Dylan Lawhorn's avatar

Dylan Lawhorn


374 followers 73 following 215 posts

Accountant. Musician. Father of four. Potentially boring. Just some guy with opinions.

Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I don’t know how some of y’all have thousands of followers and say something clever multiple times a day. I’m over here struggling to be smart once a day.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend so far, and you’re mentally prepared to lose an hour of sleep.


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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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120 hours of work in nine days. I’m too tired to think of anything clever, so here’s a picture of Pippin when he was a puppy.


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Reposted by Dylan Lawhorn

Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig @andycraig.bsky.social
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You know that $3 opt-in on your tax return for the Presidential Election Campaign Fund? Jill Stein is the only candidate getting any money from that in 2024. In theory, she's only allowed to use it for the "primary," which is why the Green convention is pushed as late in the year as they can.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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After watching the State of the Union, hearing the dark and somber warnings between the list of recent accomplishments, and seeing the response from the Republicans, I believe this message from the Neutrals has never been more relevant or more dangerously true.

Laugh first; cry later.


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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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This is what happens when anti-science GOP donut fucks get elected by a state filled with republicans that have the collective IQ of three carrots.

In other news, semi-sentient globule made of two parts human shit; one part seaweed, Marsha Blackburn, is topping the polls.

Fuck yeah TN.


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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I don’t know…my toddler was screaming tonight because she had a “big poopy.” She needed to say no more, I was already thinking of Elon.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Nothing beats waking up at 10am yesterday morning and later finding about six of these pictures on my phone.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Let me see a show of hands from anyone surprised that this SCOTUS, of whom one Justice’s wife played a part in the insurrection, announced today’s opinion?

You know, the same SCOTUS with three stolen seats? With some of the same Bush v. Gore justices?

No? No one? Huh.


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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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You’re welcome to provide a source where someone was celebrated for killing a two day old baby. I’ll wait as long as you need to provide evidence that pro-choice people want that to happen and don’t think it’s sickening.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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3/2 Additionally, far less care (USA) is put into foster care and adoption systems. They are frequently overhyped, but underfunded, understaffed, and continuously have budgets cut. George Carlin was right decades ago - “If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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While abortions do happen because the parent doesn’t want to have a child or they know they can’t properly take care of the child, I personally stand by the idea that it’s a *good fucking reason* because the world will have one less abused or neglected child. 2/2

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Because no one is going around getting abortions for the hell of it. No one gets pregnant on purpose with the sole intention of getting an abortion. A large portion, if not the majority of abortions are for the safety of the mother and to avoid potentially lethal consequences from giving birth. 1/2

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Reposted by Dylan Lawhorn

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan @donmoyn.bsky.social
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American soft power still getting it done

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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So I’m “fortunate” enough that I have parents and other close family members that drank the MAGA kool-aid. Long story short, the usual response is something about how abortion is murder and they will use that as a reason why France is now a “shithole country.” It blows my mind.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Reposting this with a different source. Here’s the SCOTUS opinion:


Admittedly, if anyone saw my last post, it was hasty. That said, Trump has received the off-ramp he wanted and SCOTUS denied states the right to invoke the 14th amendment.



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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Update about 6 hours later: Dear Diary, I hath thus received but one pity like. Verily, mayhaps yonder masses be not surprised, but hath wholly proportionate expectations.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Oh shit the first comment already made this joke.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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It works out because they’re giving people what they want without having to go all the way and remove the pants altogether. If they remove the players’ pants, it messes up the game because they’ll always start with two balls. Heyo.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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The frustrating part for me right now is that my second grader knows what “lying by omission” means, yet the people who actually like to see stuff like this pretend it’s a foreign concept.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Should…should someone correct her? It’s spelled “communion,” not “cummunion.” I don’t know if she understands.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I saw a comment on Reddit that I unfortunately think is true. If he’s saying something, it’s somewhat coherent, and you see even a single lowercase letter, it means he’s confident and genuinely believes he’s safe.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I’ve gotten a lot of followers lately for some reason. Y’all ‘bout to be more disappointed in me than my dad was when my sister was with him watching football and I was watching the Powerpuff Girls in the other room.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Even knowing this is AI generated, it still makes me really uncomfortable to think about. 🥲

