Andy Craig's avatar

Andy Craig

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Election law and policy and occasional pugs.

Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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I doubt it's anything that coherent. It's more straightforward: the reasons Trump is unpopular largely carry over to the party that's near-unanimously supporting all those things about him. The reasons Biden is unpopular are more distinct to him. "Too old" is a him problem, not a Dem problem.

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Reposted by Andy Craig

Chris Hayes's avatar Chris Hayes
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Amazing how reliably illuminating "strong polarization; weak parties" is to so much about contemporary politics.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And I get why it feels unfair, because it feels like an impossible demand, that there's literally nothing he could do, it's futile. But that's life. Some things you can't un-do. No song and dance routine about see look how fine I am will erase what already happened. Sucks, but we all have regrets.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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This is what you tell your 8 year old after they lost the tee-ball game. You gave it your best and that's what counts? ayfkm?

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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This answer was literally making it about him, and that's the worst possible answer to this question.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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They definitely could and should be covering it much more aggressively, including new developments and finding new angles. But generally true that the news isn't what's important, it's what's new.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Yup, that's more or less how it played out. I think you can pin it a bit more on Pelosi, she was more directly involved. Maybe some other CA pols. But the broader national party, other senators and donors and the rest of it, didn't much weigh in so much as they all refused to actively intervene.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It was gross and bad. It's also been a recurring thing in the Senate since forever. The name does after all derive from "old man," and lots of others have taken that way too literally up to death's doorstep. But POTUS is in a whole different ballpark. We even amended the Constitution to address it.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Can't speak for others, maybe some overlap, but I was definitely very against what happened with Feinstein. But that was primarily her inner circle, with more acquiescence than active encouragement from the party. And just the bottom line that a Senate seat matters a lot less than the White House.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It is remarkable state in its ability to turn out absolute bottom of the barrel politicians so consistently. But it goes with one of my theories: NY is a substantially conservative state and NYC is the most conservative major metro in the country. They just happen to also be Democrats.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Worst-run elections in the country by a significant margin, and it's in a safe blue state.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It does vary a lot from state to state, some don't even require registration in advance, or allow same-day registration when you show up at the polls. But yeah, a lot of states (and this doesn't track partisanship as much as you might except), it's awful and deliberately over-complicated.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And I'm on the "he's gotten worse in ways that are being way under-covered" train, but even still, he's just not as noticeably different, especially physically. He spews deranged word salad but he doesn't seem frail. He could plausibly pass for himself several years ago, and Biden definitely can't.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It wouldn't be if it was genuinely just that alone, but this has snowballed way beyond just being a NYT thing.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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I don't know offhand how many sitting Dem senators have run for president before, but it's got to put... well, let's see, Warren, Klobuchar, Bennet, Booker, those are just from 2020. Also, I'm reminded Warner didn't even actually run. There was a draft attempt he refused for 2008. Much weaker.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It's an OK deflection, but lots of governors and senators have tried to run for president and flamed out, most in brief campaigns nobody even remembers. They're still the party's governors and senators. I don't think the Senate caucus will find that a very good retort.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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The open mouth thing, too, which is part of that. And man, I really don't like parsing an old man's facial expressions like that. This whole thing is morbid and gross. But visuals matter here, and his visuals have gotten markedly worse.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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He might be thinking that, but there is no riding it out and in another week or two it goes away. This is going to stay a big thing as long as he stays. Maybe not constantly the biggest thing going on, other news happens, but not even back to pre-debate levels when it was already no small thing.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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His answers about his age and condition, and what happened during the debate, were a bit too evasive and defensive, and he was too transparently over-eager to evade and pivot to his "look at what all I've done" talking points. It wasn't crash and burn, I'd give it a C- maybe. But he needed better.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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I think he could have done a good interview (this wasn't particularly good) but it wouldn't have much changed the big picture anyway. That's the trap he's in. Maybe it's unfair, but the basic problem is there probably is nothing he can do to un-ring the bell at this point.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Q: Can you serve the next four years? A: Look at what all I've done, [launches into repeating already-said talking points about that]. Not... yes. (When asked again he does finally say "I believe so.")

