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Yeah I am sure Trump's cronies will let you out after he tells them to put you in there.

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Like we tell people on the right, CNN is not our ally.

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But strange enough, some people seem to think it will. I know Biden didn't handle it well but Trump is literally saying he will help Isreal wipe them out and you don't hear the so called supporters of Palestine shouting about it.

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Weird how Trump's obvious racism is normalized by everyone. If Joe Biden had say anything like this, they would be on him like fire ants.

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Also Trump not answering any questions or his insane ramblings seem to not be being talked about either. Somehow that 'won' him the debate according to them.

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The people who ban it will still be watching and consuming it. They just get off with pretending they are pristine and unspoiled so they can control us while they do it in secret.

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That's what I said. This is a distraction. Trump is up for sentencing in a few days for a crime and we are ragging on Biden for for failing to debate Trump? The guy is a lying, rapist, treasonous, cruel idiot. Let's focus on that again.

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This can be real. No one could be this stupid.

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Greedy vixen.

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Drink up.

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Hundreds of movies with straight white men in it, and still they cry and whine the moment you represent anyone else for even a second.

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Yeah. I am sure Lumpy Trumpy will be alive for a third term. The guy is already showing signs of mental degradation and several other destructive nerve diseases. I am not even sure he will make it to the election without a stroke.

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They always think they know so much and actually know so little.

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It's always nice to see bad things happening to bad people.

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It's what most right-wingers do. Pick fights they know they can't win but pretend they are doing it be heroic and when they inevitably lose, their subhuman base cheers them on for seemingly trying to fight back. They put zero effort trying to actually fight back or anything and still get the glory.

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Trump shouldn't have spent so much money before the election actually started to ramp up. He instead started campaigning early, hoping they would suspend all of his trials because he was running for president. Big mistake.

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Yeah the country is at stake. That's why we are fighting harder for it. Meanwhile Trump is hoarding all the money, RNC is going bankrupt and Trump can barely afford to do rallies. It's all coming apart to the point that even idiots like Charlie Kirk can see it.

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They love to make a fuss about fake nonsense rather than actual problems because they don't actually care and real problems are too hard for their tiny minds to fix.

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It was just one long right wing temper tantrum and another excuse to be racist and bigoted towards people. It accomplished nothing positive, changed nothing for the better and only helped the assholes that started it.

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Oh yeah. Let's take a cruise liner named after a ship that sank in a deadly disaster with tons of unvaccinated people all cramed together out into the middle of the ocean to combat 'wokeness'. What could possibly go wrong? Famous last words.

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They are already calling us 'colored people'. It won't be long before they are freely calling us the N word.

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Republicans aren't sending their best. They are emptying out their asylum and prisons and trying to put them in government positions.

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How would you know they were vaccinated, jackass?! And this is the guy people want to emulate? Pathetic.

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Black man in any high level job or seat of power equals DEI. All black people are stupid according to the racists unless you are on their side. That automatically makes you smart and acceptable. Otherwise, there is no way you got a job or position based on merit and skill.

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Go to YouTube and find a guy named Flimeto. He does exactly that. He says why the movie failed, talks about what it should have done and gives advice on how to do what you are trying to do successfully. Not many people do that.

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And these are the same people claiming 'they' are trying to get us all killed when it's actually them trying to get us all killed.

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Nah, man. Racism, especially against Jewish people and black people, is A okay. Elon has aligned himself with every scumbag imaginable and only picks on people who are telling the truth or telling him if he is wrong or insulting right wing douchebags.

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Yeah, I have reported some very obviously racist tweets and they just claimed they don't violate their TOS despite them obviously doing so. But they very graciously banned me for six days for making an obvious joke. So racism and bigotry is okay. Making jokes is bad

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Didn't you hear. It's because they are hiring black people that all that is happening according to the racists. It was white power keeping all that from happening until now.

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Yeah, I never understood the Christian way of selling you the Word of God. Why not just give it for free?

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Some day. Hopefully, some day soon.

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Yes. Because as we all know, a fifty ton ship filled with cargo can just turn on a dime after losing control of it...Narf!

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Is there any way to shut them up?

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White power used to keep everything from breaking, then woke came and destroyed everything.

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'Too many freaks in the circus' pretty much sums up the entire conservative party at this point.

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I mean, no one expected it to remain fully intact after being rammed but I think it's how easily and extensively it came apart is thd problem.

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And then they claim the left is fragile and weak. Yeah, I can get on a plane without freaking out over another person's choice to wear a mask.

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When we finally discover time travel, we should send all these idiots back to these times to live the rest of their days there so we don't have to listen to how good those days were from them anymore.

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Pshht! Who cares? If they want to waste money that they will obviously lose and Trump obviously won't pay back, then let them be fools. Let them bankrupt themselves trying to save a loser. Let them get pulled under with him. Burn out all the cash and don't have any to give your evil army.

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Trump doesn't wiggle out of anything. People help him wiggle out of things. Trump is an idiot. If these other idiots would stop helping him, he would be in prison by now.

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You mean it's not because of minorities? But Elon Musk said.

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They fight hard to roll back regulations and stop infrastructure that helps fix things like bridges, and then the moment a disaster like this happens, their first instinct is to either be racist or bigoted ir blame the left. 'A ship carelessly crashed into a poorly made bridge? It's black people'

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And no one, no matter how delusional they are, can show me any lie or untruth in that statement. Not one.

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Don Lenon showed him all the racist and bigoted posts still up on Twitter and he shrugged it off and defended them instead of being appalled or disgusted. Elon is a racist and a bigot and has proved it over and over again. It's obvious to anyone but his bootlickers.

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It's weird how they claim all the pretend crimes that Republicans throw at Biden would be a problem but all the real crimes against Trump shouldn't be a problem.

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Thought it was diversity and inclusion causing all the problems...oh wait. That was BS the racists and bigots made up.

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It's amazing how these days telling people they are wrong and saying stupid things is suppressing 'free speech'. It's no our fault you are stupid and ignorant.

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God damn it! Reading all those capital letters hurts my eyes and my brain. This guy is trying to drive us insane.

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Always trying to cut cost by killing us in the process.

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If idiots and jackasses would stop jumping in to save Trump, he wouldn't get out of any of these messes. The narrative that Trump is clever enough to slip out anything is a myth. If they stopped helping him, he would have been a homeless person living under a bridge by now.

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