Geek19's avatar


39 followers 62 following 1000 posts

Horse-famous in like a J-level internet sorta way.

Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Ah, but their questions will be drowned out by the slow clap that develops into thunderous applause for saving the day, followed by the main theme. Fade to black, America is saved, let's get back to barbecues.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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You think he's waiting on a VP announcement to do it in prime time a la some Apprentice shit? How miserable of a night is that gonna be on TV?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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There's more handwaving and jerking off in here than the Batman and Robin script!

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Hey, 6 of his last 10 credits on IMDB are Nespresso ad movies. That MEANS something to people.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Fistful of Givers For a Few Givers More The Giver, the Taker, and the Ugly Taken Taken 2 Taken 3 Ballistics: Gave vs Tooker

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Is she like Bad Copping this? Like, he wants to stay, the people/those polled want him to stay, is she just getting him angry a la Mickey the trainer in Rocky so he directs that full blast at Trump?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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"What's Brandon gonna do? Use his famously private temper, intense loyalty to those who do right by him, and power over the entire party to ratfuck me, the third smartest car dealership owner/Representative in Maine? I mean, he'd have to have the backing of the CBC and normal citizens to do THAT!"

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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The worse part is the Supreme Court says we have to let him stick around AGAIN and he won't leave us until he leaves us

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Hes already the best damn detective we've got on the force

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Marshawn Lynch trucks Steven Miller. I don't know how this helps the election strategy but I still want to see it

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Sounds like SOMEONE isn't choosing their president based on fuckability this November smdh kids these days THE YUTES etc

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Never stopped, babyyyyy!

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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So how/when do we get Project 2025 trending during it? I have a Twitter account that's sacrificial at this point....

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Reposted by Geek19

Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Bernie can still win if Mike Pence has the courage.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Ah, but as a middling white dude on the internet, have you considered: my self-important beliefs?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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One of the dumbest Trump bits in 2020 was trying to use Blago as a chance to win Illinois and/or Democrats. Whole state dislikes him, living embodiment of the "everybody I know hates that guy" meme.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Ah, but you see, in my fanfic, Wolverine *(immediately blocked)*

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Reposted by Geek19

The Fig Economy's avatar The Fig Economy
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“I am 100% behind the Democratic nominee for president because in the last 3.5 years we’ve passed the most consequential climate legislation in history and created the most jobs of any administration, while the GOP nominee wants to use Project 2025 to strip women of their right to an abortion.”

3 replies 17 reposts 90 likes

Geek19's avatar Geek19
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"Man if I was Joe Biden I'd do something that a man with Joe Biden's morals over the last 80 years of his life wouldn't have, and THAT'S why I'm president and he's....wait, hang on a moment."

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Surprisingly, any Democrat with a real chance of future plans doesnt want to play Squid Game against The Old Man

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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He was trying to one-punch KO Trump, and that's not a viable strategy for fighting him

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Solid start! How often you think you'll do these?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Oh, uh, also this is about to become a Biden Re-election Account, so, Join or Die, as the flag says. Or mute me, I don't care.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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"Oh, you know the ones"

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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"Why I'm Leaving Neopets" by Bret Stephens

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Is that a ceiling light or fan or what? The tumor up top

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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My terminally online friend thanks you

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Having consumed F451, 1984, and Idiocracy..... no. That's not how that works, and it's implying to me that F451 is just dumber and shittier 1984

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Good parenting is not letting them embarrass themselves online too much. GREAT parenting is saving the receipts to show them later

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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No, no, when Biden loses that's when the leftists FINALLY get power in the party that we deserve. And we get the most prominent super leftist ever for candidate, 300 electoral votes, neoliberals in the camps, and that hot girl in my English class has to talk to me! Leftist Candidate 2028!

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Ah, but I've got my priors of "being right all the time on the internet." And the polls, you see. Those reliable, accurately reported and sampled polls.

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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You gonna watch the Pacific War one as a followup after?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Biden must make my wife let me buy a waverunner

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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I read the posts! But my purchasing tastes tend towards classic dad rock and 2000s emo era! I'm starting towards metal?

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Be even funnier if she/Harris gets an endorsement immediately in 28 from him

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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It also fucks Kamala (and the party) in 28, as "she screwed up in 24, it's all her fault." Joe Biden may be a lot of things but Disloyal (to the party, to the people he works with) ain't one of them

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Freaking DISNEYS always think they know better. Whole family of weirdos, mutants, reprobates, *(puts finger to ear)* who consist of our social betters in every way, shape, and form

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Oh it ALWAYS results in *(immediately blocked for dipshittery)*

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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I thought it was Mexican food (homemade elote)

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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Well it seems like your question has come to the end of the road

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Geek19's avatar Geek19
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I regret I have but one like for this

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