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Literally crying right now. Despite everything…I actually have hope for our future. A future my kids can live in and be happy. Well…my son, at least. My daughters will have to deal.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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While I don’t disagree, ideally, the goal of a state government should be to improve the lives of their constituents, not use loopholes to make lives worse. We also all know the GOP would implode if the federal government imposed higher standards, not that the current congress would do that.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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KY Republicans are using the same thought process as sovereign citizens by jumping through hoops, using “technicalities,” and finding “loopholes” to justify their insidious bullshit. Sure, the federal government “could” update the wording, but a “reasonable person” knows that they don’t need to. 2/2

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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When studying law, laws are based on the concept of a “reasonable person,” which is a way of saying people can’t twist it by saying “well teeeeechnically…” In other words, the federal government shouldn’t need to cowtow to something the KY lawmakers know is stupid as fuck. 1/2

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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It would sound like blatant satire if it wasn’t so common and didn’t hit so close to home with relatives. 🥲

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Are you fucking kidding me? As a bonus, there’s a link at the bottom of this article that talks about Kentucky’s attempts to relax child labor laws.

Again, are you fucking kidding me? I *personally* know people that want this to happen in TN. As always, the cruelty is the point.


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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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It’s good to let kids know their place, right?

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Does anyone else remember their very first post on MySpace or Facebook? I don’t remember mine on MySpace, but my first Facebook post at 14 was

Dylan Lawhorn
…is sexy

I’m still reaching for that level of insightfulness. Adulthood has ruined me.

#myspace #facebook #teens #nostalgia #toomanyhashtags

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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🤣 That’s amazing and I can’t wait.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I have a daughter named Abby, and she specializes in what I’ve started calling Abbyisms (better name pending).

Wife: “I did something today that I never thought I would do. I got a Dick’s Sporting Goods membership.”



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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Wonderful! I can’t wait to find out which absolute piece of human garbage replaces him.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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“…the first priority of the country is our border,” says the man who recently tanked a bipartisan border deal. I feel like most people reading this are familiar with recent events, but it saddens me how many people in my personal life don’t know what is going on in congress right now.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Absolutely, although I’m happy that her actions were eventually deemed unconstitutional. I’m not entirely sure what happened after that, however.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Glenn Davis really is the worst, and the sad part is that anyone who was paying attention at the time knew exactly what was going to happen. Not only that, it has attracted and boldened multiple copycats who attempted (and fortunately failed) to run for city mayor last year.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Well, if my initial post is misleading, I feel bad about it, and I wish I could edit it to add a footnote or something. I hope people read the comments for clarification.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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I hope I’m not sounding argumentative. My hometown elected a wrestler as county mayor who left during a winter storm crisis to attend a Trump rally, and my local school board is trying to close schools. I’m not confident in GOP leadership at all in any level of governance.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Gov. Bill Lee and his administration have been especially set on gutting public education by implementing “small” changes here and there, so when I see something like this, I worry that the next step *will* be the right to refuse any and all “unapproved” marriages

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Thank you for the clarification. My main concern, which seems to always be the case in TN, is that something like this is a baby step toward something more nefarious. When Roe v Wade was overturned, people predicted IVF etc. would be next, and here we are in Alabama.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Tennessee, everyone, where we’re in a constant battle with the other southern states in a never ending race to the bottom.

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Dylan Lawhorn's avatar Dylan Lawhorn @dylanlawhorn.bsky.social
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Due to a lack of interesting things to say today, I leave you all with words of wisdom from my daughter when she was 6 years old. I hope it gives you all something to think about tonight. Daughter: “Ding dong! Texas is a real place! Look it up!”

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