Ody's avatar



136 followers 103 following 278 posts

Longtime defender of democracy and foe of fascism.
You may know me from my years of vivisecting Twitter trolls for your entertainment under various monikers.
Apparently the forearm avi became famous. Not sure why.
OG #Resistance
Fairly erudite, all in all.

Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I have no patience for the national political press. None. They have shown over the last eight years that they will choose spectacle and ratings over the health of our American democracy or their duty to speak truth to power. They've become courtiers of Washington, parasites on the body politic.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I support term limits for SCOTUS and I support immediately nominating and confirming four additional justices. The current six-zealot majority on the Supreme Court is absolutely out of control and trying to destroy our rights, freedoms, and ability to self-govern.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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America does not do kings. To repeat (clears throat): WE DO NOT ACCEPT KINGS! We will NEVER kowtow to an authoritarian. We are not serfs. We are not peasants. We are not subjects to a crown or a dictator. Nor will we EVER accept such a thing. You hear me, MAGAts? Not ever. Not in a million years.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Republicans aspire to dictatorship. It's the line from Emperor Palpatine: "Once more the Sith shall rule the galaxy!... and we shall have peace."

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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We are Americans. The entire premise of our national identity is that we refuse to kowtow to kings. That the six-zealot SCOTUS majority absolutely ignored the Constitution and invented "total immunity" out of nothing runs counter to everything we are and stand for as a people. Fuck all of that.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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No, the Supreme Court does not have the final say in how the American government is structured. We The People do. Those unelected and corrupt bastards can invent their anti-Constitutional bullshit all day, but ultimately power in the United States is OURS, not THEIRS. Use yours. Use it potently.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I don't care who the Democratic nominee is. I don't care if it's Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. I don't care if it's Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom. I don't care if it's a potted plant or a therapy dog. TRUMP MUST NOT WIN. The Republic ENDS if that criminal becomes dictator. Do you understand?

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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We are Americans. Our whole national identity is premised on the raised fist shouting "WE WILL HAVE NO KING!" The six-zealot majority on the Supreme Court just tried to install a king over us. Fuck that and fuck them. Under NO circumstance will we tolerate a goddamn monarch.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Alice Stallings is one of the best poets of this generation. If you haven't read her stuff, you should.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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People are shit.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Yes, the West needs to provide support to the Ukrainians. A free people defending themselves from an autocrat's imperialism? Yeah, that's what we're supposed to be on the side of.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I'm not interested in voting a criminal into the White House. So, no thanks, Republicans.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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One day we will live in a world without Donald Trump in it, and that will be glorious.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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We are seeing the grotesque consequences of having indoctrinated boys generation after generation into believing that their mediocrity had some birthright to the lives and bodies of women.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Yes, Russia is the bad guy. If you don't see this clearly, you've been ingesting Russian propaganda.

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Reposted by Ody

Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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You're not imagining it. The Republican base really is getting more disgustingly misogynistic with each passing day.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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It is much easier to effect change from the majority than from the minority. So win people over. Build coalitions. Find common ground with those who don't agree with you on everything. That's the art of politics, and it's how you apply force to the lever that can move the world to where you want.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I am so, so tired of the shitty people of this world.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I'm sorry, but right-wing "alpha male" influencers are so laughably pathetic. No, I'm never going to respect your poserishness. You wear camera makeup, make your bones from YouTube videos, and pose for Instagram photos like a teenage girl does. Alpha Male my ass, bitchmen.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Every time I hear a pundit or reporter talk about the 2024 election like it's a horse race, I want to smack them upside the head. Who do you think the fascists will be coming for first, dipshit media parasite, me or you?

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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The right-wing screechers are not subtle about the fact that what they find most unacceptable about Biden's age is the possibility of a competent black woman assuming the presidency. The racists and misogynists would rather eat their own severed penises than acknowledge a black woman's authority.

