Ghost's avatar


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They/them, 27 (\ ฅ/ᐠ •̀ ﻌ•́ マฅ yote/werewolf?
demi+ambi 🔒💜
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️♿️ AuDHD & chronically sick af!
<3 tarot, crafting, foraging, nature, art & games

Ghost's avatar Ghost
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And hide most of my bones (free and responsibly obtained!) Don't want them finding my bin of tiny lake beach bones I wanna craft w tho. Too sus

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Got notice manager is gonna be in our apartment tomorrow for maintenance inspection, was halfway thru rearranging the living room this week...and I MOVED SO MUCH SHIT IN 20 MINS HOLY FUCK. I was pissed, used the energy but now my face is twitching bc eepyhehehe. 🙃 Still gotta tidy up tho aaa

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I'm sorry, hopefully you can get some good dreams in ♡♡♡ I know when my pain flares are bad and nothing irl helps, sleep at least lets my body reset a bit. I wish pain management wasn't a fight, asking that plus being in pain all the time is too much honestly aa

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Seems I had a memory resurface bc of tumblr lol, nice ♡ Always a puppy XD so fucking predictable omfg

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I knew I wasn't a girl, but I only thought about it when others made me. I was like 7/8 and always avoided the topic bc bad feels. But that lil character that was cute and for girls, but wanst a girl, a boy! It made me feel special and not uncomfortable. I could be perf and different like him!

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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First gender envy was hello puppy. Some lil toy in like 2002ish. I had a few hello kitty things bc I liked animal people, aaand it was decided for me. But hello puppy was -not girl-!! I was so invested in that fact. -not girl not girl not girl- lol. It wasn't that I liked blue, but I said it was lol

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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That and I have no choice if someone decides I'm in trouble for whatever reason. Same w the fear of inpatient stuff. I'd lose my shit if they didn't get me as an autistic person w lotsss of physical disability needs. It'll be fine, I do this every 3 months. It's fineeeeee. *bonks self* brain reset!

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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a lot of it is that I'm autistic, I talk diff and ppl think I'm sus abt "lying" when I'm masking my autism. So they make it a point to dig in and question me further, so I have to psyche myself up to endure the friendly interrogation.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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pain management appts always make me feel like a scummy addict. I'm not, not like being addicted would make me "scummy" either. But the stiiiigma. Oof. I'm privileged that the opioid I'm on has stayed exactly the same for 9yrs, but I feel like I'm abt to suddenly get in trouble all the time. Yikes!

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Hey this is the kinda shit my brain does to me in dreams, quit stealing my personal little hell! /j XD

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Bruno!!'s avatar Bruno!!
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This!!! The implication that environmental degradation is an individual responsibility and resolvable through personal choices alone is directly from the Big Oil playbook and is a form of gaslighting. Same energy as 'can't afford your bills? Just eat less.'

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I had elote and chicken for dinner. Ate too quick to show off the pretty mayo drizzle lol. Fucking love eloteeeeeeee

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I missed DnD yesterday and I hate it. Was for a good reason, cat at the vet. But I'm gonna feel disgusting, already do. My big weekly socializing that is perfectly scheduled. It's like that bed time procrastination feeling, but I wanna be vengeful(?) and rewind my week so I can go. Aaaaaaaa

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Anytime I try to call and get a resource, it ends in me wanted to roll my arms across the stove and throw my head into a wall. Not like actually, but the immediate fix of self harming is always a temptation I remember. I shouldn't make calls. I know this. But the world demands it. Bullshit.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Tried being brave and stupid. I called my med insurance to ask abt case management and they were off put bc ofc. Autistic. I asked if they could help me -not- over the phone bc I can't make calls, and the lady was explaining they'd have to call me. I said I can't do this sorry and hung up. Fuck.

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💀🐺🌱ArtofMaquenda🍄👹🩸's avatar 💀🐺🌱ArtofMaquenda🍄👹🩸
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From Stardust to Stardust - Alligator One of my favorite versions I've done :D

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Rose Schmits's avatar Rose Schmits
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Evil tranny summer means telling cis people to go fuck themselves if they think we should find compromise for our human rights with transphobes

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Anna Meier's avatar Anna Meier
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I need to feed my soul, that kinda energy. But I can't do that untill I can stand being awake and functional for more than 3hrs at a time. Can't wait for fall, no birthdays in the family, no holidays till November, and the weather is safe for outdoor activity. Sweater weather I'm dreaming of youuuu

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I've been sleeping so much lately, just fucking fatigued to hell. I know a lot of it is the stress of being around my family but omfgggg do I need a break. Sleeping extra isn't a break tho, it's just required. I don't feel better, but I'm not close to blacking out. Managing chronic illnesses yeet!

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Anton! 🌙✨'s avatar Anton! 🌙✨
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Exhausted from having to knock myself out with emergency antipsychotics last night (Got triggered) and had a busy day. Cooking isn’t an option today, but I seriously need to eat something. If you’ve found joy in my doodles, consider throwing a bit of $ at me to get some food ❤️

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Apparently they get really bad cysts/acne that need constant care. Something about thier hair follicles being weird, not exactly sure why. But the breeders don't say much abt it, and it usually appears after they're like 4/5 I wanna say? Just going off memory. They're fantastically adorable tho.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Cat update, she's feeling much better. Still not ok, but I think having us home all day and getting churu and pate type food w water made her feel less "I'm gonna die bc my tooth is fucked up, I have to hide" and more "this is dumb pls help and pet me all day"

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I haven't yet, kinda get scared of reading intense stories, but I should someday. Maybe audio book would be good? Idk if it'd be the same

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Aaaa got home n I think one of my cats, the younger one, has a fucked up tooth. It's not bad, just a bit swollen but she's v upset at us for leaving and won't eat dinner. Gonna try wet food w some water (her usual lunch) w no kibble n see. Nothing to use teeth w. Calling the vet on Monday, yeet..

