent they chalk it up to drugs.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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I think that would be a fun dynamic. But I’ve seen her presented as noble/responsible, kind/compassionate, pragmatic/warlike— never as the joyful brawler. Is that there? Is this taking Trinity for granted and extrapolating backwards to find a third point of the triangle?

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Yeah. The ‘AI’ thing is hype. But Eno coined the term generative music. He’s been using semi-random shuffling as a creativity tool for decades. Extending those techniques to his biopic seems like a form/content thing for this one very specific niche rather than ‘AI should make our movies now!’

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Your point is absolutely right. In principle a documentary that reshuffles itself to create a deliberate sense of subjectivity and impermanence could be a pretty cool art project. But that’s a trick that only really works once. Not unlike the Clue movie’s (random in theaters) alternate endings.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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They Might Be Somewhat Tall-ish.

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Editorial has long had a thing where heroes aren’t allowed to be in their thirties, and they’re willing to distort their timeline to any lengths to make that true. I found that a lot more persuasive before Spiderverse-Pete, and the MCU where they were played by folks very much not in their 20s,

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Anthony Damiani's avatar Anthony Damiani
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Isn’t this partly the product of a market that is too fragmented and diverse to fit the retail chain? When I think of all the neat new Indy games I see, there’s no way any of my flgses— for whom RPGs are a secondary product at best— can justify carrying all of them.

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