Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar

Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)

446 followers 524 following 1603 posts

James Baldwin —'I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do.'

Reckons own, Facts immutable.
Irish/Scots/Filipino Aotearoan Socialist in Te Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington.

BLOG & BIO so we're clear AF where I stand!

Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It'd save everyone time if he was just honest.

"I just say to you, we actually don't take this seriously at all. We say we do to grab votes, so what I'd make clear is the idea of actually *being* in Govt is just way above my f'n head, and I just hope people continue believing my horseshit."

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Accurate summary.

From the lie of being "all in this together", to Emperor Palpatine's cleaner, to the man who looked like he combed his hair with a kettle, then populism on smack, finally a hedgefund manager. And now... a mere stay of execution before even *worse*?

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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The "Ten Seats to Watch" as dictated in by the usual media suspects are nowhere near the seats I was watching, funny that. I see Corbyn came in by a good margin. Time to check up on the rest of the indy's... the ones going after an actual change from the usual financial derivative swaps on offer.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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As I was saying, a hostage exchange between billionaires over who's more useful to them now.

DELUSIONAL: "He'll get more radical once elected."

FACTUAL: Nothing spells out more clearly the political death of real progress lthan being given a Murdoch Media endorsement.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Don't worry, the public will be in exceptionally stable hands, "the grown-ups" are about to take charge 😬 Quite honestly, nothing material will ever be done at a *truly* systemic level about societal inequities until these people stop having the level of influence they do. Hope the indy's do well.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I think it's a pure case of international firm takes over NZ business, then just decides that the amount of complaints from shoddy service and people who'll take the time to force issues through are far, far outweighed by the profits of simply swallowing up 1000's of customers in one fell swoop.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I mean... okay. I was going to say "They sort of have a butchered version" but then they don't follow it, the last issue I had with them it honestly took 3 weeks, 14 'customer service' people, and 22 emails to resolve what would've taken me in my last IT job, oh, quite honestly less than 3 minutes.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Succeeded where even Texas failed to get it done. As for the Christian Nationalist argument about how central Christianity is to their founding, some of the *most* prominent Founding Fathers might heartily disagree (some coming from *quite* Christian families themselves). What a bugger history is.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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When outsourced Helpdesks don't use *their own issue tracking system* you just keep getting this BS: "I would like to request for a screenshot of the error and notification that you are receiving as well as the email address where you keep on receiving it for further checking." For the 3RD time?!?

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I had to laugh when that ad says they're "grassroots" too. I mean, we all *know* that's so blatantly untrue.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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PS Seymour is on the hunt for Press Secretaries at the moment. 3 of them. Although it'll prob be the usual generating of multiple jobs for 1 position.

Or else, his team is that useless they all quit en masse.

I'd like it to be that.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I mean, the track record with AI is really great right now, right? 🙄

And the track record of certain large-scale IT projects is even betterm correct? INCIS... Novapay... 😬

And we'd deeeeefinitely trust Luxon et al to deliver it wouldn't we? 🤢

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Interesting seeing the guy from Centrix opine that we've not had this many company collapses "since, maybe, 2014..."

So strange. That'd be during the "roCKstAr eCONomY" of Luxon's mentor wouldn't it?

It's almost like... these people may not actually be "the best managers of the economy"?

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Yeeesh, dunno if it sprung up on anyone else's preview but on mine I see a contribution to the Q "What are the best ways to manage media relations during a merger or acquisition?". Her response included "honesty and integrity is crucial in answering...". Made me think "Weird. That rules YOU out."

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Anslinger Redux. I'd love for the next *actually Left leaning, evidence-led government* to *absolutely fast track a complete overhaul of our laws re: cannabis*, given we sure as shit didn't take the entire discussion off the table when the original ref failed under a 100% bad faith RW onslaught.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I'd love for someone to actually just apply for the job, and in the interview, just use the opportunity to absolutely rake the abysmal waste of taxpayer dollars this current Govt is engaging in and then just casually drop "So guys, whaddaya say? When can we start attacking this shit? CAN'T WAIT!"

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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While helping a friend look for jobs, we stumbled across this doozy from the TPU, who are looking for a new "Head of Campaigns".

They say: "We use hard-hitting original research..."

Translation?: "Jordan basically makes shit up and many journos fail to challenge him on it, which is great."

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Honestly, when this guy said "Nicola and I are good with numbers" I laughed, mostly in despair at people who, with arms folded and Reckons Aplenty nodded their heads and crowed, "He is, y'know, real good."

Because of shit like this.

How. The. Fuck. Can. Believe. In. This. F'n. EGG?!?

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Ah. I notice the "alternative viewpoint" they then drop in there is someone who made his way into parliament on the back of hysterical culture war shit, and the odd donation from literal Nazis. Yeah, no prizes for guessing which politician that is. I look forward to the govt imploding next year.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Assurances about outcomes and all that, Fearless Mr Sir Judge Captain Most Majesterial Luxon the Unaware "...says the Defence Force has been "embedded in the programme" alongside Oranga Tamariki - which is the lead agency - and police."

This Defence Force by any chance...?

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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And that a real leadership team would understand that this means addressing systemic deficits such as, oh I dunno, wild guess here but bear with me, problems with *racism in the system* and poor service provision to disabled people etc.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It's the impression that counts with these people. Recalling the days when we had to put big PERT and GANTT charts on our office walls (which were useless, because *reality tended to get in the way*). It was so the idiot middle managers (pretty much just mates of the Big Boss) wouldn't hassle us.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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340 million, 'This is our guy!". As Melania said, "Be best" 😒

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It says a lot about Seymour. It also says a lot about their direct supporters.

