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Cats Working

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Cats should be heard, not herded. Democats Max, Roc and Tony share social media with their human, Karen Wormald, author of "How to Work Like a CAT" and blogger at

Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Joe is always at his best and strongest when they let his natural human disgust with Trump and everything he's done come through.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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The more they push anti-LGBTQ+, abortion, voting rights, civil rights & the rest, the more ferocious the backlash against them. They expect us to lie down and accept their sick, twisted notions of fairness and morality. They're so, so wrong.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Being brought up in "religious" homes where so much harmless stuff was forbidden, they don't have reasonable boundaries, so they lash out at all they weren't allowed to do and want to destroy it out of jealousy. That's my theory.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Dems started letting the next generation come up in the House when Pelosi and Clyburn stepped back, but then the effort stalled. And now we're in a bit of a crisis. We upper age limits on POTUS, Congress and SCOTUS, and term limits on the last 2. Enough's enough.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Nobody obsesses more over all things related to sex than Republicans. Their dogged fixation on LGBTQ+ issues reeks of jealousy because they're too petrified to come out themselves. They want to try to legislate away their own innate proclivities like that fixes anything.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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If only Biden had picked Harris to be AG instead of Garland, Trump would be rotting under some prison by now. But I think she would make almost as good a president as Hillary should have been. Hillary had more foreign policy experience.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Another post Trump didn't write. Too coherent, correctly spelled and punctuated. Besides that, there's always a honking obvious tell. Trump wouldn't know how to spell or correctly use the word "abysmal." The fact they're having him deny Project 2025 means he's fully on board.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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How's about Republicans minding their own business and getting therapy to kick their sick obsession with other people's genitalia? They can take their two-faced sanctimony and shove it. The ones who yell loudest are always the most closeted and perverted.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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It could work if Biden says he's ready to step aside. Otherwise, Harris will be accused of sabotaging him out of ambition yada, yada. She's got the balls of steel to win it, definitely. I'd like to see a voice coach rid her of the nasally whine that makes her sound weak.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Trump's drugs seem to work less and less, so an overdose to keep him propped up seems more likely with time and deterioration. He must have come close to an OD on debate night because he didn't glitch words at all, although the usual babbling and lies were there. Fingers crossed!

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I agree Biden is more frail than they admit. Presidency does it to everybody but Trump. It didn't wear on him because he never did it; his progressing dementia is his downfall. Biden's health is definitely a concern. But to admit it and pull out now hands the WH to Trump. We can't.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Trump is in total denial about his own pending mortality, and so is most of the country. I just read somewhere they could make him the 2028 candidate. Really? From his grave or an acute memory care unit? The monster's fading fast, running on bizarre, as-yet-untraced spurts of adrenaline.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Would like to see Biden use his new immunity for "official acts" to disband the USPS board of governors, make DeJoy report directly to him, then fire DeJoy and have him arrested for 2020 election interference. (Let's see how "rage and retribution" feels when it's applied to MAGAs.)

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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We should periodically remind ourselves that except for Trump's treason fetish, Liz Cheney is mostly good with Trump's aspirations to fuck us all. Trump's current malevolence toward her is just another manifestation of his ingratitude and contempt toward his own supporters.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Not only would Trump have never said anything this cogent and respectful, but he should have left the White House in handcuffs and been taken straight to prison to await trial for fomenting an insurrection against the very government he'd just finished (badly) leading.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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When freedom of speech devolves into disinformation being on par with facts, we need to rebalance and return people to reality. For starters, Congress require media outlets who knowingly spread disinformation to remove "News" from their names and rebrand as entertainment only.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Tories are greedy, selfish assholes just like Republicans, but they're not so stupid they think they can survive indefinitely on nothing but lies.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Hope we can do to Republicans as the Brits just did. Smash and crush them at the polls to reject their greed, selfishness, cruelty and treason. Once back in charge, our Democratic leaders need to hold Trump and Republicans accountable. They've proven to be the scum and vermin poisoning our blood.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Wasn't at the debate to stand by her man, either.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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SCOTUS is stupid in thinking they can rewrite the law to save Trump and the GQP. The more unleashed they get, the worse the backlash against THEM will be. They are NOT going to get away with this.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I know it’s too much to hope, but we need similar results here. All the fence-sitters who hate the MAGA life have to turn out and vote.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Which is why Trump’s inevitable physical collapse can’t happen soon enough. That horse has to be dead so there’s nothing left to flog before they’ll give it up.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Right now, we need to support Biden/Harris as single-mindedly and ferociously as the MAGAs support Trump, instead of all this naval-gazing and hand-wringing over his age. The indecision weakens us. The LAST thing Dems need right now is to go limp on our candidate.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I wonder how Steve Bannon is celebrating Independence Day, now that he has no independence?