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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He was naturalized decades ago, yes.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Watching it, the interview doesn't make it dramatically worse, but it didn't much help and wasn't good, either. It's not the radical turnaround he needed, which I don't think was an achievable goal for it anyway, but even still this is not a particularly impressive attempt.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And it's doing so in a shamelessly, explicitly partisan way by targeting voter registration drives of the sort Dems do for their base much more than the GOP. There's zero neutral reason, even in pretense, for this to work at the registration stage instead of voting when it's a much smaller burden.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Compared to the usual voter ID at the polls and the number of people that affects, this bill would result in orders of magnitude more people not getting registered. It's not just a fake problem it's supposedly addressing, it's trying to do genuine voter suppression on a large scale under that guise.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Generally, the case against voter ID at the polls is somewhat overstated. The effects are very small and it's not an unpopular or necessarily unusual policy (though it's still unnecessary). To instead attach it to the registration process is much more harmful and deliberately so.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Typically, you get people to fill out the forms and then you turn them in. This would make it illegal for anybody to register to vote without presenting an acceptable ID or other document *to the election authorities*. Real purpose is to make usual registration drives much harder and less effective.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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In most states, you need only affirm you're a citizen to register. This would require a REAL-ID (many state IDs don't comply) or other proof like a passport. Point is less about which documents and more to hobble voter registration drives by making it more complicated than just filling out the form.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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To be clear, this bill is nonsense, and he is straight-up calling for the murder of every Democrat in Congress. It is already illegal, as a matter of federal law, for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. This doesn't change that. What it does is a national ID mandate for voter registration.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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In theory they could bar him from entering the country, but that's absolutely not going to happen.

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Reposted by Andy Craig

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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also folks should avoid pre-litigating the blame game if it goes wrong. If Trump is elected, then folks will be angry and every decision will be retroactively the monocausal error: If Harris loses, it was the mistake of the century to swap; if Biden loses, the mistake of the century not to, etc

3 replies 6 reposts 54 likes

Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And if they're wrong, why doesn't he have the confidence to overrule them?

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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It'll help and they'd use it. I think just the contrast in general will do more, though. Young (she's actually not! but relatively), energetic, coherent, all the rest of it. A fresh face but also familiar enough, not an unknown quantity. Harris has got the better shot, strange as it is to say that.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And it plays into the worst of the narrative because, as they all note, Biden's whole thing his whole career was the gift of gab. He'd talk a reporter's ears off just because he was bored. He was super constantly available and never shut up. So when he's the exact opposite of that now...

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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I think the general public can and should criticize the media to their heart's content, and there's plenty to complain about in all this. But I have very little patience for candidates blaming it all on the media when it's not going well. That's part of the job, that's on you.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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This is why "Biden not running would help Trump win" has totally evaporated as a compelling argument. Even if the debate itself was recoverable, and I doubt it ever was, he's shown his team has no clue what they're doing and no credible plan to fix it.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Got that, I meant on the people freaking out about it thing. I'm ambivalent because I don't think it will matter.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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I have a hard time seeing how it makes any difference.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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His own appointees from the first term are, for the most part and as a group, in the enemy class who must be purged.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Yes, that's what a lot of people are saying. Which sucks but that's fairly often how it can happen. That he seemed fine a year ago means very little.

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Reposted by Andy Craig

Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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That's a call those people had to make a year ago at the latest. It's entirely possible the situation is very different now than it was in mid-2023.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Warner is not even remotely making a play for being on the ticket himself, that's not what this is. They all know it's Harris, uncontested.

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Reposted by Andy Craig

Mitchell Epner's avatar Mitchell Epner
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Let me be clear. In my opinion, John Roberts has joined Roger Taney (Dred Scott - slavery) as a Chief Justice who will be remembered as an evil man. Not just wrong, but worthy of eternal condemnation for trying to destroy the Republic.

12 replies 60 reposts 240 likes

Reposted by Andy Craig

The Washington Post's avatar The Washington Post
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Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) is attempting to assemble a group of Democratic senators to ask Joe Biden to exit the presidential race, according to two people with direct knowledge of the effort.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Didn't even let his spokeswoman pro forma deny it! She Glomar'd it! What more of an exclamation mark can you put on it? This isn't oh I'm considering it, this is screaming it in all caps.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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Saying it's just the media and the NYT in particular worked before. It doesn't now and it's just flat out not true.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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And this was his debate, on his terms, on his decision to do one now, the shakeup he was admitting he desperately needed. He called his shot and didn't just totally whiff, he dropped the bat and wandered off the field. I doubt it ever was recoverable, just took a few days for the shock to play out.

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Andy Craig's avatar Andy Craig
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In retrospect, it was already suspicious at the time, but the refusal to do the Super Bowl interview *really* looks damning now, too.

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