But it *also* says a lot about Luxon that he's bent his Govt pretty much in the direction of Seymour's policies time after time. Never forget he'd do "anything" to keep Labour/the Left from Govt again.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Those who support and finance him, and the Party, are the real ones to worry about. And unfortunately, they've proved themselves quite impervious to reality, it's a sad continuation of Key's always being on "the cusp of", well, *something*. If only "we stick with it", "just around the corner" etc 🤮

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Def good for Hammer Horror, 70's/80's slasher vibes.... Considering it in the Treble, lots of F's to G's, many times combined, an occasional C to E step or C/G combo, then back to The Scary Shit. In the bass, same, just transposed to A to G's etc.

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Reposted by Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)

Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸's avatar Jamal abu hashem🇵🇸
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Are we not deserve to live a normal life Are we not ???????!!!

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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But, y'know, I still find it utterly beyond comprehension they can even have someone who can even be seriously nominated - let alone *win Office* - even if they got literally jailed. That's just... bizarre AF.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I think what they were looking for was turning around the perception of old and stumbling - that was the idea of tabling this debate so early. It's unusual to do so, they usually wait for later. It's basically backfired on them, and really badly.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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A lot of things came together for that circumstance to happen. And the world has also changed a *lot* again since. We're even deeper in a place where people can get really locked into their own worlds, so despite certain facts being clearly on Biden's side, that... won't matter much for many.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It did, but I'd say we're definitely different enough that one can only pull off a replacement like that if there's something extra, so to speak. Ardern rode a very once-in-a-lifetime wave, Key had already done 3 terms, *and* we're given to changing horses every 3 years, pretty much no matter what.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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They've got a major issue on their hands now. Because even if they *do* replace him, it is definitely going to be viewed as nothing but highly defensive, and completely reactive, and you can bet the house that this will simply burnish the "cred" of, y'know, the other guy. It's definitely a shitshow.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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When chaos abounds - real *or perceived*, and you can bet everything that the perception of chaos will be whipped into a frenzy in coming months - a *lot* of people will routinely drop everything rational to follow the strongman.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Oh, it gets worse. There was commentary about overall security (border, general domestic stuff) the other day and who was trusted more to protect people. And in many of the key swing States? Yeah. It wasn't the incumbent - and that was *before* this moment.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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All things have to comply with the law regardless. Depending on general medical background/past, there are some other requirements. BUT, that said, IMO I'd prob still chat to them - they understand the shit people have to put up with.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Ever considered the Cannabis Clinic? Honestly, lifesaver. Delivered straight to the door. One of the few bright things in life since the Witchfinder General's that are our political leadership seem absolutely determined to keep summoning Nixon's ghost as an anti-"argument" in this country...

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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I want advocates to stop f'n appealing to bad faith actors, they are simply delaying things for decades. It's a complete joke. These people have such backwards thinking which most countries moved past decades ago. At the rate this lot are wrecking things, we'll be lucky to have anything even left.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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The people who end up in Govt make choices that decide the kind of country we get. Everything we see now is the result of those choices.

The current Oppo needs to signal *from now* changes it will make *and* put itself in a position to execute it FROM DAY 1 of its return, *WITHOUT APOLOGY*.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Well, I console myself with the fact that 2/3am is still, technically speaking, "being up early in the morning"... and it's bound to be 7 or 8am somewhere else in the world. The world runs on many technicalities after all...

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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The WHOIS certainly throws up interesting info that seems... questionable, COUGH. They prob *are* looking to sell the domain back to any org trying to get *actually* legit info out there.

Many people will prob take it at face value though. And this is what shitty AI is doing to everything.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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As the saying goes, when the US sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold...

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It's going to get immeasurably worse as time rolls on too. We lose both individual expertise that comes from people who know what they're doing, *and* any institutional knowledge that builds up as a whole - benefiting *everyone* - so we don't *repeat the same shit societal mistakes over and over*.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It's the Alan B'Stard (I'm his polar opposite, naturally) Policy: "You see, in the good old days, you were poor... you got ill... and then you died! These people seem to think they have some God-given right to be cured! And what's the result of this sloppy socialist thinking? MORE POOR PEOPLE!"

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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One of the "get out of jail free" cards they play here is the whole "we let individual CM's etc have personal latitude over decision-making, we adjust accordingly to each case on its merits." Well that can = *devolved Govt/Ministerial responsibility* for duty of care. Some CM's are even *nastier*.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Pre-election, she said the WEAG Report supported her clearly ignorant, venal opinions concerning what she planned to do. It certainly did not.

Now those plans are in action, in a coalition with partners who'd go *even further* if they could.

Far more better WAKE TF UP before election 2026.

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Reposted by Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)

Anna Orridge's avatar Anna Orridge
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These people have an impoverished idea of what dignity means. For a start, if you’re incapable of work because of disability, are you leading an undignified life? We all rely on other human beings. We’re a social species. It’s just the bonds of reliance look different at different times of life.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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And despite this ineptitude - to which we can add the sheer petulant arrogance of our 'I don't care' PM, Karen 'Just whip them kids into line' Chhour, the vile David 'I'd have preferred MORE sackings' Seymour - they're UP. IN. THE. POLLS?!

I *really* do wonder about AoNZ's grip on reality.

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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It's a quite insane world...

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Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)'s avatar Alan (not ekshully a B'Stard)
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Yeah, thanks, it always feels so appallingly inadequate in the face of what I think we can all recognise as systemic impediments being put in place to serious, deep change. Decisions taken, the repercussions of which are routinely ignored. John Berger's words always stick in my mind, have to say...

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