Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar

Mellifera (overwhelmed)

67 followers 137 following 307 posts

Pronouns: They/Them I’m a non binary, magic bee! 🐝 I was born in the 1900s

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

luke's avatar luke
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I still can’t get over how hard this attacked me. It came into my home and stabbed me multiple times a few months ago and I may actually now be a ghost

18 replies 53 reposts 287 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

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FIREWORKS explode like magnified gunfire in the exquisitely sensitive ears of all creatures. Many: Bees don't go back to their hives; Birds have panic attacks; Wild animals abandon dens; Fish perish eating debris; Companion animals have anxiety; Humans have PTSD. Please be aware. Thank you :-)}

21 replies 172 reposts 492 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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I’m the kind of bee that, while watching Star Trek, I like to wear a show-appropriate combadge and play with my Tricorder (not a euphemism). 🖖

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Ich will ja nichts gegen Fußball schreiben, aber :
es gibt mehrere Studien die einen signifikanten Anstieg von häuslicher Gewalt nach Fußballspielen zeigen. Alkohol spielt dabei eine erhebliche Rolle. Wer hätte das gedacht. #Frauenhass

4 replies 53 reposts 181 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

rach | 🏳️‍⚧️ not a girl | yes I am transfem + nb 's avatar rach | 🏳️‍⚧️ not a girl | yes I am transfem + nb
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Right it's July now - no more pride, only shame and humiliation

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Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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Puppies need up to 22 hours sleep per day!

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Frauenhass ist zutiefst verankert in unserer Gesellschaft. Wer der AFD Plattformen gibt, sie normalisiert, sie unterstützt, sie wählt, will ihn noch verstärken.

0 replies 48 reposts 192 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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I’m home alone drinking vegan mead and loudly singing the new girl in red album. I’m living my best live! 💜🍷💃

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

JenTheTracy's avatar JenTheTracy
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We force children to define themselves then shame adults who second guess those decisions. It is never too late too learn something new. It is never too late to change your path. You are a grown up. You know better than 17 year old you knew. Make choices that change your life. Don’t be stubborn.

0 replies 4 reposts 18 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Deutsche Umwelthilfe's avatar Deutsche Umwelthilfe
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Als erste von insgesamt 150 Städten, bei denen wir formale Anträge auf erhöhte Parkgebühren für übergroße Autos gefordert haben, führt nun Aachen größenabhängige Parkgebühren für Anwohner ein. Damit kostet ein VW Golf 245€/Jahr und ein Mercedes Van V-Klasse 300€/Jahr.

3 replies 17 reposts 77 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Der Volksverpetzer's avatar Der Volksverpetzer
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Es ist wieder die Zeit des Jahres, in dem Klimawandelleugner mit Fake-Tagesschau-Karten ihre Verschwörumgsmythen verbreiten wollen und leugnen, dass es durch den menschengemachten Klimawandel immer wärmer wird:

7 replies 136 reposts 325 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Der Volksverpetzer's avatar Der Volksverpetzer
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Wenn die AfD nach Essen kommt, zeigt die Stadt, was sie von ihr hält. Regenbogenflaggen, ein neuer Haltestellenname und ein breiter Protest von CDU bis Linke heißt die Rechtsextremen "willkommen".

10 replies 87 reposts 341 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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As an enby witch I absolutely had to get this art print! 😍💜🐝
(As Bluesky is refusing to generate a link preview I attached a screenshot)

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Das ist autoritäre rassistische Politik. Anders kann man es nicht nennen. Aushöhlung des Rechtsstaates. Krass.

0 replies 11 reposts 40 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Letzte Generation's avatar Letzte Generation
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Das Erstarken der AfD ist Symptom des Versagens der etablierten Parteien, ehrliche, sozial-gerechte Politik zu machen.

Wir müssen uns den menschenfeindlichen Inhalten der AfD in den Weg stellen!

Deswegen unterstützen wir die Kampagne widersetzen.

‼️ Also hin da

0 replies 33 reposts 100 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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As if this weren't bad enough, now there's talk of developing technology reminiscent of the mind prison that tortured Miles O'Brien. It's as if they looked at that episode and thought, "What a great idea!"

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Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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We're already living in a political dystopia that would make even the darkest Star Trek episodes blush. Our choices for leaders often feel like we're stuck between a Gul Dukat and a Kai Winn - manipulative, power-hungry figures draped in false righteousness.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

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PREGNANCY BEGINS WITH A PENIS. LET'S REGULATE THAT. I am a longstanding advocate for child health, safety and welfare. Long before my Santa years, I decided to have a vasectomy, so that I would not be responsible for an unplanned pregnancy or abortion. Planned Parenthood :-)}

3 replies 41 reposts 174 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Höcke ist ein Faschist. Die AFD muss verboten werden.