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Reposted by Ody

SanMarcos 🍉🍒🚤🏭 Meme thief's avatar SanMarcos 🍉🍒🚤🏭 Meme thief @sanmarcos.bsky.social
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I'm not concerned about Biden's age because Harris is a bad-ass woman who will be ready to take over if it ever is needed.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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The political media in this country is absolutely awful, preferring the spectacle of Trump, even though it means the end of democracy, to the staid good governance of Biden, because he's boring and not good for their clickbait business model.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I'm perfectly fine with people acting upon the politicos that they can influence. Public officials ought to be respondent to the coalitions of voters that elect them. When the rubber hits the road, though, it'll need to be all-hands-on-deck to fend off the fascistic takeover of America yet again.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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It is not your job to fix the world. We each only have a limited reach within our sphere of influence. Do what you can with what you have and where you are. That suffices. Then, as you do that, your reach will expand, and your ability to combat evil elsewhere will increase.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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It is not my place to build the better world, but to tear down the worst parts of the past that require culling in order to make room for the better. I leave it to others to parse out a more just, a fairer, a more verdant future. I will tear down the bigotries of yesterday one Nazi-fool at a time.

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Reposted by Ody

Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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No, the world will never NOT be filled with assholes. It is not your job to bemoan the perpetual assholery of your fellow humans. It is your job to get up every day and, striving to become your best self, to put some counter-assholery into the world. That's not too heavy a lift. That you can do.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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There is absolutely no reason for the Supreme Court to take up the idiotic Presidential Immunity claim. The D.C. Circuit Court gave a masterful and unanimous explanation of why such a concept is ludicrous. It means at least four Supreme Court Justices want to replace democracy with dictatorship.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Democrats are not a cult, but a coalition. And no, Joe Biden is not a showman... he's a statesman.

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Reposted by Ody

Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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It sounds so less interesting and kinky when a Republican says it. Blech.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Bothsidesism isn't journalism. Bothsidesism isn't punditry. Bothsidesism isn't comedy. Bothsidesism is lazy and disingenuous bullshit, meant to spread despair and lower resistance to the attempts of authoritarians to subjugate us all. Fuck bothsidesism. Fuck it forever.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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No, the Trump Presidency was not, as MAGAts are pretending "good times with mean tweets." This time in the Trump Presidency, February three years in, the world was crashing to a halt with pandemic, lockdown, recession, & a self-centered chaos-idiot in the White House who suggested we drink bleach.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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If you're doing shit that makes it more likely that we all have to live again with that rapey old hobgoblin dominating every moment of our lives, fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you. Yes, we all have political disagreements. BUT STOP IT. Not Trump. Not again. Not ever fucking again.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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The Kelce parents did a great job creating a loving family.

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Reposted by Ody

L O L G O P's avatar L O L G O P @lolgop.bsky.social
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They know Biden is more cognent, fit and vital than Trump. But they also know if they just keep saying that they'll have nothing to balance Trump's massive legal, financial and moral troubles.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I have zero patience for the political media. Every other story is "Well, sure, Donald Trump is an idiot criminal chaos-goblin who wants to detonate America and usher in an era of dictatorial darkness that will kill millions, BUT DID YOU KNOW JOE BIDEN IS OLD?" Fuck you, media. FUCK. YOU.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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My new favorite word to mock trolls with is VATNIK. "Vatnik (Russian: ватник, pronounced [ˈvatʲnʲɪk]) is a political pejorative used in Russia and other post-Soviet states for steadfast jingoistic followers of propaganda from the Russian government."

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Reposted by Ody

🏳️‍🌈 Hugo, Gay Furry Mafia Boss 🏳️‍🌈's avatar 🏳️‍🌈 Hugo, Gay Furry Mafia Boss 🏳️‍🌈 @hugothepinkcat.bsky.social
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Oh. So not only did she burn books. SHE STOLE THEM FIRST.

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Reposted by Ody

Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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I don't believe in the inherent goodness of people anymore. People have shown me who they are.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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If found-families are the new fad, then can I adopt Joan Didion as my chain-smoking mother? The kind who's both delightfully insightful and incurably judgmental?

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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(Shrugs) Fewer Nazis for now.

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Ody's avatar Ody @odeecs.bsky.social
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Hmmm. Well, you're not a loser. We each explore our humanity in different ways. There's so much of us to discover, so much paradox, so much delicious contradiction and conflict. Find the ways that most fulfill your contradictions and paradoxes. That will suffice, both for that one moment and after.

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