GT_Grackle's avatar


333 followers 185 following 52 posts

30s | Demi-Bi | Digital Artist | Börk🐺| 18+ Only please! I'm a Woofer who draws furries and tums! Video game, bird, & plant enthusiast. Always anxious and very sleepy...

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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I hate summer so much. Oh what's this? A heat wave? That's been going on like FOUR weeks now with NO end in sight!? My house is very old and has no A/C because it's not supposed to be hot here. My home is sweltering. D:< Getting a heat pump in two-ish weeks, so I can finally cool off and draw...

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Gosh Robin got a little carried away with his pump bulb! His tum is huge, but on the plus side he's acting as a fantastically comfy bed! Technically this is part 3 of the previous two pics. The POV was from this woofer. V: Heck, Cheeth air beds are just the best!

2 replies 19 reposts 57 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Wanted to do a POV picture of my cheetah dude Robin doin' a cheeky pump of his tum with his trusty puff bulb! Even though he's just begun, even a "slightly" filled tum looks good if I do say so myself! C:

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Oh heck it's Fernand the Fox and Hemlock the Caribou! Looks like they have a rather robust and fulfilling relationship. Especially the "full filling" part! Hoh~ I have decided to make them husbands. They're a cute couple! c: Also this is my first time drawing "the bits" too, I hope it looks okay!

2 replies 11 reposts 54 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

Johanna Taylor @ JULY 23 👻📖's avatar Johanna Taylor @ JULY 23 👻📖
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Courtesy of user @ xdanielArt on the former birdsite: This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of Adobe alternatives I’ve seen, sharing here to save an artist’s life, wallet and livelihood 🙏

33 replies 817 reposts 1240 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Gosh Robin got a little carried away with his pump bulb! His tum is huge, but on the plus side he's acting as a fantastically comfy bed! Technically this is part 3 of the previous two pics. The POV was from this woofer. V: Heck, Cheeth air beds are just the best!

2 replies 19 reposts 57 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Wanted to do a POV picture of my cheetah dude Robin doin' a cheeky pump of his tum with his trusty puff bulb! Even though he's just begun, even a "slightly" filled tum looks good if I do say so myself! C:

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Aaaand here is the alt, as is tradition, of Ingram on vacation! Sometimes -vanilla volleyball- gets boring, so why not spice it up with some helium! Imagine the heights this guy gets with those roo legs AND helium in the tum!

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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MORE ART? SO SOON!? You betcha! (I have a backlog gosh) Haven't drawn my WereRoo Ingram in a VERY long time. What's he been doing this whole time? Vacationing! Looks like he's picked up a new sport, seems appropriate for him. c:

1 replies 12 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Happy Pride Month everyone! C: I figure to start the month off I'd draw my favorite Poke couple Basil the Arcanine and Sage the Mightyena bein' all cute and stuff. Looks like Basil is utilizing his recently acquired -dad bod tum- and squishing Sage with love! Gosh his belly looks soft...

1 replies 11 reposts 44 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Aaaand here's the rounder sloshier alt because you know, it just had to happen.

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK forgor to post this V: Felt an OVERWHELMING desire to draw my favorite snarky space wolf being spicy in the shower! O'Donnell is like, my biggest villain crush, gosh he's handsome. Well, don't keep him waiting, get -in- there! *WINK WINK* (Rare-ish lewd art post, enjoy!)

1 replies 4 reposts 28 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

Tanio Foxsky @ AC's avatar Tanio Foxsky @ AC
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It was decided the mugs in the tavern just weren't big enough. 🍺 @yenocwolf (Twitter!)

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Felt it was time to update the ol' woofer and give him some clothes and new neck fluff! Oh and glasses because it looks good and I have just the worst eyesight. V: Gosh I love flannel shirts -and- coffee, they're super comfy.

3 replies 7 reposts 22 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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I'm starting a DADBOD series with my characters, so I used it as an excuse to draw my very old yeen, Talon! It's been over 2 (almost 3) years since I've drawn him! Since we last saw him, he's bulked up a LOT, he used to be so scrawny and smol. Now he's -THICC- and ~SWOLE~. c:

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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NON BELLY CONTENT!? D:< Yes, I wanted to draw a -wholesome intimate yet tasteful- picture. V: Here's Grackle the werewolf and Robin the cheetah having a tender moment in a mountain lake, I had a lot of fun drawing this, it helped me through a dark time. But GOSH drawing backgrounds is hard work.