2 replies 19 reposts 72 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

caitliwinx ⚔️'s avatar caitliwinx ⚔️
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Crazy that exercising is good for you. Feels fake.

1 replies 1 reposts 11 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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run away and hide 🫣

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

loki~ sheepie 🫴✨💕's avatar loki~ sheepie 🫴✨💕
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i don't want to be aloof and mysterious bro i want to be known. i want to be seen. i want to be cherished and i want to love with everything i have.

0 replies 10 reposts 33 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]'s avatar Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]
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cool see y’all tomorrow then

1 replies 8 reposts 72 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

tarquinia rosis 🏳️‍⚧️🥀🏴's avatar tarquinia rosis 🏳️‍⚧️🥀🏴
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I was an angel child 😇 didn’t get up to any shenanigans until I was a teenager. It turns out extreme, internalized anxiety=overly cautious kid. Talk to the “good”, quiet kids in your life. They’re probably having an existential crisis but don’t want to bother anyone.

1 replies 1 reposts 11 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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I fucking love women 💜

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Tierschutzbund's avatar Tierschutzbund
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Aberglaube, Angst, Vorurteile oder fehlende Fotogenität - das sind die unsinnigen Gründe, warum schwarze Hunde und Katzen oft länger im #Tierheim auf ein neues Zuhause warten. Dabei sind sie genauso wundervoll wie ihre Artgenossen mit andersfarbigem Fell 👉

1 replies 6 reposts 15 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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„Die beste Kriminalpolitik ist eine gute Sozialpolitik“ (Franz von Liszt) Nicht nur zur Bekämpfung von Kriminalität, für den Zusammenhalt der Gesellschaft. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall.

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Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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the old white man (not my boss) who manages the location I administrate (IT) complained about me behind my back again instead of talking to me directly. No one really needs to be surprised if I quit next week (I have a new job lined up😊)

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

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Welche Barrieren begegnen Autisten in ihrem Alltag und wo fehlt es an Unterstützung? Unsere Recherche zeigt: Die Hürden beginnen bereits auf dem Weg zu einer offiziellen Diagnose. Die Wartezeit kann bis zu vier Jahren dauern, dabei ist geschätzt 1 von 100 Personen autistisch.

1 replies 17 reposts 61 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Und nochmal: Täter, die sexualisierte Gewalt ausüben kommen aus allen Schichten und Herkünften. Wer behauptet, sexualisierte Gewalt könne mit „Migrationspolitik“ gelöst werden, will nicht die Gewalt beenden, sondern Rassismus schüren.

14 replies 262 reposts 859 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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„Star Trek: Lower Decks – Buffer Time is a fast-paced, party-style card game that can be played with no knowledge of the show, but the more of the show you've seen, the more you will enjoy.“

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Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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For me, small talk is like a performance and no one gave me the script.

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Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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I received good news yesterday, which gives me hope for my future work situation. Today I managed to get up right after the alarm clock for the first time in months. I see a connection there. 😅

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

pünktchen 's avatar pünktchen
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finde putzen so unfassbar unbefriedigend wenn ich etwas in ordnung bringe möchte ich bitte dass das auch so bleibt vielen dank

2 replies 1 reposts 40 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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Jetzt erst? Naja, besser spät als zu spät……

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

pixel pusha τreez's avatar pixel pusha τreez
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stressed, overwhelmed, tired, uninspired, sad, depleted- would like to kinda disappear :D

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Roxi Horror 💀🌸's avatar Roxi Horror 💀🌸
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In lieu of dealing with people, I have decided to simply return to the sewers & become a rat.

20 replies 73 reposts 321 likes

Mellifera (overwhelmed)'s avatar Mellifera (overwhelmed)
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Finally, the weekend is here. This week was way too long and exhausting. 😴

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Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Christina Clemm's avatar Christina Clemm
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Es eilt:

0 replies 47 reposts 137 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Olivian Tarabiscoté*e (hen/hens)'s avatar Olivian Tarabiscoté*e (hen/hens)
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Guten Morgen, auch heute werde ich mich als queere Person natürlich in den Mittelpunkt stellen und alle Aufmerksamkeit auf mich ziehen. So will es das Gaysetz!

3 replies 2 reposts 51 likes

Reposted by Mellifera (overwhelmed)

Stovey 🍍's avatar Stovey 🍍
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hey you! yeah YOU! i hope you’re having a wonderful day 🫵

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