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alicia 🍳's avatar alicia 🍳
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nightshade doesn't do anything against mimicry since it's targeted at poisoning the datasets, so you gotta do both (btw if anyone else is reading this thread, we figured it out! what anon sent was oversimplifying/half incorrect, keep using glaze even tho there's obvs people trying to break it)

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Eep yorp this house is bad for me ahah, need to not think to hard, just using the washer, not thinking. Was able to print some pics of the clown cat art I did while I'm here to sizing, v cute. Just need to thrift some weird frames!!

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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I remeber always being like that. Not many events but just that constant fear. Fear fear fear. I hated living, and it's soooo obvious in that pic, at least to me. But my parents think it's almost cute, embarrassing. They prefer putting ones of my brother up tho bc he wasn't noticeably disabled.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Found an old pic of me up in a frame in my parents office. I was like 4/5. Poor fucking creature was exhausted and terrified looking. My neck muscles and face were taught, hands held as tight as possible. It was supposed to be a chill "show off ur fave shirt" bc it was. But I was so traumatized aa.

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Kassie’s Bugbites 🦟 (Summer '24 🌞 "The Hottest One")'s avatar Kassie’s Bugbites 🦟 (Summer '24 🌞 "The Hottest One")
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"'Study: A lot of Americans feel like shit most of the time.' We talked to an expert* who explained why it's all your fault for being so dissatisfied with everything and should just be grateful already for this lovely status quo" [*boring white guy promoting a book]

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Paying 5.25 to wash and dry laundry is a crime when u live on 300 a mo. Nah. We do most of it in the mini washer and air dry it. But anything large is a bitch so it gets left for last. I would say I'm embarrassed but I'm angry. I wish I could do better but for now it's the best I can do.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Parents are out of town and me n Bug are cat sitting (just stopping over for their meals) but I'm taking ALL THE LAUNDRY I can't afford to do normally, it's been months since I washed winter/etc stuff. I'm so desperate to get it all done in one day. It's gonna be like 9 loads of laundry ahahahahhaah

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Love that I get to call my bf Buge (like bugle without the L sound) A stimmy word for sure. Buggybug, beautiful buge. She's so fuckin cute aa Nobody ever say anything abt this to her aa XD

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Agsgstsgs I'm a pasta whore, but a real burger on a grill is best ♡♡♡

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Keep getting migraines hhh. My left eye is all fuckey since I was put on antipsychotics (gladly off, they did nothing helpful) gave me some motor issues too, but they're worse/more prominent when I have bad aura migraines. Embarrassing. Painfull head, bad air pressure, stink neighbors dinner. Eww.

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GreekCeltic🌾🐈's avatar GreekCeltic🌾🐈
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junior checkin' out his stuff when you're a ghost you do what you want

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✨🦁🧸Big Soft Queer vibes🧸🦁✨'s avatar ✨🦁🧸Big Soft Queer vibes🧸🦁✨
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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Gf massaged/wiggled my back muscles back into place (dumb fall last winter wrecked my sciatic nerve area) and I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. IM LESS ANGRY, I AM FULL WIGGLE!! I AM NOODLE NOW!! heck yeah :'3

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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*tossing bag of frozen peas and some Epsom salt lotion at u* ♡

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Funky profile, not gonna keep it up long probably lol, it's a lil ridiculous. Kinda rushed to replace the one I was tired of, I shooooould actually draw a new icon tho. Someday.

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syd's avatar syd
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as far as i know you become a therian when one bites you

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Anthrocon is 1.5hrs away from me aa! But I'd get so overwhelmed, and I'd need an electric wheelchair to go. (Can't ask Bug to push mine, esp if it's carpet there. Plus it hurts her, and she'd get overwhelmed faster than me) And I'm broke lol. Maybe a future year when I have money tho!! ♡♡♡

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Canal Cryptid 🫥 's avatar Canal Cryptid 🫥
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Please help. Anything you can give so our fox can eat. If you can't afford to give, please share.

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Unhealthy obsession w CaitVi, esp all the fan art on tumblr omfg help. Everyone draws them so good, I wish I had the oomph to learn to draw ppl. Aaaa. Aaa. I'm gonna be ridiculous abt this till November aaaa

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Me n my gf; *Yipyipyip* *skitter skitter eeeeeee* *cute and disturbing bug noises* *yorp*

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Ik fireworks are harmful, to ppl/environment/pets/etc. Buuuuut (untill they're replcaed/banned) I do enjoy the booms ♡ A firebug heheh 🔥🎆🧨 I dont go anywhere bc drunk drivers n party ppl are out, but a few places near me are close enough to hear and kinda see. Happy day-of-explosions in america!

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Ghost's avatar Ghost
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Told my gf I'd get alien emoji tattoos where my nips used to be when I get top surgery heheh. She died laughing XD For real tho I'll get lil hearts, maybe pink/skin colored or maybe black bc it always my color. It'd be cuuuuute!!

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