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I'm in favor of Harris stepping in if Biden becomes incapacitated. But he's not. He wants to defeat Trump with ever fiber of his being and we should support him as long as he's able to fight. If he decides the torch needs to be passed, then so be it.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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After seeing Stormy Daniels on Maddow and learning how Trump is professionally and financially destroying her (she owes HIM $600K in a defamation lawsuit she incredibly lost), I hope E. Jean Carroll reaches out to help a fellow survivor who dared to speak out and challenge him.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I think we assume someone may want Trump elected not because they're screaming, but because they make questionable statements like, "He's well on his way to just that with no help from me." Polls are slanted BS, Trump's a felon and he's never "won" the most votes in an election in his life.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Good question. And where was the Secret Service while these planes were having their tete-a-tetes? And where was Trump? The media should be ALL OVER this story, but instead we get crickets. Too busy hounding Biden over his age.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Exactly so. Trump would turn first against those who put him in power because he'll see them as his greatest threat. They made him, they could break him. His paranoia would go off the charts. The "bloodbath" would initially be his enablers, not the lowly "scum" he's threatening now.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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No, there isn't time. Other countries compress their elections into reasonable periods so people pay attention. Since Trump, the U.S. is in perpetual fucking campaign mode and people tune out. No new Dem candidate could gain enough traction & money before Nov, so Trump wins. Is that your goal?

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Just watched the Maddow/Stormy Daniels interview. Stormy made a great point, saying if she were lying, Trump would have proudly dropped trou long ago to show he doesn't have a 🍄. But he hasn't, thereby proving his "shortcoming" and that Stormy saw it and remembers it accurately. Touche!

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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CNN released a new poll that happens to prove their gentle white-gloves handling of Trump during the debate was proper because he's everyone's favorite president. NOTHING CNN reports can be trusted. They're just another MAGA propaganda network jonesing for Fox-level ratings.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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It's like the MAGA bastards don't realize if they get their way they'll be having unwanted children, their women will die needlessly, and their air, water and food will be poisoned along with the rest of the people they think they're squashing.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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37 years, and Trump still doesn't know how to get his tie the proper length.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Exactly. Now is the time for Democrats to rally around Biden/Harris and figure out how Biden can use his newly granted powers to "officially" neuter TRUMP, MAGA and SCOTUS before it's too late.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Biden has been a phenomenally effective president, is surrounded by competent people (not traitors) and now he's willing to lay down his life to defeat Trump again, yet people whinge "He's too old!" Fuck them. Trump's demented and determined to be dictator. Biden, like all of us, is aging.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Now that Trump enjoys royal immunity, I wonder when his dozens of toadies who enabled his crimes, gaining nothing for themselves but arrest, career ruin, probably prison, and enormous legal bills (none of which Trump has offered help with), will admit Trump's a bad guy and #ETTD?

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I think I went to bed before I heard Lawrence say anything. But my guess would be that Lawrence would rightly conclude that Biden is still our best chance of defeating Trump and there's not enough time to mount a new campaign for someone else.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I still stand by Lawrence O’Donnell. He’s been unwavering in his derision of Trump.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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When any of them talk about Trump’s second term like it’s inevitable, I turn off. And Ari Melber, their little “fair and balanced” devil’s advocate, is dead to me.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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I wished Trump tar and feathers on the twit one Christmas and got myself lifetime banned. Running his ass out on a rail with his ass covered with tar and feathers evokes a lovely image. The stuff that dreams are made of.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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SCOTUS, by giving the president full immunity for decreeing life or death over anyone, has removed our right to life if we run afoul of the president for any reason. For this, they must answer to all of us they’ve imperiled. But how? Can we trust Congress to protect us? Will they?

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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When the Oct. convo turns to questions of how a president can run the country from prison, Trump won't be attracting all those undecided voters and Repubs who aren't yet quite totally bat-shit he's counting on. He'll need more than 7M+ of them this time if Biden's voters show up again, and we will.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Exactly. I think part of Trump's allure for evangelicals is that he has lived the life of sexuality depravity that they can only aspire to. They see their darkest fantasies played out vicariously through Trump and they love it.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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With the NYC sentencing and now the DC trial both teeing up for the fall, it seems Trump's criminality will be the headlines leading to Election Day. Prison would be the cherry on top. Love it when we can smack the gloat right off GOP faces after they think they outsmarted us.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Since we can also thank Oprah for foisting "Drs." Phil and Oz on American society, I think it would be safe to say in hindsight that Oprah, like Trump, has never really had a gift for "picking the best people," amirite?

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Roberts can draw his last breath some day knowing the Roberts Court will be remembered as the most greedy, corrupt body ever to befoul the halls of SCOTUS while it wallowed in the fetid sewer of partisanship that championed treason and democracy's downfall.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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At the rate MAGA is going, they're forcing Biden's hand to clean them out to save democracy. And fortunately, SCOTUS just gave him the green light on a platter to "make it so" (to borrow from Starfleet Capt. Jean Luc Picard).

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Like so much of what MAGAs say, this didn't come out as Roberts intended. Yes, there may be bloodshed, but he may be surprised in a bad way at whose blood it is if they don't knock it off with the "we're the master race" and treason shit.

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Cats Working's avatar Cats Working
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Jasmine Crockett is emerging as a goddess in the House. She and AOC are some of our best, most articulate hopes for the future. And Hakeem Jeffries.

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