6 replies 21 reposts 68 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Heckin haven't drawn the ol' gnoll in a while, it was time I dusted off Hawthorn and give him a good fwoomping. V: Looks like he's really enjoying himself, the more his tum stretches, the more stimulated he feels! He is VERY stimulated. I hope you enjoy the saucy gnoll pic! c:

2 replies 25 reposts 79 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK, looks like Crow the Were-Platinum-Fox got himself in a goofy predicament. V: Gotta be careful when picking up coins in strange labs owned by quirky soda enthusiasts! There's bound to be silly traps! Good thing he has a super stretchy tum, that carbonated bloating is gonna be a hoot later! C:

1 replies 16 reposts 65 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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After drawing a super heckin' cool Werefox, I had to draw him with a big ol tum! It looks like Crow the Were-Platinum-Fox has just finished a VERY fulfilling adventure. And by fulfilling, he just got done fighting some strawberry slimes and having a big feast at a tavern. All in all a great day!

3 replies 16 reposts 75 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK, I'm done moving, lots of rough stuff happened, but I am back and ready to art again! So here's a pic of my WerePlatinumFox (tm), Nicholas Crow! (I'll just call him Crow from now on). He's got his magic bow all ready to go, and the glowy flakes on his shoulder can be converted into arrows. C:

4 replies 7 reposts 33 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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(Repost because an error!) I had to do something slightly seasonably appropriate, so here's my reindeer Hemlock lovingly engorging his boyfriend, Fernand the fox with a comically oversized marinading syringe full of eggnog! It's fun, efficient and quirky! c:

1 replies 27 reposts 96 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK I've been lazy and never got around to posting this. D: I wanted to do a spicy POV picture, I hope it looks okay! Looks like Fernand the fox and Hemlock the caribou have taken their relationship to the next level. You could say they're pretty "pumped" about it! V: Happy New Year everyone!

2 replies 14 reposts 60 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Oh heck I'm supposed to be on hiatus for like 2 months (moving soon, aaaa-) but I did a doodle anyway. I:< I had an idea to do a picture like this, under view and all that. Didn't turn out exactly how I wanted but I'm still pretty chuffed with it! Can never go wrong with a sloshy werewolf tum. C:

2 replies 27 reposts 82 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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And here's that ~sloshy~ alt I'm sure you were expecting! Looks like Pica the Thievul used his alluring gaze to get you to offer him a hose so he can do what he does best! Pilfer your water, in his tum, as all good water thieves do! Though he's doing it rather sensually... What a strange lad.

1 replies 15 reposts 64 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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In traditional fashion I have forgotten to post pictures here. V: ANYHOOT, here's my Thievul Pica, laying in a rather alluring pose! It's been a while since I drew him, it was time. I hope he looks alright! Tried to draw this without references. D: And yes there's an... alt. V:

1 replies 10 reposts 41 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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When your Arcanine BF is bulking up for some -serious muscle building- and gets a bit of a belly in the process. V: Sage the Mightyena is mighty pleased to see his boyfriend's tum acquire a VERY pleasing shape! While embarrassed by the teasing, Basil the Arcanine is glad his partner is happy. c:

5 replies 15 reposts 67 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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OH HECK it's Ezio, my WereRacc, and it looks like he is practicing -totally- normal hydration habits. Hydration is super important after all! Will the city water people be mad about his blatant misuse of fire hydrant water? Maybe. Who's asking. Let. Him. Drink. I:<

4 replies 17 reposts 59 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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And here's that ~sloshy~ alt I'm sure you were expecting! Looks like Pica the Thievul used his alluring gaze to get you to offer him a hose so he can do what he does best! Pilfer your water, in his tum, as all good water thieves do! Though he's doing it rather sensually... What a strange lad.

1 replies 15 reposts 64 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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In traditional fashion I have forgotten to post pictures here. V: ANYHOOT, here's my Thievul Pica, laying in a rather alluring pose! It's been a while since I drew him, it was time. I hope he looks alright! Tried to draw this without references. D: And yes there's an... alt. V:

1 replies 10 reposts 41 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Oh my goodness a new character!? You betcha! His name is Galan, short for Galanthus (Snowdrop Plant, super appropriate Snep name I:<) I've been playing a lot of modded Valheim lately and my character is a super neat viking snep so I had to make a new character based off of him. C:

0 replies 11 reposts 33 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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AND here's some belly alts of Galan the Snep, full of mead and -super- sloshy! Though it seems the more he drank, the more clothes he lost. D: Now if someone could get him a couple barrels of water to help him sober up, that would be nice... (Please drink responsibly, don't drink whole ass kegs)

2 replies 16 reposts 54 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK, I forgot to post this. V: Here is a self indulgent piece of my woofer getting double pumped by his two favorite felines! Gosh was it hard drawing three characters all mushed up together, but I had fun with it! I hope you enjoy the growing wolf tum! :D

2 replies 18 reposts 55 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

Amanda Smith's avatar Amanda Smith
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As someone raised in the fires of early 00s forums, seeing furry art in feeds where I least expect it is like seeing wolves thriving in Yellowstone again. A healthy furry population is the sign of effective rewilding efforts.

