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Now is the time to be disruptive - to be silent is to be complicit! Interested in climate change, politics, technology and global affairs Melbourne, Australia

Gekko's avatar Gekko
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You need to read an Australian story called, The Loaded Dog by Henry Lawson!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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It’s not a “mistake” at all Those supporting fracking know the damage - it’s a delaying tactic designed to keep us addicted to fossil fuels And not focus everything on building renewables

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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This is what Senator Payman is raising: genocide and the need for Australia to stand up to Israel and to recognise Palestine

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Reposted by Gekko

Reposted by Gekko

Ketan Joshi's avatar Ketan Joshi
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Back in the early to mid 2010s there was this view that you should gently convince right wingers to believe in climate science and my response was always: "a right wing that believes the science is scarier than one that denies it"


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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Did you hear it? On 1 July a little black box automatically chimed and Victorian politicians got a very healthy pay rise! A black box ... made by politicians, just for politicians. When do working Victorians get their own little black box that automatically chimes?

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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The non-subtle mainstream media poisoning minds with innuendos, putting an ideological slant on everything. The Age this morning can barely disguise it's disgust for a woman who expressed a conscience - when the real news is about political parties unwilling to see a diverse - voting - electorate

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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I've got a reply to the ACCC and Labor. FIX IT Voters have a very good idea of what is going on. Corporate gouging and greed, outrageous exporting of Australian gas at the cost to Australians, the lack of progress made on renewables, a tax system that refuses to be fair ... etc ELECTIONS COMING

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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A) Not journalists B) Hacks writing ideology masquerading as “news” We don’t have mainstream media we have mouthpieces controlled by corporate interests We do have an excellent independent news industry freely available written by real journalists The truth is there and voters should find it

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Yes indeed and perhaps we’re yet to hear about the deaths attributed to that heat dome as heat is a huge killer, but we’ve all seen the fires and the anomaly of an early tornado ripping across the Caribbean

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Australian gas companies control Australia's energy policies. They run this line every winter to "encourage" Australians to open new gas fields - Labor complies. The LNP IPA advocate breaking up our national institutions so the ACCC won't do anything and nuclear power We're the fools!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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As I read the other day - if this persisting record high pressure pattern were to occur in summer -as inevitably it will sometime - then we would all right now be in the middle of a HUGE problem. Climate change should be a national emergency ... but all I hear is silence and denial

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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What can we in Australia learn from the fall of American Republicanism? That MILLIONS of voters repeatedly, very deliberately, spent a decade since Abbott, embracing and embedding extreme right corruption and crime - the damage is deep and will persist for decades. Our values left destroyed.

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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No one wins now without stepping up and engaging - a harsh lesson awaits those who stay disengaged

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Young voters disengage because what hope are they being offered? The consequence is exactly what happened in America - and no one wins now without stepping up The lesson is, if they want a future, stop whinging and step up or lose everything Make and be the future they desperately need

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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We may be older but we understand the issues and values to be defended Our role is to pass those on to the younger generation - to hold hope, understand why and how to organise and to support them as they claim their heritage. Encourage them to step up!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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It seems that way! But what are the options? Give up or, re-commit to the values and principles we all thought we grew up with and meet the moment? Let's meet the moment - there will be many who agree!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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I agree, but ridding us of our 5th columnists is vital. I would expect Australian voters to kill AUKUS, grow some balls and demand a foreign policy reflecting our needs and values. The existential issues around climate change should be a priority that we will need all our resources for.

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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What's happened is terrifying .. What's to come hopefully, is a re-awakening of people's faith in democracy as an expression of their values and principles and a re-commitment to those values and principles. If not, it will be a dark, dystopian world for us who have to defend our own values

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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The only reason for Australians to be interested in America's plight is to learn from this. We too are stalked by the extreme right with the same playbook and goals - to subvert our democracy. Complacency let them win a coup. Be vigilant, block the extreme right at local, state and federal level

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Like any political movement it is going to need all decent Americans to organise the vote. That vote should be aimed across the board - cut out Republicans in local, state and federal elections. Aim for a Democrat Congress and Presidency. Demand a strengthened + protected Constitution

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Ah well … and you haven’t even got to catastrophic irreversible climate change yet then, have you.

