Ariton 𓃩's avatar

Ariton 𓃩

19 followers 25 following 71 posts

Wildlife Bio grad. Vet med, with focus on exotics and wildlife nursing. Invertebrate enthusiast. I have opinions on scifi, horror, and dinosaurs. She/her, they/them. LGBT+. Support trans people or get the fuck out of my face.

Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Your mind tho

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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"Hello, welcome to our futuristic utopian society where everyone is perpetually happy and all of life's ills have been solved! Meet our council of learned elders who run our perfect world! Here's white old man #1, white old man #2, white old man #3, whi-"

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Being a dick to your friend is not morally equivalent to committing multiple sexual assaults on a minor. The fact that I have to explain that to you is worrying, and all I can do at this point is ask that you find someone IRL to talk to about this. I can't even understand the rest of your comment.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Okay, no more discussion. I really don't need to continue wasting my time with someone who thinks Master Roshi and Hugh Hefner's cumrag reading material are appropriate hills to die on. Have a good night.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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And also The Golden Girls, really? Was there an episode I missed where Blanche repeatedly molested a minor? Because even if there was, it doesn't even put her in the same universe of pervy as Master Roshi. In fact, using the word pervy to describe Roshi is like using the term "bad" to describe WWII.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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If you understand that what Roshi is doing is pervy and unambiguously wrong, then why are you bringing up your weird high school hangups (no judging, we all had weird high school hangups) as if it has any bearing on the conversation whatsoever?

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Bro, I mean this with absolutely no malice intended: but if you have trouble understanding why OG Dragon Ball might be seen as unambiguously pervy, or no objections to how pervy it genuinely was, then you were probably right to worry about how pervy you might come off in every day conversation.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I don't even care if it turned out that Ruby being special didn't actually pan out that way, it still made us sit through another godforsaken "why my companion so mysterious????" season arc. I hate it.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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To be totally fair, I don't think there's been a single female character introduced in NuWho that hasn't had to withstand an accusation of being The Rani. The Ruby stuff is legit annoying though. RTD's companions were always his strong point. It sucks to see him trying to ape Moffat's bad ideas.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I was in the Doctor Who roleplay community on tumblr for a long ass time (I'm ashamed, don't worry), and the number of people who would wax on and on about the "complexity" of characters like effing Clara, Amy Pond and (my beloathed) River Song honestly made me wonder if I was going mad.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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There's a part of me that's still reeling from the folks who basically thought that throwing a dairy-based beverage at Farage would somehow transform his image into St Nigel the Martyr of Milkshakes.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Always kinda assumed that the photographs of leopons (lion and leopard hybrids) were fake because... well, because look at them:

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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The netflix Daredevil show is probably my favourite "thou shalt not kill" hero series ever. Like, Matt, I know you're blind, but there's no way you don't know that you straight up murdered some of those dudes.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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It's cool to see shows like House of the Dragon still using practical effects, even for very short scenes where the prop isn't even the main focus. I honestly thought Arrax's wing was just very well integrated CGI, but no, they literally made a severed dragon wing for 10 seconds of screentime.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I mean, yes, there's a point to be made there, but also you can't really argue that the show isn't pervy by western standards. And that it's completely understandable that said perceived perviness is a dealbreaker for some people.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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To be fair, they might be referring to the original dragon ball series with kid Goku. It can be difficult to argue that that series wasn't pretty pervy. Dragon Ball Z onwards cut a lot of that stuff out.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Mog is secretly Darth Plagueis, calling it now.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Wildlife rehab case. Found on the floor of a client's old disused attic. Gif from a video taken two days before release. Brown Long-eared Bat (Plecotus auritus, ialtΓ³g fhad-chluasach).

