CaseyL's avatar


32 followers 55 following 184 posts

Seattleite, hiker, love all animals but currently live with just one cat, reading is my fave thing (history, mystery, historical mysteries, scifi, science, nonfictoin generally), big fan of Deep Space and Deep Time. Liberal Democrat.

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Calling something that is not a major gaffe a major gaffe is irresponsible. I cancelled my sub to The Atlantic, and the fact that it's gone in boots and all with the Dump Biden frenzy is the reason why.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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PSA: Go to BBC World. When I want to watch news, as opposed to reading it, I choose BBC World.

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Reposted by CaseyL

Shiv Ramdas's avatar Shiv Ramdas
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The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century

9 replies 144 reposts 456 likes

Reposted by CaseyL

Robert Ellingsworth's avatar Robert Ellingsworth
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It's Entirely up to Us.

8 replies 108 reposts 240 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Are they the same ones who bought into the NYT's vendetta against Hillary Clinton? So much chin-stroking about how Bernie would be better? Are these the same ones falling for the NYT's *current* vendetta against Biden, saying "we" need to dump Biden for some Fantasy White Male Savior?

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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The one thing about RW people I wish more liberal people could adopt is being adamant in the face of adversity. Like now. I see way too many liberals turning on Biden in favor of "Fantasy (White/Male) Savior." Way too many not seeing the MSM is doing to Biden what it did to Clinton.

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Reposted by CaseyL

Thomas Zimmer's avatar Thomas Zimmer
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Unfortunately, this is not just the abstract manifesto of a feverish mind. It comes with concrete plans and a detailed strategy of how to take over and transform government into an autocratic revenge machine that can impose a reactionary vision against the will of the majority. /end

5 replies 39 reposts 73 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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SNP's fall is just gobsmacking. Was their previous strength an illusion? a cult of personality? I'm astounded.

1 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by CaseyL

Sy Nakamura's avatar Sy Nakamura
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It's not a coincidence that Biden presided over passing some of most progressive legislation in US (and in the case of climate world) history and now the long knives are out for him

1 replies 8 reposts 33 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Let Trump take office in 2025, and the US becomes Russia. Trump is the spearhead, not the spear. The people he has gathered around him have very specific plans, and they intend to carry out those plans. Want to know what a post-Constitution, post-truth, post-democracy US will be like? Read:

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Reposted by CaseyL

Matt Seybold's avatar Matt Seybold
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9

9 replies 269 reposts 706 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Tom - I'm doing a sort of social media bombing with this Twitter thread from Aaron Fritchner, an aide to Rep. Don Beyer. I want as many people as possible to know just how the MSM is doing to Joe Biden what they did to Hillary Clinton:

Link to original Twitter thread:

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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How about not joining the stampede to get rid of Biden? How about looking coldly at what reporters - under pressure from their editors - are doing to Biden? And spreading that word, instead of chin-stroking over who should replace him on the ticket.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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And now I've got a link to the Twitter thread itself (I don't do Twitter, so someone else had to provide it):

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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It's a Twitter thread that I got from a post at BJ. I can give you the URL for Comment No. 55

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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It's instructional. People need to know they're being lied to. People might generally be interested in knowing they're being lied to and manipulated.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Aaron Fritschner is a House staffer for Rep. DonBeyer. He's detailed how reporters, under pressure from their bosses, are distorting coverage to make things look worse than they are. Please spread this as far and wide as you can:

1 replies 1 reposts 2 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Read this and spread it widely:

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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The MSM is doing to Biden what they did to Hillary. Don't let them get away with it again. TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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I gasped and wept, reading this. Thank you for commemorating this... heart-breaking and glorious battle. You are one hell of a writer.

1 replies 0 reposts 20 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Yes, you need to vote for Biden. (FTR, your premise is in such a bad faith that you must be a troll.)

2 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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It's terrific to hear people who call themselves the adults in the room have fainting spells over a bad debate. I really do think you need to get out of the pundit/social media bubble more often than you do. Biden looked and sounded old. Quelle shock! Did you even hear a single word Trump said?