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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“.. we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.” WOW - can it be any plainer!

Have yet to see decent Americans organising resistance

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Reposted by Gekko

Kevin Collins's avatar Kevin Collins
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The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Wow - great post! You’re the ONLY person I’ve read that actually gets the enormity of that decision It is done - a fait accompli. The coup has been successful. You are no longer a Republic Now - WHATS THE PLAN?

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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.. and that folks is the story of how the West was lost!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Let’s unpick that .. If we elect a diverse Parliament that is more widely inclusive of community views and makes it possible for government to actually follow a mandate - the extreme right will continue to stalk us all and divide us even further. Got it

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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A shout-out too to the names behind the scenes, in the political system that are never mentioned but who are even more dangerous and a threat to this country. When they burst out - watch out. NEVER forget what has happened in America - stay vigilant! The extreme right stalks us all - still

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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In Australia, the extreme right LNP IPA weakening the state by stealth by trying to breakup key institutions, NOT strengthening and empowering the key institutions we still have.

There's a reason why the extreme right continues to stalk Australians

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Don't think I haven't noticed A failed silent coup-in-progress by Morrison and Hurley, thwarted by elections .. A successful, completed silent coup that bought down the world's biggest Republic and turned it into a dictatorship ... "Schultz" Albanese's famous line, "I saw nuthin" Stay vigilant!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Alfred E. Neuman - back in the news again ... this time with a brain fart!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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All democracies are imperfect - some more so and some less so Democracies are a process and messy - they require close attention All we can do is give you an outsider’s perspective and even unasked for advice Vote Good luck!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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I too live in an imperfect democracy - believe me! Noone is being condescending ... if anything we are horrified at what has happening. We too are failed by our politicians. But what are the options? We are finding people in the community to represent us - not party politicians and we will vote

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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You had the J6 Committee, it gave you the answers. It needed voters out in the streets to compel timid politicians to act. Where were you all? A democracy needs active participation .. it doesn't work by itself. And yes, I understand the whole system is loaded etc VOTE!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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We do too. We had a decade of extreme right corruption, crime - and a silent coup-in-progress stopped by an election. People voting Its not a perfect solution, we have our own 5th columnists, there's more to do, we see the problem - and we see that voting again is our best option

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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And yet here you are. This problem has been decades in the making. There are no easy, quick fixes now. Inequality eats away at the heart of societies (not just yours) but complacency has fuelled it. Rationally, I'm expecting to see a Democrat dominated Congress and Presidency - and active voters

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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You have every reason to fear the future but the only real option now is to vote and remove Republicans in all local, state and federal elections. We're learning that lesson too - timid politicians, an extreme right stalking us, a system stacked in their favour. We will be voting next year

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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The Jan 6 Committee gave you what you needed to know to stop this getting to this point. I did not see American voters in the streets, outraged, demanding justice for treason. I saw American voters worrying about gasoline prices, not fascism. I saw you all marvel at performance, not substance

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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The number of Americans in social media who literally say that autocracy can only be fought with autocracy (civil war) is somewhat very alarming! A complete collapse in democracy!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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And your choice seems to civil war? I’m not American (you might/might not be) We also have the extreme right stalking us and currently a very weak government But keep watching .. I think you’ll find voting does make a difference It’s the best option America has

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Gob-smacking eh! First NACC refusing to prosecute corruption and crime. But then, Labor endorsing that and then refusing to provide any justice at all. ELECTIONS NEXT YEAR!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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Wait till it finally arrives when you're home ... they'll knock on the door and immediately declare you were not home to receive the delivery, slip a note into your letter box, take the parcel to a far off PO and run away - all before you get to the front door!

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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I see Australian gas companies are again running energy - and tax - policies. Labor are nowhere to be seen - they may have started their winter break early

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Gekko's avatar Gekko
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.. .and not just in Germany either. Many countries in Europe suffered under the Nazis and other countries suffered for decades under harsh extreme right dictatorships within living memory. As you suggest, those who forget their history are bound to repeat it

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