Gunnar Luderer's avatar

Gunnar Luderer

221 followers 123 following 22 posts

Energy Researcher. Leader of Energy Systems Research at PIK. Professor of Global Energy Systems at TU Berlin. Working on strategies for a rapid transformation to climate-neutral energy systems.

Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Das Problem: Die Erreichung der Klimaziele für Gebäude und Verkehr in der direkten Verantwortung der Einzelstaaten. Gerade hier hat Deutschland besonders große Probleme. Es drohen Kosten in Milliardenhöhe für den Ankauf von Emissionsrechten aus anderen EU-Staaten, weil die Ziele verfehlt werden.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Auch für den Verkehr sind die Zahlen ernüchternd: Die Emissionen verbleiben auf zu hohem Niveau, die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel sind überlastet und werden nicht schnell genug ausgebaut, der Anteil von E-Autos bei Verkäufen stagniert, während 2023 über zwei Millionen Verbrenner neu zugelassen wurden

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Bei der Gebäudewärme führten milde Witterung und die Sparsamkeit der Verbraucher:innen zu Einsparungen. Die Sanierung von Häusern und Umstellung auf nicht-fossile Heizungen sind aber viel zu langsam. Besonders fatal: 2023 wurden 900.000 Gas- und Ölheizungen installiert - 40% mehr als im Vorjahr.

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Tom Brown's avatar Tom Brown
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Software engineer looking to contribute towards the energy transition? 🌞🌬️🔋

Come to TU Berlin and develop PyPSA, one of the leading open energy system tools. PyPSA is used around the world to model our path to climate neutrality.

Deadline: 15.3

Duration: 3 years

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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IMPORTANT: These results are still under review at a scientific journal.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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(4) Residual emissions are dominated by agriculture, industrial processes (e.g., cement), aviation and shipping. Developping technical carbon management options like CCS at a scale of around 200-300 MtCO2 is therefore essential to reduce or offset these emissions.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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(3) It will take time to scale up low-carbon hydrogen supply. However, H2 is a key ingredient for switching hard-to-abate applications like backup-power or chemicals production. In our scenarios, clean H2 contributes around 300-700 TWh, roughly 3-8% of final energy demand by 2040

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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(2) Electrification of hitherto non-electric energy demands allows the transport and buildings heating sectors to tap into the cheap and clean renewable power for replacing fossils. From 2030 onward almost all newly sold cars (and most trucks) are battery-electric.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Key points: (1) An almost entirely fossil-free power supply is of central strategic importance for reaching the 2040 target. This requires an up to 10-fold increase in solar PV and an up to 3-fold increase in wind power generation relative to 2022.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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To account for key uncertainties, the #EU2040 analysis is based on detailed simulations with an energy-economy-climate modelling system under varying assumptions technology and policy assumptions.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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EU's #DGClima is set to announce the target of reduciing the block's GHG emissions by 90% until 2040 rel to 1990 levels. Sounds ambitious? We performed a detailed analysis of the implications for the energy transition, available as a pre-print (!) here:

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Hard to believe this is still possible in 2023 on the international stage. Did they publish this online?

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Prof Niklas Höhne's avatar Prof Niklas Höhne
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COP28 just adopted this text now. Insufficient for climate emergency "Transitioning away from fossil fuels" is not the needed emergency break Large loopholes for fossil fuels in long term Not a clear signal for fossil phase out Not historic only the bare minimum

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Malte Kreutzfeldt's avatar Malte Kreutzfeldt
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In dieser Deutlichkeit ist das schon überraschend: Trotz Atomausstieg haben die fossilen Kraftwerke in Deutschland im dritten Quartal 2023 weitaus weniger Strom erzeugt als je zuvor.

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Je lauter die Branche über die Maut jammert, desto einfacher kann sie die Erhöhung der Preise kommunizieren. Insofern ist das nicht ganz unabhängig...

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Christopher Leisinger's avatar Christopher Leisinger
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Where does the EU stand with its climate policy? The Climate Action Progress Report 2023 and the EEA’s Trends and Projections report are clear: Current policies are insufficient. The implementation of Fit-for-55 is crucial. However, even with these efforts, more is still required. Here are the facts

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Reposted by Gunnar Luderer

Wolf-Peter Schill's avatar Wolf-Peter Schill
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1/ How's the renewable energy transition going in 🇩🇪? Find some new data in the OpenEnergyTracker created by and me.🧵

Zoomable graphs & data:

First, PV: For 2023, the 🇩🇪 government set a target of +9 GW. Target achieved already end of August✅

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Gibt es da nicht einen Bias, weil die ländlichen Regionen Auszählungen früher melden als die Großstädte?

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Gunnar Luderer's avatar Gunnar Luderer
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Hello #BlueSky! Great to see this grow so quickly into a viable replacement of the increasingly dysfunctional X-world :-)

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