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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There are very few experiences modern humans can go through that rival the stress and fear of being relegated to the bottom of the food chain. I think Adams came closer to that than most.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I've always suspected that Adams looked at the brutal, uncaring and unfair world that wild rabbits are thrust into, and felt a deep resonance with his own experiences during the war.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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To be fair to Goku, he usually left his villains alive so he could fight them again later. Not exactly morally upstanding, but you gotta respect his inability to really give a shit about casualties. That's what constant access to the dragon balls does to a man, I guess.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I don't even think it's that bad for a hero to have hang ups about killing the villain. I just think it's a little silly that the hero usually elects to take this one moral high ground, while standing atop a hill of lesser villains and mooks who were somehow totally fine to kill.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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And the bite itself usually isn't a big deal, but it disturbs me that this person's dog is so insanely terrified by a simple vet visit that they feel the need to attack, and the owner legit thinks it's normal and/or hilarious.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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It sucks because most chihuahuas have the potential to be perfectly well-adjusted dogs, it's just that the people who tend to get them aren't interested in training them. It also sucks from a vet med POV, bc I'm the one who gets bitten, and then has to pretend to the owner that it's not a big deal.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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The floppy ears claim is one of my biggest pet peeves about the project, bc a review of the data found that floppy ears that persisted into adulthood were extremely rare even in later generations of the experimental foxes. More common than in wild groups, sure, but not by much.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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There's genuinely a lot to critique about the Russian fox experiment, how it was designed, and the value of the data produced. Many of the physical and behavioural changes observed have been exaggerated, and the animals don't seem to be any more affectionate or biddable than typical "tame" foxes.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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But you're very right about FELV, and an unvaccinated indoor dog (who I guess these people never intend to walk???) can easily still get parvo if an owner tracks it in from infected feces or grass. Just keeping an animal inside does not guarantee anything tbh. Vaccination is always beneficial.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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To be totally fair (not that these antivaxxers deserve that),rats and mice are poor vectors for rabies, as they are unlikely to survive an encounter with a rabid animal and die quickly if infected. I would be more concerned about rodents bringing in leptospirosis.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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In this house, we stan Mog.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I kinda want to live in the universe where Fire and Blood/ House of the Dragon got a super faithful adaptation, and every other scene we faintly hear Archmaester Gyldayn screaming in the background because he has to read more of Mushroom's porny fanfiction.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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That doesn't mean that the experiment is worthless, but it absolutely invalidates the idea that it takes nine generations to domesticate an animal.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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That study has been criticised in recent years, as the foxes he used for breeding stock were revealed to have been sourced from Prince Edward Island; a population that has been exhibiting features of "domestication syndrome" since well before the experiment took place.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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"What about animals that don't go out?" BATS. Bats bats bats bats bats. Ever left a window open at night? Congrats, you've just introduced the possibility of your pet coming into contact with a lyssavirus carrying flying machine with fangs.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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The audiobook reader also does that horrible thing that make readers do when they just put on a vague sultry falsetto for every single female character and, jfc, I feel like I'm asexual now.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Like, I get it, it's a joke and the kid is actually super smart and speaks really well, but I still had to sit through every last cringey and uncomfortable scene, and the audiobook's reader only made it worse.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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The worst thing about watching part of the "Mr Mercedes" tv show before even bothering to pick up the book, is that I was woefully unprepared for Stephen King's decision to make the one prominent black character occasionally lapse into a "hilarious" Uncle Tom routine every other chapter.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Of the many dumb things to happen to the TARDIS during Doctor Who's long, long post-Pyramids of Mars history, I like to think that Sutekh probably fucking hated Flatline the most.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Not to be unnecessarily mean or anything, but the person in charge of duolingo's reminder notifications should be taken out and shot.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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J.K Rowling is pressing send on unironic "I identify as an attack helicopter" tweets, and people are still trying to claim that she's being 100% normal about trans people. I give it a week before she's claiming that she got hate-crimed by the occupants of tumblr's "down with cis" bus.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Like, yes, it establishes him as wanting to be liked, and trying to make the shepherd/his subjects happy, which is commendable, but it also transparently outs him as having no fucking clue what he's doing.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Finally getting around to watching the first ep of HOTD season 2, and I really don't know how to tell my team green pals that, actually, the scene where Aegon tries to give back the shepherd's livestock tithe isn't meant to suggest that he's a good king.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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The worst thing about Jodie Whitaker's era of Doctor Who is that it retroactively made the godawful Inspector Spacetime convention episode of Community into an accurate prediction of the fandom's overall opinion of the first female doctor:

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Looking for Star Wars, House of the Dragon, general sci fi, horror, and science mutuals. Hit the like button and I'll check you out!

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Any nonhuman character in any story I write has a voice that I crafted specifically to make audiobooks narrators curse my name.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Me, watching the Acolyte: wow, i like Manny Jacinto, but the poor guy really is getting typecast as a harmless zany dumb guy with poor morals... Me, watching episode 5 of the Acolyte:

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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Cue a deluge of bad faith "so mental illness really is just made up, and medications are a scam" interpretations of this study in 3, 2, 1...

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I feel like the cringe aspect of loss.jpg kinda doesn't hit as hard now that everyone's forgotten about the subsequent comic, where the main character's grief is shown by having him put away a baby sized X-box controller with a mildly bored look on his face.

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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I don't know why everyone's complaining about this epside of The Acolyte... eveything seems relatively norm-

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Ariton 𓃩's avatar Ariton 𓃩
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like, wow, I can't believe that a famous songwriter put a great deal of effort into the soundtrack of a movie that was the fifth highest grossing film of 1999, and was made back when disney still considered the pinnacle of western animation.

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