63 replies 1634 reposts 4966 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK, I forgot to post this. V: Here is a self indulgent piece of my woofer getting double pumped by his two favorite felines! Gosh was it hard drawing three characters all mushed up together, but I had fun with it! I hope you enjoy the growing wolf tum! :D

2 replies 18 reposts 55 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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AND here's some belly alts of Galan the Snep, full of mead and -super- sloshy! Though it seems the more he drank, the more clothes he lost. D: Now if someone could get him a couple barrels of water to help him sober up, that would be nice... (Please drink responsibly, don't drink whole ass kegs)

2 replies 16 reposts 54 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Oh my goodness a new character!? You betcha! His name is Galan, short for Galanthus (Snowdrop Plant, super appropriate Snep name I:<) I've been playing a lot of modded Valheim lately and my character is a super neat viking snep so I had to make a new character based off of him. C:

0 replies 11 reposts 33 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK I've been lazy and never got around to posting this. D: I wanted to do a spicy POV picture, I hope it looks okay! Looks like Fernand the fox and Hemlock the caribou have taken their relationship to the next level. You could say they're pretty "pumped" about it! V: Happy New Year everyone!

2 replies 14 reposts 60 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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(Repost because an error!) I had to do something slightly seasonably appropriate, so here's my reindeer Hemlock lovingly engorging his boyfriend, Fernand the fox with a comically oversized marinading syringe full of eggnog! It's fun, efficient and quirky! c:

1 replies 27 reposts 96 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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HECK, I forgor to post this! D: I felt a mighty need to do somethin all saucy and ~smoochy~ so I drew my woofer pouncing and smoochin his favorite cat! Heck do I love a good smoochin. I:<

0 replies 6 reposts 24 likes

Reposted by GT_Grackle

Tiq (it/its)'s avatar Tiq (it/its)
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I don't want ai art around me I don't want ai text around me I've been surrounded by writers and artsy queer folks since I was a kid, and it's largely right wing driven attempt to push artsy queer folks out of the industry after stealing all their shit Keep it the fuck away from me

34 replies 622 reposts 1549 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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AAAAND here's what you REALLY wanted to see, a round and super suave confident fox. Fernand really gets a big boost of self esteem when he's... uh... rounder. Yeah! My goodness that look he's giving + glasses is just, yes please and thank you. V:

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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Oh HECK it's this guy! Fernand Von Phlox the Fox! I got super sick last week, during a big project, didn't draw, forgor how to draw, so I decided to kickstart the ol' braincell and draw this guy to get back into the whole art game. I hope you enjoy this THIN fox! (There is a roumbd alt coming up!)

1 replies 5 reposts 26 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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A bit of delay in the art department, I wanted to get something done before Thanksgiving, but I ended up getting the ~ stomach flu ~ :'D Right before a holiday all about eating. Fun times! I am feeling a bit better now though. I'll be back to drawing in no time.

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GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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More Cat Dudes? Heck yeah! I wanted to do a pic with my two favorite cat guys and decided to do a sandwiched between bellies thing... and so I drew it! :D I needed this. I:<

3 replies 18 reposts 76 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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I had a hankering to draw a fox getting a bit sloshy in a tub, as you do, and like -I- always do, I got super attached and now have another character in my ever growing roster of... characters. Goodness... His name is Fernand Von Phlox! I hope you enjoy his round and sloshy tum. c:

1 replies 13 reposts 72 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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I had a hankering to draw a fox getting a bit sloshy in a tub, as you do, and like -I- always do, I got super attached and now have another character in my ever growing roster of... characters. Goodness... His name is Fernand Von Phlox! I hope you enjoy his round and sloshy tum. c:

1 replies 13 reposts 72 likes

GT_Grackle's avatar GT_Grackle
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More Cat Dudes? Heck yeah! I wanted to do a pic with my two favorite cat guys and decided to do a sandwiched between bellies thing... and so I drew it! :D I needed this. I:<

3 replies 18 reposts 76 likes