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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It's gotten so I can't even watch clips satirizing or mocking him, because it means having to watch and hear ... him. That there are people who adore him as much as we loathe him - for whom he triggers a religious ecstasy - has me wondering about ancient religions, what were they thinking.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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That ice-in-the-blood feeling, oy. Are you using desktop Outlook on a Mac by chance? MS is no longer supporting desktop Outlook on Macs, and it's a hot mess. If you do happen to have Outlook on a Mac, you need to use the 365 (web-based) version. I hate it, but at least stuff doesn't vanish.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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I think he wants pets. Lots of them. Right now.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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I'm genuinely shocked to hear Bowman say that, because it looks like his idea of what Congress is for comes really, really close to what the MAGAt caucus thinks Congress is for: performative assholery.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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I think- more in hope than confirmed fact - that these ... persons... are way over-represented on social media, and most people (including young people) do understand reality and vote accordingly.

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Reposted by CaseyL

Chris Adamson's avatar Chris Adamson
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Do we need to post this cartoon yet again? I feel we do.

7 replies 108 reposts 239 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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My vet clinic isn't even owned by PE, but their prices are insane, too. "If they can do it, so can we!"

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Reposted by CaseyL

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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SCOTUS is already discredited. An immunity decision favoring Trump would salt the earth where their credibility used to be - which matters only if Trump loses the election. If they rule in favor of Trump, they're saying they're confident the fix is in and he'll win in November.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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This is horrible news. They're going to crack down on the reporting, not support it. This isn't even "doing the right thing after trying everything else," this is going to be straight-up censorship.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Does that mean you can watch games without guilt from now on?

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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It is possible to find and - very important! - financially support REAL news organizations. The Guardian (which has a US edition) ProPublica - breaker of many stories the MSM eventually carries ...and a host of regional/specialty news orgs, like Texas Observer.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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SCOTUS: Proud sponsor of American carnage.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Or is that your preferred outcome as well? Articles of Confederation?

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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But Chevron limits the damage they can do. Or would, if batshit crazy wasn't in control. To be sure, the GOP and its SCOTUS could pretty much dismantle the government entirely, since its animating principle, insofar as it has any principles, seems to be the Articles of Confederation.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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And what Congress has given, Congress can take away. And a GOP Congress would love to gut all of it.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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OK, so that's a terrific recipe for plane crashes and epidemics. (Not to mention all the other real-world disasters of relying on Congress to regulate everything. AgriBiz will love getting rid of food safety labeling. But, hey, never let practicality get in the way of your ideology!

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Let's take a look, shall we? The FAA: who is more likely to know most about aviation? A judge? Or an "unelected bureaucrat" - who happened to spend their previous career in aviation? Or the CDC. Again, who do you want setting health policy and approving medications? Judges or epidemiologists?

1 replies 1 reposts 8 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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WTAF? What is this, a dating site profile? "Small independent school" = a rich crank's privately-funded indoctrination center. Probably religious and/or military in nature.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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YouTube ads hawking "tactical" vests, wallets, raincoats, pants, etc. Going for young male militia wanna-bes... ..who aren't supposed to notice that "tactical" = "pockets." But I notice, and I think it's hilarious.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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Didn't realize there were that many vacancies. It is long past time to ignore the blue slips.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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SCOTUS ignores standing when it wants to. This time it didn't want to. "People are saying" - that Big Pharma's argument about the impact this would have on the drug industry persuaded the RW contingent on SCOTUS. That sounds right to me.

1 replies 2 reposts 12 likes

CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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For "conscience," substitute "vanity."

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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I have always bought used phones and computers. And I hang onto them until they just about literally fall apart. Because I'm cheap (and completely uninterested in the latest bells-&-whistles.) Now feel like a prophet in my own time.

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CaseyL's avatar CaseyL
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How many CEOs of Big Tech are themselves actual techies as opposed to tech bros? Most of them aren't. It's easy to BS them, bc they don't have the chops to know they're being BS'd. What you have is a circle jerk of $$$ who believe their own PR, chasing one another's approval.

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