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Sham Jaff

1003 followers 69 following 74 posts

Journalist but not annoying

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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justitia hat eine augenbinde, aber ist trotzdem nicht farbenblind

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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if anything good comes in 2024, let it be the end of individual worship. no one politician, political prisoner, human rights activist, journalist, etc is worth it.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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das erinnern an die vergangenheit ist stets auch ein erinnern an die zukunft.

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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mal was unpolitisches (weil heute zu historisch), ich bin berlin ubahn ästhetik so leid

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Katrin Rönicke's avatar Katrin Rönicke
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Mit: Keine staatl. Parteienfinanzierung für NPD / Die Heimat, Umgang mit Nazis in Wallonien, Neues vom Mars, Energie-Unabhängigkeit, Klima-Transformation in Irland, Renten & Lebenshaltungskosten, zu Indien und Bürgerwissenschaften mit Vögeln.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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hab letztens den begriff “people currently experiencing homelessness” gehört und der ist mir im kopf geblieben. wie finden wir den?

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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zynismus beiseite. wir sollten uns nicht auf demos allein konzentrieren. das ist nicht nachhaltig.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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hasst auch ganz [insert irgendeine deutsche stadt] die neuen abschieberegelungen oder sind wir alle schon zu müde? es ist ja auch eiskalt draußen

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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remember when all the news stations had a countdown clock until suffocation for the submarine people? wtf was that

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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alles unsagbare ist gesagt, alle roten linien sind orange, still no consequences

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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retten wir die demokratie mit schockierenden überschriften (skandale können ausdruck einer noch intakten öffentlichkeit sein) oder muss die politik da jetzt einfach ran?

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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ich liebe vergleiche aber ich frag mich schon, wie und ob es der demokratie hilft, permanent (fett unterstrichen) vergleiche mit der nazizeit anzustellen. gibt es wirklich keine alternativen? vielleicht klappt werte-kommunikation nur bei vertrauen auf deren umsetzung.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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ich hab auch keine lösung, aber alle, die die afd wählen, als nazi-ideen-nah abzustempeln, scheint nicht sooooo gut zu funktionieren

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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stell dir vor, du schreist 90 tage lang und keiner kommt

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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elections are happening across the world actually. voters are set to cast their ballots in more than 50 countries over the next 12 months. 2024 is a super election year. very, very exciting.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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there will be some 15 elections in africa this year. combined, they will represent more than 300 million people. eyes on africa.

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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no resolution, just revolution

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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wenn ich cdu beraterin wäre, würde ich vorschlagen leitkultur in community guidelines umzubenennen

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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ich höre libanesische podcasts, um mein englisch zu verbessern

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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i can’t physically comprehend what 20k dead means…

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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let the kids believe in santa, you believed in the universality of human rights

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Reposted by Sham Jaff

Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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“Violence corrupts the soul.”

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Nadia Zaboura's avatar Nadia Zaboura
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Neue Folge: Naher Osten

Ich diskutiere mit Nils Minkmar über den journalistischen Blick in verletzte Gesellschaften. Über abhandene Stimmen & Experten. Und über das mediale Öffnen von Räumen, in denen ein Miteinander möglich wird.

In quoted der medienpodcast.


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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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A friend of mine recently said that she doesn’t think we were meant to witness all of this injustice at once. Social media is a double-edged sword indeed.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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I really, really, really love my job.

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Aida Baghernejad's avatar Aida Baghernejad
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Es gibt im Englischen das schöne Sprichwort "put your money where your mouth is" und deswegen haben wir mit der Hilfe vieler Menschen mit Expertise und auf Basis von Recherche einen Spendenguide mit vertrauenswürdigen Organisationen zusammengestellt:

9 replies 51 reposts 70 likes

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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Highly polarizing and/or misleading SPIEGEL covers are vile pieces of clickbait. Quality journalism adds context and is aware of its responsibility not to add fuel to the fire. SPIEGEL covers do the opposite.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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I want to read about the lives of those killed by the violence. Humanize the “numbers”. If you can, dear colleagues, find the humanity in all of this.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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As a Kurdish journalist, it’s painful to watch how little coverage the recent Turkish drone strikes get. Every loss of civilian life is tragic.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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Very bored with the kind of intellectualism that overshadows the importance of human empathy, understanding, and the genuine relationships that enrich our lives.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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Certain intellectuals can become so deeply engrossed in their ideas that they seem to detach from the human aspect of life. It's as if the world of abstract concepts and intellectual discourse becomes more vivid and significant to them than the tangible experiences and connections with individuals.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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Intellectual pursuits should be grounded in an awareness of the human condition and a commitment to understanding and compassion.

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Reposted by Sham Jaff

Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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Over the past few days, we all found out that the concept of universal rights and international law is very, very, very, very, very fragile.

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Sham Jaff's avatar Sham Jaff
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"Women are often an “afterthought” in natural disaster crises. ... Women’s needs are only considered after food, blankets and shelter, meaning that when it comes to delivering aid to women, it is often forgotten that they have additional needs."

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